
Chapter 592: Hold On… Something Seems Off

Chen Feng looked at the message he had received. "It’s finally here?"


With "war preparations" as the excuse, I delayed the ancient race’s war against the humans. Yesterday, one fellow apprentice from the Land of Legacy arrived and forced the start of this war.

Regards, Qin Hai.


This was the final message he had received from Qin Hai. Perhaps Qin Hai was unable to maintain communication with Chen Feng since his fellow apprentices were around. However, this single message was sufficient to express what Qin Hai wanted to say: the ancient race could be delayed no longer.

This race that was much stronger than the devil race, that had become even stronger after being feminized, was finally coming for the humans despite the fact that they as a race had no future. This was a race whose entire population was now female. As such, they would no longer have future generations and were fated to vanish among the annals of history. However, the ancient race did not seem bothered at all by this.

They battled as usual; they warred as usual.

"Ancient race..."

Chen Feng frowned. He truly couldn’t make sense of the ancient race’s actions. Under normal circumstances, when a race no longer had a future, they wouldn’t bother putting forth the effort to continue expanding their territory. At a time like this, shouldn’t they focus on solving their problems with reproduction instead?

Chen Feng could not make any sense of this. He had once asked Qin Hai, yet even Qin Hai himself hadn’t understood it. The ancient race’s disregard for the reproduction issue was the first factor that was threatening humanity. The second factor was the Land of Legacy. The ancient race’s biggest threat was not their army. After the beyond X gene reagent, after Master Spirit Developer, humanity’s combat power had increased greatly. Humanity definitely had no rivals apart from the ancient race. If the humans had to face the ancients in a war, there was nothing to be afraid of.

However, what posed the greatest threat to the humans was the Land of Legacy. The ancients there were fully beyond A class. Even a normal disciple there was a peak beyond A class. Even stronger were the ancients with a diamond in their foreheads.

These people seemed to be the special ones among the ancient race. They were extremely powerful, and apart from the power they had from being peak beyond A classes, the diamond on their foreheads granted them special abilities as well. These people were the actual backers of the ancient race. They were also the ancient race’s strongest fighting force. There was also that master of theirs, the old fellow that had yet to appear as of now.

"Seems like I have to take a trip to the ancient race," Chen Feng muttered. He was clear that only destroying the Land of Legacy would truly stop the advance of the ancient race. But then, even he himself had no confidence in doing that. Based on his guesses, since all the disciples of the Land of Legacy were already peak beyond A class and each of them had a unique ability, their master was most definitely an S class.

Could he truly defeat that S class? Chen Feng hadn’t been in S class for long. Even he himself lacked understanding on his present strength. What was the special characteristic of an S class? Transformation of their entire person into energy. Apart from that? Chen Feng was clueless. What were the abilities of an S class? What was the energy used by an S class? Chen Feng couldn’t answer any of these questions. Apart from using all the abilities he’d had prior to his advancement, were there any special abilities a person would gain after entering S class?

S class was a realm beyond all others. This was an entirely new power system in itself. As such, all research done during the Genetic Era proved completely unhelpful here. Perhaps it would truly be more apt to call this realm "the awakened" rather than calling it S class.

"Awakened," Chen Feng muttered. Since the people of the Twin Horns World had used that name for this realm, it was most certainly a suitable name. If so, what had an awakened person awakened, exactly?

Still, Chen Feng had no answers. The things he needed to learn were way too many. At present, he was akin to an infant trying to walk unsteadily, staggering along the world of awakened ones. As for that person in the Land of Legacy, he might be a true awakened. How was Chen Feng supposed to defeat such a person? Chen Feng started recalling all his abilities and stopped at God Punisher.

Perhaps... he still had some chance of victory.

Even though he lacked understanding of the power system of the awakened ones, at the very least, his energy should have leveled up to that of an awakened one as well after his breakthrough. If so, if God Punisher was unleashed... a God Punisher at the level of an awakened one, to instantaneously unleash a boundless power with an unknown amount of amplification... This might enable him to fight it out with that old man.

Chen Feng clenched his fists. "I can only do this, then."

Shua! Shua!

His wristband buzzed. Chen Feng looked at the received messages.

At a certain location, the ancients had arrived. War erupted there...

A certain location had seemingly fallen into the enemy’s hands, yet suddenly, an unnamed expert appeared and beat the ancients back...

At a certain location, the ancients were slaughtering wantonly...


For the first time, the borders of humanity were clashing with the ancients. Those fellows that greatly resembled humans appeared without stop from the darkness. Walking out of the unknown regions, they initiated their first full-scale war against humans.

Surpassing even their wildest imaginations, just as the war started, something happened. This was an extremely huge incident. At a certain location, a certain ancient expert entered a human city. After defeating the experts of that city, she obtained control over that city. And after that... she raped all the males there. Not a single one of the defending soldiers there escaped.


Humanity was dumbstruck. Everyone in the nearby towns was dumbstruck. The entire online community was dumbstruck as well. At present, the war had only touched the borders of human territory. Those in the inner region couldn’t understand this at all. This was especially true for those that were far from the front lines, well protected within the core regions of human territory.

"Holy shit, something like this actually happened?"

"The ancients are actually this cruel?"

"Just imagine being raped by those ugly freaks... good gracious..."

They were endlessly alarmed. However, after photographs of the invaders were uploaded online, everyone was stupefied.

It was at this moment that the masses discovered something shocking. Every ancient was female! Moreover, with their formidable strength, there was an aura of spirituality around them. Each of them had a remarkable demeanor and extreme beauty.

"This is the ancient race?"

"Is this for real? Aren’t they supposed to be ugly?"

"The devils are the ugly ones. These ancients are instead astonishingly beautiful."


"Hold on, didn’t they conquer a certain city before? Why have they..."

"I heard that the ancient race is a kingdom of females."


Everyone’s eyes widened. No males? Did that not mean...

"This is actually the ancient race?"

"This is too excessive. These ancients are truly inhuman. Please give me their address. I shall personally visit them and criticize their actions."

"I demand to fight on behalf of humanity. I shall also go to the front lines and criticize them for this."

"Upvoting the poster above."

"Upvoting the poster above endlessly."

A huge number of pictures depicting the ancient race were uploaded. Alarming everyone, each of the ancients was an extremely beautiful young lady. From the north to the south to even the eastern coasts... the online community was thoroughly captivated.

Although the ancients were powerful, they were seemingly aware of their limited population. As such, they had never planned to kill off the humans. So long as those humans surrendered, the ancients would accept it. The only thing they would do was capture a huge amount of humans. After this news spread, countless genetic warriors started submitting applications to go to the front lines, to battle for humanity!

As the people of the Strategy Department saw the applications that had increased several hundred times in a single day, they were stupefied.

Tian Xie applying for a transfer to the front lines...

Mu Zi applying for a transfer to the front lines...

Jiu Tian applying for a transfer to the front lines...

Xu Fei applying for a transfer to the front lines...



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