
Chapter 175 This Night

If he had enough confidence in his immunity to pretty women, he couldn’t wait to swear that he would never leave Ling Yun for a lifetime.

Even so, he immediately took out the jade carving prepared for Ling Yun and gave it to her like a hospitable waiter.

With surprise flashing in her pretty eyes, Ling Yun watched the life-like jade carvings and could hardly bear to put it down, "Ah, is it me? Is it carved by you?"

"Exactly, it is carved by me, but it can definitely show one ten-thousandth of your charm."

Ding Ning showed off complacently.

Ling Yun handed him the jade carving with joy, took off the platinum necklace on her neck and ordered him, "Help me string it into the necklace and put the necklace on me."

"Yes, my Master Yun!"

Ding Ning was in a good mood, helping her string it into the necklace and putting the necklace on her.

"Is it good-looking?"

Seeing him peeping at her neck, Ling Yun didn’t know if he was looking at the jade carving or looking at her chest. She felt pleasantly sweet and asked charmingly.

"More than just good-looking. Your skin is smooth like butter, and the jade carving is emerald green. They bring out the best in each other. My honey is so beautiful."

Ding Ning quoted a simile and flattered her.

"Who is your honey? You must be dreaming."

Ling Yun glared at him charmingly, while feeling pleasantly sweeter. This guy called her honey. It seemed that she was not far from being Ms. Ding legally.

"You will be my honey sooner or later, and no one can stop that."

Ding Ning waved his hand and said heroically.

"Remember what you said today. If you dare to leave me, I promise to perish with you."

Ling Yun said, seeming to be joking or threatening, which made Ding Ning’s blood run cold. This woman was really ruthless.

However, such a threat did not have any effect on him. Anyway, he had no intention of abandoning Ling Yun in his life, but at most having more wives.

Therefore, he magnanimously pointed his three finger straight up and said with a chuckle, "Don’t worry, honey. I am swearing to God that I will not leave you in this life, unless you leave me first. If I violate the oath, I will die from a car accident, being choked by water, choked by food..."

Ding Ning said in an increasingly lower voice. This tough girl really had a brain circuit different from that of ordinary people, and didn’t keep to the rules.

In the TV series, as soon as the hero swore to God, the heroine would hurry to cover his mouth and affectionately say "I trust you".

However, Ling Yun not only did not mean to stop him and listened to him with great interest while blinking her big eyes, but also took out her mobile phone to record it. She did not act according to the script?

"I will die from drowning when swimming, and be struck by lightning in rainy days... In short, I am finished."

As Ding Ning said, he felt his blood run cold and terrified. Was it possible that she planed to record it and show it to any woman with whom she found out that he had an ambiguous relationship?

He thought, "This is a complete evidence of crime. I’m done. I’m done. I accidentally let her get the evidence of my promise. My Shen Muqing, my Xiao Nuo, my Mu Yanran, my goblin... Ah."

Ling Yun giggled, smugly put away the phone and saved the record, "This is the evidence. If you dare to break your promise and leave me, I will upload it online and thus to make everyone know that you loved me and left me and make you the unwelcome contemporary Chen Shimei."

Ding Ning secretly wiped his cold sweat, and secretly muttered with a sneer, "Fortunately, this girl did not completely block my art path of pursuing beauty. She’s not that merciless."

With sparkle in her pretty eyes, Ling Yun completely knew about his thought and secretly sighed, "This is my fate to fall in love with a heart-breaker."

Ding Ning intelligently shifted the topic and told Ling Yun that he suspected Liu Junwei had planned this.

Ling Yun nodded on the surface, but Ding Ning knew that she didn’t believe it at all, so he didn’t say more. After all, it was only a speculation, and no one would believe it without evidence.

In particular, although Ling Yun didn’t like Liu Junwei, he had left a not bad impression on her. If he said more, he would definitely make her feel that he was narrow-minded and deliberately discrediting Liu Junwei.

Forget it. He could prove it to her after finding the evidence. Xiaocui had sent him feedback. The woman surnamed Sun had a problem indeed, but it still couldn’t be confirmed whether Liu Junwei was the person she talked to.

This night, in a bar, Xiao Nuo got drunk, and Xiaoyao accompanied her to shed a lot of tears. If it were not for the remaining sense which enabled them to call the Qian Family and ask them to send someone to pick them up, they would have been picked up by strangers.

This night, Dai Zhefeng, Huzi and Mosquito also got drunk, and something that should not happen had happened among them, which changed some situation!

This night, Qin Canglan did not get what he wanted. Dai Zhefeng, who was preoccupied by troubles, only kept drinking with no interest in talking to him, which made him very disappointed. After his subordinate told him that they had found the wolf kid’s trace, he hurriedly left.

This night, shortly after Qin Canglan’s departure, Bai Qing greeted Dai Zhefeng and others and then left. Compared with making friends with this Yan Jing childe who was still unable to cause enough attention of his, he was more interested in the person who framed Ding Ning.

This night, Shen Muqing who had practiced the Sutra of Cultivating Spirit felt her body unprecedentedly relaxed, but her mood extremely depressed. She would rather be sick than lose Ding Ning in this way, but with too much helplessness, she was destined to make such a choice.

This night, there were more than one group of people shadowing the woman surnamed Sun. In addition to Bai Qing’s subordinates, there were Knife Scar and his fellows. After being dumped by Ding Ning during his trip to Gusu, they became smarter and secretly protected him. They reported what had happened in Mingshi to Ding Qianlie immediately. Ding Qianlie decisively ordered them to investigate the woman surnamed Sun and stay out of it as long as it did not endanger Ding Ning’s life.

