
Chapter 127

Chapter 127: <Chapter 127>

The priestess sent a summary of the records kept by the duke. I didn’t care about the love story between the Duke of Aeal and Yoonyoung a few generations ago. What I wanted to know was about the ‘gate’ that could lead to my own world.

It seemed that this gate did appear multiple times in the past on the nights of the full moon. Yoonyoung jumped into the gate and disappeared, but the problem was that it was impossible to know for sure if it led back to modern-day Korea. It was also uncertain whether it was safe to go through it. The letter did state that four out of six people were found dead in the forest, which meant there was a little over 30% chance of safety.

However... I couldn’t stop my hope reforming.

I might be able to go back home.

Home to my family.

It might be possible.

The night was getting dark, but I couldn’t sleep.

It was the longest night of my life.


The next morning, Lucretius came to my room for breakfast.

I said to him, who was sitting across the table, “I want to visit the colony Bilenae for a while.”

Lucretius was spreading marmalade on a piece of white bread when he looked confused.

“Bilenae? Why?”

I answered casually, “Even if it’s only in name, if I become the Duchess of Bilenae, it will be my land. I want to at least have a look for myself.”

Lucretius didn’t seem to understand. “But you spent a year there.”

“At that time, I was so busy learning the new language and the culture that I had no time to really see the land. And... I want to go there to get closure.”


Lucretius studied me quietly. My face was blank so there was no way he could have read my dilemma from last night.

When I continued to look at him innocently, Lucretius nodded in surrender.

“Alright. I suppose the recent changes in its name and owner warrant a visit.”

“Thank you.”

However, before I could say anything else, Lucretius added quickly.

“And I will go with you.”


When I remained quiet, he smiled innocently and asked, “Why? Is there a reason why I can’t go with you?”

I smiled and shook my head. “No, not at all.”

So our very first outing was decided.

We were to visit my newly named land Bilenae.


The chancellor was upset about our travel. He was getting a significant amount of help from me with work, so without me, he would have to take on everything again. However, once we returned, Lucretius would be back to work, so I knew the chancellor would be fine.

The trip was surprisingly smooth. The road was clear and the servants were skilled. Everywhere we stopped by, we were greeted with an amazing respect.

It was so different from when I was dragged to Cransia with Orlean. The carriage was even different. The one we were riding presently was much bigger and more comfortable.

I remembered vomiting on Orlean’s dress on purpose. Orlean, Lisbeth, and her family were all dead now.

I smiled.

Lucretius seemed to have noticed something different about me when we first started out.

He kept studying me, and when I smiled, he asked, “Is there something funny?”

I smiled again and replied, “I just remembered the time when I left Aeal to come to Cransia. At the time, I was sent as a sacrifice, but now, I am returning as the new owner of the land.”


After a short silence, Lucretius asked, “It would have been this same road. Did you ever try to escape? I can’t imagine you accepting your fate helplessly.”

I nodded. “I did try a few times, but I failed every time. Besides, when I first left, I didn’t know where I was going. I was told by the Duke that I was going to a nearby town to greet a guest.”

The Duke of Aeal and Lisbeth were descendants of a woman named Yoonyoung, who came from another world just like me. Duke Aeal’s hair color was very close to being black just like mine. At the time, I thought it was a coincidence, but I now knew the reason.

This didn’t mean I felt any different about the Bonafit family. I just found it very interesting.

I wondered how Yoonyoung felt when she arrived here. What did she think of this world? Did she really love Duke Aeal?

What was she thinking when she went through the gate? She couldn’t have been sure where it would lead.

These were all the questions for me as well.

What did I really want?

For now, I didn’t know for sure.

I knew Lucretius could feel a strange tension between us, but we both pretended it wasn’t there. We just continued to chat about mundane things.

It took a week to get to our destination.

I was enjoying the scenery in the carriage when suddenly, I noticed the familiar place.

‘Aeal forest.’

The place where I arrived.

The land Lucretius gave me as a proposal gift.

The sun was still high up but...

Tonight was the full moon.


When I entered the castle, I was surprised.

“There are... different people working here.”

None of the people, who were standing in line to greet us, looked familiar.

“I ordered to have them replaced. We can’t trust those that worked for the Bonafits, so new people were chosen temporarily. You are the Duchess of Bilenae, so if you want to get other people, you are welcome to do so.”

When Lucretius gestured, a newly appointed butler hurriedly came by and offered to show us the castle.

I refused.

“I have lived here for a year, so I know the way. His highness and I came here to rest, so there is no need for formalities.”

I ordered only a minimum number of servants to remain in the castle and not to disturb us until called.

I didn’t want dinner. We had a huge feast of lunch when we stopped by at a nearby castle.

I headed to the room where I spent a year in this castle. Just as he had done, Lucretius followed me quietly like a shadow. He didn’t seem to have any intention of questioning me or stopping me. However, it was clear that he would stay close to me at all times.

In my memory, I remembered my room being big and luxurious, but when I saw it again, I realized how faulty my memory was. It was shabbier than the smallest room in my wing at the Cransian castle.

I looked underneath the bed to find a box filled with my things.

My clothes and coat from my old world were still there.


I touched them without a word.

Lucretius, who had been quiet for a while, asked, “Are those your clothes?”

I nodded. “Yes.”

“They look strange.”

I put the coat on the bed. It smelled like old dust.

I knew this coat would look ridiculous if I wore it now on top of my dress. Lucretius studied it with confusion.

“In your homeland, does everyone wear so little clothes?”

“What do you mean? This is a winter coat so it’s quite thick.”

He shook his head.

“It’s so narrow and short.”


I supposed compared to the clothes we wear here, the modern-day clothes looked minimal.

I grinned and hung the coat on a chair nearby.

I said to him, “I’m tired. I will sleep here, so you...”

Lucretius finished my sentence.

“I will stay here as well.”


There was no reason for me to say no. He was legally my husband, and we had been sleeping on the same bed for most of the nights since we got married.

He hugged me tightly. It had been over a month since he was injured.

When he gently laid me on the bed, I didn’t refuse him. I gave myself to him desperately as if this could be our last night.

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