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Chapter 326 – Witness to History

Chapter 326 – Witness to History

Witness to History

King Allegro’s Treasure Chest still sat there, a magic item that could neither be opened nor moved, bathing in the light of the magic spotlight. Destroying it was not an option either, as the expensive gems embedded on it might get destroyed as well.

A sanctuary once stood here, housing the treasure chest. War almost burned the place down, yet the chest still remained intact. The sanctuary was transformed into a storehouse after reparations, and later on would become a museum.

「All right. Let’s begin.」Hikaru said.

「Very well. I will be here, watching.」

The staff stood behind Hikaru, wearing a gentle smile. Hikaru already knew what was going on in the man’s mind: “I have to console him once he fails”. Somehow it felt awkward.

Whatever, Hikaru thought. No point in worrying about him.



「Place your right hand on this gem. Then this red ruby. Lavia.」

「I know. Left hand on the sapphire, and right hand on the diamond.」

「Yup. Make sure you don’t touch the pedestal. Just the gems.」

Paula and Lavia stood at both sides, as though carrying the treasure chest.

「I see. Yes, you’d think the gems are buttons. But that’s not it. Not at all.」the staff said.

Man, this dude’s annoying, Hikaru thought. Just ignore him.

「The order is: Paula’s left hand, Lavia’s right hand, Paula’s right hand, then Lavia’s left hand.」


「You got it.」

「All right. Here goes nothing. Let’s start with Paula’s left hand.」

Paula’s expression changed. Hikaru could see a small amount of mana flowing from her left hand to the gem.

「Lavia’s right hand.」


Mana flowed from Lavia’s right hand as well, just like Paula’s.

「Paula’s right hand.」

「Yes, sir.」

「Lavia’s left hand.」


So far, nothing had changed. The gems simply absorbed mana—or so it seemed. Nothing changed on the outside, but Hikaru could clearly see something happening on the inside. The mana that the girls provided travelled in reverse from the mana already enveloping the surface of the chest, cutting off the flow.

It was a puzzle, so to speak, perhaps a kind Japanese marquetry called Yosegi-zaiku1. One had to follow a specific order of instructions to unlock it. If you got it wrong, it wouldn’t open.

What was particularly annoying was even if you did things in the right order, you wouldn’t be able to see the change. Hikaru could barely see anything with only three points on Mana Detection. Now that he maxed it out, he could see clearly.

He hadn’t seen anyone with three points on the Skill, let alone five. It was no wonder that no one had cracked the puzzle before.

「All right. It’s my turn.」Hikaru said as he pulled out a dagger.

「I knew it.」the staff said.「Everyone uses brute strength in the end. But don’t you think it’s a little too early to give up?」he muttered.

Just ignore him.

Hikaru inserted the dagger between the lid and the chest. Light spilled from the slight opening.

Ugh. What the hell? It’s too heavy!

He thought it would open easily. The dagger’s blade made creaking sounds.

「More mana!」


「Got it!」

「We’re gonna open it together. One, two—」

Squeaking, the lid slowly opened. For a moment, a blinding light engulfed the whole museum.

「Is the light gone?」

As the short period of time passed, everything was still the same—the treasure chest sat there under the spotlight. Soon their blurry visions became clear. The inside of the box was covered with a velvety, smooth cloth, its color somehow duller. Apparently whatever magic was used on the box didn’t apply to the inside. Fortunately, the content was perfectly fine.

「A paper?」

A lone piece of paper—a thick parchment—lay inside.

It wasn’t long after morning work had started when a government official barged into Supreme Leader Patricia’s residence. A meeting attended by Ville Zentra’s mayor and other heads was being held in her office. Most of them watched the gasping official with reproachful eyes.

But Patricia and her secretary were different. They had seen this before three months ago. Someone barged into the room out of nowhere, bringing outrageous news—that refugees from Grand Dream arrived in Vireocean.

「What is it?」Patricia asked in a subdued voice, as if her heart was covered in armor.

「Th-Th-The chest has been opened!」

「Calm down. What are you talking about?」

「King Allegro’s Treasure Chest! It’s open!」

Complete silence descended on the office. Rather than being surprised, the people were more annoyed.

「That sounds like something under the city’s jurisdiction.」Ville Zentra’s mayor said with a strained laugh. He was gentle man with an impressive build. He sported a small moustache and had a receding hairline.「Are you talking about King Allegro’s Treasure Chest housed in the national museum?」

「Y-Yes, sir!」

「The one that had not been opened for centuries?」


「The one with a reward once opened?」

「Yes, that’s the chest! It’s open!」

The mayor sighed, seemingly disappointed as he surveyed the room. Everyone wore a straight face. All of them knew about King Allegro’s Treasure Chest. They’d been to the museum at least once and had touched the chest themselves.