This night, the Qian Family held an emergency meeting to collect information on Ding Ning and Xiao Nuo. Although they did not find out the Xiao Nuo’s background, only her identity as the captain of the criminal police corps was enough to horrify the Qian Family. The Fourth Childe of Qian Family was severely punished and grounded for one month.

This night, in front of the tomb of a lonely old man surnamed Ye, the wolf kid Ye Tianlang showed great combat power under the encirclement of hundreds of people. He struggled to fight his way and disappeared, which gave the Qin Family a loud slap again. However, he didn’t kill anyone uncharacteristically this time, which made Qin Canglan quite puzzled.

This night, hundreds of elusive gray-clad men sneaked into Ninghai and searched for all traces in Black Rat’s strongholds which were located in Ninghai and had been destroyed. But they were ambushed by a group of black-clad men. Both sides fought fiercely and dispersed after alarming the patrolling police.

This night, more than a dozen strong men with obvious Southeast Asian facial features quietly entered Ninghai, rapidly dispersed to live in major hotels and act like big-spenders.

This night, a lot of unknown things had happened in the darkness of peaceful Ninghai. It was destined that this cosmopolitan metropolis was turbulent and would soon be surging vigorously.

But this night, Ding Ning knew nothing about what happened outside. With Ling Yun in his arms, he comfortably entered a deep sleep state.

Meanwhile, Ling Yun tossed and turned restlessly, finding it difficult to fall sleep. Looking at Ding Ning from time to time and looking at the jade carving on her chest, she sometimes frowned, sometimes felt delighted, sometimes felt sad, sometimes was coquettish, sometimes was resentful... It wasn’t until dawn broke and she felt sleepy that she fell asleep.


In the No.0 of Half Bay Villa, when Bai Qing was reading the newspaper and eating breakfast, the mobile phone on the dining table suddenly rang.

Bai Qing took the mobile phone handed over by Jiang Yimeng without raising his head and pressed the pick up key, "Hello, who am l talking to?"

"Childe Bai, where are you?"

On hearing Ding Ning’s voice over the phone, Bai Qing stopped his movement, picked up a napkin to wipe his mouth and said with a smile, "Buddy, can I help you?"

"Yeah, I won’t bother you in the early morning if I’ve nothing to talk with you. Where are you? Let’s talk after meeting."

Ding Ning sounded very relaxed and seemed to be in a good mood.

Bai Qing looked at his watch and thought for a while, "Okay, see you in Tiangong Entertainment half an hour later."

"Well, bring money with you, and I’ll give you a present."

Ding Ning left an inexplicable word and hung up the phone.

"Give me a present? And I need to bring some money? Is he going to sell or give it to me?"

Hearing the phone hanging up in astonishment, Bai Qing could not help but shake his head and laughed.

There was sparkle in Jiang Yimeng’s eyes. She sneaked a glance at the phone when handing it to Bai Qing, and knew that it was Ding Ning calling.

She thought that Bai Qing only appreciated this guy, but didn’t expect that Bai Qing would call him buddy intimately. It made her decide immediately that she must pay attention to this guy.

Tiangong Entertainment had just been established for a few years, but miraculously became the top 10 entertainment company in China. Its unique castle-style architectural style also became a landmark building in Ninghai, but a few people knew that the big boss behind Tiangong Entertainment was Bai Qing.

The reason why Bai Qing asked Ding Ning to meet here was that Bai Qing was coming to the company to have a meeting where they discussed the publicity activities of Jiang Yimeng’s upcoming personal tour concert. He planned to promote Jiang Yimeng to a higher level and make her, who was a current A-list star, a diva.

Jiang Yimeng was somewhat disappointed. She thought that she could meet Ding Ning. Unfortunately, Bai Qing didn’t give her the chance, but asked the bodyguards to send her to the company. He got in Ding Ning’s car without putting on airs, closed the door and had a private conversation with Ding Ning.

"Have a look at this, how much is it worth?"

Without saying anything else, Ding Ning directly took out the peach that he rushed back to the courtyard in western suburbs this morning to carve.

"Glass Type?"

Bai Qing’s eyes lit up. His father’s birthday was coming. He hadn’t found the present with which he was satisfied after considering many presents, and he was worried about that.

The peach carved with the jade of Glass Type was the best gift tailored for his father. He could not wait to take it and look at it.

To be honest, Bai Qing could tell at his first glance that it was not the top Imperial Green among the jade of Glass Type, because the green distribution was not very uniform.

But the rarest thing was that the jade carving master made full use of the uneven distribution of green to raise the artistic conception of the peach to the level of the top imperial green.

There were two pieces of green peach leaves under the peach. The peach itself was crystal clear and faintly green, and the tip of the peach was the greenest. It was an artwork where the uneven green had been fully utilized.

It could be said that this carving skill was absolutely perfect so that it raised the peach to the level of the imperial green. It was definitely a famous artwork that would be handed on from age to age. Its artistic value far exceeded the value of the material.

Bai Qing liked this peach at his first glance and believed that it would definitely take the first place on his father’s birthday party.

"It’s not carved with the imperial green, but the wonderful carving skill has raised the peach to the level not inferior to the fully imperial green. This peach can be considered invaluable. Buddy, name your price."

With sparkle in his eyes, Bai Qing fixedly stared at Ding Ning, and had made up his mind that he must take it no matter how much it cost.

"Do you like it? If you like it, I’ll give it to you."

Ding Ning smiled, not taking it seriously.

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