
Chapter 989 - True Spirit Body

Since everything had been planned by Lin Xingzhi, Evelyn decided to play her role. She glared at the Palm God and released her killing intent.

"Who are you?!"

"Such a funny thing to ask. Did that certain someone not tell you anything?" The Palm God smiled. "He didn\'t even tell you anything about his rival."

Evelyn furrowed her eyebrows. "Rival?"

"Yes. You don\'t know we are rivals in the past?"

At this point, Evelyn only believed in Lin Xingzhi, not someone who suddenly kidnapped her. However, she kept her act consistent to prevent the Palm God from realizing everything was a fact.

"Whose rival?"

"Who else? It\'s Alexander Sirius. I have gotten your information. You have been chasing him even though he doesn\'t think of you as a woman. He keeps making a line between both of you."

"Wrong?!" Evelyn slammed the table, glaring at the Palm God with anger.

"I am not wrong. As I said, I have read all your information, so I know how you feel."

"No, you are wrong!" Evelyn gritted her teeth. "He is not like that!"

"Really? Then tell me an instance where he allows you to do something to advance your relationship." The Palm God had a confident smile.

"I…" Evelyn looked down, couldn\'t answer him.

"I have a proposal for you. I can help you become his wife." The Palm God stretched his hand.

If Evelyn wanted it, she would take it. Unfortunately, Evelyn didn\'t take his hand but with a curious expression.

This was what he wanted. He finally showed a few of his cards. "I am known as the Palm God, a God King. In this universe, there are only a few people like me. That\'s why Eulja won\'t be able to fight me that easily since I have a huge force behind me.

"If I start pressuring them, I am sure they will agree. Considering your previous relationship, Alexander Sirius won\'t be able to escape from this and finally make you his wife. My demand is simple. For you to become my child.

"So, how is it? Will you still chase him, knowing that he will only disappoint you? Or acknowledge me as your father, and I will help you become his wife?" The Palm God stretched his hand again.

Evelyn fell silent for a few minutes as if she thought about it seriously. She raised her hand and was about to take his hand.

However, the Palm God felt powerful energy coming from the side and released his power before the spaceship shook. An explosion occurred but soon died due to the lack of Oxygen.

"What just happened?" Evelyn shouted as if she was scared.

The speaker above them suddenly let out a voice, warning everyone onboard.

"Emergency. We found thirteen people near our ship. And…And…The one leading them is none other than the Nature Goddess, Lin Xingzhi!"

The Palm God gasped before looking at Evelyn. He didn\'t know whether this girl had done something or not because he had confiscated her Space Ring. And with Evelyn\'s scared expression that basically told him that she didn\'t know anything, he believed this was the power of Eulja.

In other words, he really underestimated Eulja. He then gathered his power and asked out loud, ringing everyone\'s ears in the spaceship. "Report the damage!"

"The barrier managed to block the attack due to your excellency\'s energy that reinforced the defense."

The speaker informed him again.

At first, he planned to have Evelyn become his daughter, so Eulja and Alex couldn\'t do anything at all. But he never expected the negotiation to be disturbed.

He grabbed Evelyn\'s wrist and dragged her outside the spaceship, finding all those thirteen people. He was then followed by a hundred God Rank Experts above Rank 6 God. Not long after that, around a thousand God Rank Experts below Rank 6 God made their appearance, protecting the ship.

"Lin Xingzhi…" The Palm God gritted his teeth.

"I never thought that your obsession had become this absurd. To think you kidnapped my sister." Lin Xingzhi brushed her hair and looked down on him.

The entire group was completely baffled when they witnessed the appearance of the Nature Goddess. Her beauty was one that they couldn\'t describe, but her strength was something they feared. They simply looked at her in awe, wondering why she actually came here.

As soon as they heard about her sister, they were baffled. The Time God only had a daughter, so there shouldn\'t be any sister. In other words, this sister of hers was a different kind of sister.

They then looked at the Palm God, who seemed to be grasping that girl.

"Too much is something bad. Do you…A God King actually not understand that idiom?" Lin Xingzhi asked.

"What are you implying?!"

"You are too obsessed with my late husband. That might become your doom one day." Lin Xingzhi shook her head helplessly. "Do you need me to spell it for you?"

"You!" Of course, the Palm God knew about it, but the temptation was too big. He just wanted to win in this rivalry that was only him recognizing it. "Your Eulja is also too overbearing!"

"I am sorry. We are not overbearing. We just protect every single person in Eulja\'s territory, especially our own family." Lin Xingzhi smiled. "But I do agree with your claim. And we paid it dearly when my late husband died."

Even though the Palm God wanted to shout about Alexander Sirius that had reincarnated, he stopped himself, knowing that every plan of his would fail if he told it right now. After all, there were still so many eyewitnesses here.

It was also the reason why Lin Xingzhi kept saying her "late husband" despite knowing the current condition.

He himself didn\'t want to make it known because many worlds would start paying attention to this matter. The moment Alex\'s name was well known, his chance would disappear completely and it would be impossible to get a second chance.

Whatever he did, he could do nothing other than hiding it. Even so, the conflict didn\'t end here.