「I’ll ask you once more. You’re saying King Allegro’s Treasure Chest has been opened. Is that right?」

The official nodded quickly. The mayor was beginning to realize that the man was telling the truth. Then his jaw dropped.


Finally his brain caught up. A series of surprised voices erupted from the room.

Patricia stood up.「Mayor! Let’s go to the museum! Now’s not the time for a meeting!」

「Y-Yes, Ma’am! Wait, you’re going too?」

「Of course. Both of us have to verify this!」

「Y-You’re right. Let’s go!」

The situation turned frantic immediately, and everyone followed the official outside. They all jogged to the museum as it was just around the corner from Patricia’s residence. The guards followed them in a hurry.

「What’s inside the chest?」

「I haven’t seen it yet myself, but apparently just a parchment.」

「A parchment?」

Patricia couldn’t hide her disappointment. She expected something from the extravagant chest—if not a pile of jewels, then at least a gold ingot.

They arrived at the museum, which was open every day of the year, to find a sign outside saying “Temporarily Closed”. A few visitors were asking the staff at the entrance about the situation, but there seemed to be no confusion.

「They closed it, huh? A wise decision.」

「The director should be verifying the content with the one who opened the chest.」

「So the one who opened it is here. What are they like?」

「I heard it’s an adventurer.」

「A high-ranked one?」

「I don’t know.」


Patricia pondered the matter over. An adventurer would be entitled to the content of the chest, but if it was just a piece of paper, they would surely choose the money. The extra expense would hurt, for sure. However, the gems embedded on the chest should more than cover for it.

「Excuse me. Sir, Lady Patricia Zylberstein is here.」

「Please, come in.」

They entered through the back entrance and into the director’s office. Patricia stepped inside to find the one in charge of the museum in the lounge suite. A capable lady in her late forties, she lived only for work. Her long hair was pulled tightly back in a bun, and glasses with chains sat on her nose.

「Sorry for barging in.」Patricia said.

「It’s fine. I’m glad you came.」

「Did something happen?」

「Yes, actually... Oh, let me introduce you. These are the adventurers who opened King Allegro’s Treasure Chest, Hikaru, Lavia, and Paula Nohra.」

Sitting on the couch were a boy and two girls who were too well-dressed to be adventurers. They didn’t seem like nobles, more like the sons and daughters of merchants.

「Hello.」The boy named Hikaru stood a bowed slightly. The girls followed his example as well.

「Thanks a lot.」Patricia said.「I never thought the chest would be opened while I’m still in office. So where’s the chest?」

「It’s in the next room, being examined by some personnel.」

「I thought that chest couldn’t be moved.」

「It can be, now that it’s opened.」

Really now? Patricia thought as she moved to the next room. Everyone followed her to what seemed to be a conference room. A chest embedded with beautiful gems sat on the huge table.

「Oh, it’s really open.」

Patricia instinctively hurried to the chest, and so did the others.

「It’s quite worn-out inside.」

「It’s not as extravagant as I imagined it to be.」

「Hmm... To think it’s actually open.」

The people voiced their thoughts. Only Patricia quickly turned her attention to the silver tray in the distance.

「Director. Is this what was inside the chest?」


As reported, it was just a lone parchment with words written on it. The ink was old and had soaked into the parchment. There were holes in places as well.

「The language is dated, but still readable.」

Patricia scanned over the text.

Poetry Collection by Allegro Sundrow Akaxion

Come now, raise the anchor

Unfurl the sails, and ring the golden bell

Let our fleet embark on its maiden voyage to the historic ocean

Think of the hometown you were born and raised

The shack protruding from the peninsula is our starting point

To the east is a graveyard, to the west a hole to hell

Wait quietly and hold your breath

The sunrise will light your course

Golden as far as the eye can see as the ocean bathes in the morning sun

My glory is within my hands

If you wish to take my hand, then be drenched in blood, carry your mistakes

And come to me where I sleep in peace

「Hmm... A poem? He created this complex chest just to leave this poem?」Patricia said.

「It’s not even good.」the mayor added.

「King Allegro was a heroic ruler.」the director said.「He composed poems, some of which remain today.」

「Bad poems?」

「Yes... Apparently, he didn’t have much talent for poetry.」

Patricia folded her arms, troubled.

「Supreme Leader. We would like to reward the adventurer.」

「Ah, yes, of course. How much was the reward posted to the guild?」

「Two million gilans.」

Those gems can more than cover for the amount, then, Patricia thought as she ran the numbers in her head.

「Very well. If it’s not included in the museum’s budget, we’ll provide additional funds.」

「Well, actually...」

For the first time, Patricia realized the director’s strange behavior.

「Mr. Hikaru wants the parchment, not the money.」she said.

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