
Volume 3, Final : Wind of Spring

Volume 3, Final Chapter: Wind of Spring

Fort Astra Felixus’ Private Quarters

The candle flickered in the middle of the night. However, the tightly closed windows should have kept the night wind out. Felixus slowly closed the book he was reading, and asked without turning back:

“What brings you here at this hour of the night? And can you refrain from barging in uninvited? If you get caught by the guards, I will not lend you a hand.”

“I won’t make such a retarded mistake. That aside, there’s an emergency report.”

“Sigh… you guys are always doing things one sidedly. Can’t you spare a thought for others?”

Felixus sighed and turned his chair to the middle aged man standing at the door. The lower half of his face was covered with a cloth, and he was dressed in black garb. At a glance, his attire was similar to that of the Heat Haze, but the air about him was different. He had the heavy and sharp aura unique to those in the assassination business over long years.

“I will begin then. Recently, we have confirmed a survivor of the Abyss Clan that should have been purged. We, the Asura clan, can’t leave this be. So you have to aid us.”

The man said as if all that was obvious. The Abyss Clan and Asura Clan had a long history dating back to ancient times. That was all Felixus knew.

“Just how long are you people going to keep on doing this? Your contract with the True King was several centuries ago. Or is that King an immortal, and is still alive and kicking?”

The last part is a joke, but that man didn’t react when he heard that.

“The King is of no importance to us. For Asura, the contract is everything. Even if the era has changed.”

—Asura’s phantom.

That was what Felixus called them in his heart. They were fanatics of the contract who were bent on wiping out the descendents of the Abyss Clan.

“Whatever, it has nothing to do with me. Are you done? The door’s that way.”

Felixus pointed to the door, but the man showed no intention of leaving, and said impatiently:

“The noble blood of the Asura flows in your veins, so this involves you too. And have the purest bloodline to be the next clan head. Be aware of your position.”

“You all decided that yourself, I have no reason to oblige. I didn’t ask to be the descendant of an assassin.”

The Sieger house was famous for serving the Emperor over the generations. However, only the head of the house, Felixus, knew that they were the scions of the legendary Asura assassin clan. His sister Luna, butler Klau and even the Emperor Ramza didn’t know about this.

“That again, huh. We didn’t want to tap on your powers either, but the target this time is difficult. If you understand, then give us a hand.”

“I refuse. I have my obligations as an Imperial Tri-General, and don’t have time for your childish assassination games.”

“—So you won’t accept no matter what?”

The man’s voice deepened.

“I already said the same thing plenty of times.”

Felixus slapped the railing impatiently. The man raised the corners of his lips with a malicious smile:

“… If I recall correctly, your sister is named Luna, right? I heard she resembles you, and is a pretty—”

“Shut up. Another word and I will kill you right here.”


The candlelight flickered. The man backdashed when he saw Felixus’ seething anger. He placed his hand on the short sword on his waist, and watched Felixus warily.

Felixus was usually calm and composed, but would lose his cool if the people close to him got involved.

“… I will use this chance to make this clear. Your people can do whatever you want, I have no intention of getting in your way. But if you lay your hands on my kins or acquaintances, I will wipe out your entire clan.”

The man’s face turned pale when he heard that. He knew very well that Felixus was capable of doing that.

“Ugh… I understand. You don’t need to help, but don’t get in our way either.”

With that, the man rest his hand on the door. But he seemed to remember something and turned back.

“Anything else?”

“—This probably concerns the Imperial Tri-General, so I will let you know about this.”

“I don’t—”

“The name of that Abyss Clan member is Olivia Valedstorm. A Major in the Farnesse Kingdom.”


Felixus almost gasped out loud, but managed to hold it in.

“—From your reaction, I presume you have heard of her?”

The man looked at him dubiously. Not only had Felixus heard of her, she was a great threat to the Imperial Army. The girl known as the Death God. She was the main reason behind the Crimson Knights’ defeat.

“… That’s sort of right.”

“I see…”

The man answered off handedly and left the room without any noise. The Asura didn’t care about the Empire, and only focused on carrying out their contract. They weren’t interested in how much a threat Olivia was to the Imperial Army.

Felixus sighed and leaned back on his chair.

(I never thought she would be a descendant of the Abyss Clan… No wonder she’s so strong. The Seventh Army probably won’t attack Fort Astra, but I will meet her on the battlefield one day. I have no intentions of helping them, but this is probably our destiny.)

—The Abyss Clan and Asura

—Olivia and Felixus.

As if everything was preordained, the two of them couldn’t escape from crossing fate.

Felixus got up from his chair and slowly opened the window. A flash of lightning turned the room white.

A gust of wind blew through Felixus’ hair.

“The wind of Spring, huh…”

Felixus’ mutter disappeared into the darkness along with the candlelight—

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