He shouted. "I have her here. Comply with my request, and I will let her go!"

Lin Xingzhi obviously didn\'t buy it. She simply snorted and released her killing intent.

"As I said earlier, I do admit that Eulja was overbearing to protect our own. That\'s why I am not going to repeat the same mistake. If "he" could give up people under him and chose to increase his power instead, he wouldn\'t die.

"That\'s why I am not going to make the same mistake here. She might be important to him, but it doesn\'t matter to me. To protect him, I will do whatever I need to do!"

Lin Xingzhi\'s speech rang on his ears, shocking his heart.

She suddenly raised her hand, pointing her palm toward the Palm God.

What happened next baffled everyone. They never saw something like this. The outer space that shouldn\'t have anything slowly turned brighter and brighter.

It turned out that a fireball was formed out of nowhere.

Only the Palm God recognized this attack and shouted. "Are you insane?!"

Lin Xingzhi ignored him and channeled her power even more. The Spiritual Energy flowed to the fireball, creating something even more amazing than a Divine Technique.

It was an Elemental Disturbance. Lin Xingzhi just created an artificial sun in Outer Space. Although it was supplied by her Divine Energy, no one could be more shocked than ever.

Her control over Spiritual Energy alone was enough to cause a disturbance that could only appear naturally.

Everyone thought of the same thing when they witnessed this.

\'So, this is the Nature Goddess!\'

"I will show you if I mean it or not…" Lin Xingzhi said coldly before releasing the artificial sun. "Fallen Star."

The sun flew toward the Palm God. He involuntarily released Evelyn and moved slightly from the ship, knowing that it would destroy the ship if they got hit.

The people could already feel the overbearing heat from the sun and clenched their teeth. When they were about to make a move, the Palm God already made his move to protect them. A God King\'s opponent would always be another God King.

The Palm God raised both hands before two giant palms appeared next to the sun.

"Sovereign Palm."

The two palms smacked the sun until it disappeared as if he just killed a mosquito with his hands.

"Fu." The Palm God finally felt a bit relaxed after it was gone.

The people behind him instantly cheered for him, showing their enthusiasm. They felt safe behind the Palm God and almost forgot the fact that their leader was also a God King, the same as Lin Xingzhi. They didn\'t need to fear her anymore.

"You! Are you going to make war?!"

"Isn\'t that your plan? Since you want a war, I don\'t mind giving you one…Even if it means risking the entire life of Eulja." Lin Xingzhi smiled.

"You are insane!" The Palm God shouted.

"I am not. I have said it earlier, I will show you if I am telling you the truth or not. We are protective people after all."


What made the Palm God couldn\'t comprehend was the fact that Evelyn appeared behind Lin Xingzhi and the others.

He then realized what just happened while glancing at Evelyn\'s previous location, confirming that she wasn\'t there anymore.

As soon as he released her and faced Lin Xingzhi\'s attack that required his full attention, Evelyn did something to teleport herself to Lin Xingzhi. Of course, there wasn\'t a thought about the Inventory and thought she actually had another place to store that Teleportation Array Plate.

Either way, Evelyn had escaped from him successfully.

"Your offer is certainly amazing. However, I only knew you a few hours ago…And the fact that you kidnapped me, I just can\'t believe whatever you said. Besides, his promise is better than yours." Evelyn looked away.

"Nice speech. Old man, take care of her, will you?"

"Haiz, you always make this old bone works hard…"

The Palm God fell silent. His face was pale. He thought he wouldn\'t get found for a while until Evelyn agreed to the terms, but it turned out Eulja managed to get to his location faster than he could ever imagine. Without even thinking about it, he knew that Lin Xingzhi would go rampage today. Everything she claimed earlier was a lie just to direct his attention, so Evelyn could escape.

Thinking about this, there was a big chance that the spaceship would be destroyed. However, he still had hope.

"Do you think you can fight all the God Rank Experts I bring today?! Let\'s talk about this calmly. We will be able to reach a conclusion." The Palm God still hadn\'t given up.

This made Lin Xingzhi annoyed and released all of her Divine Energy. "It seems I haven\'t made it clear. Peace was never an option."

"Hoho…As expected from the daughter of that Time God." The old man who kept asking her question in the meeting laughed before closing his eyes for a second. When he opened it again, his white eyes became silver, and it started glowing.

"Let this old man start the show." The old man smiled as he put down his glasses. A cross made of yellow light formed behind his back, and his power increased exponentially. "True Spirit Body. Four Light Authorities. First Authority, Life."

The first side of the cross shone and transmitted a light ball for each of them. The group\'s strength increased too, like how Anya\'s power worked.

The old woman that sat beside him before smiled. "I should follow suit."

"Yeah." A green-haired middle-aged man with a muscular body nodded.

"Haha…This old man can\'t retire yet." A yellow-haired old man sighed.

"Don\'t be like that. It has been thousands of years since all of us fight together, so have a bit more motivation, will you?" Another middle-aged man laughed, trying to cheer them up.

"Fufu, you all are getting along." A gentle middle-aged woman smiled. "Let\'s go then?"

The five of them smiled as they chanted.

"True Spirit Body."

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