
Chapter 116

Chapter 116: <Chapter 116>

The clean up of the rebellion was now the chancellor’s responsibility because as soon as Lucretius walked into my bedroom, he fainted.

Lowson and my maids were already waiting there per my order, so we took off Lucretius’ armour and started the treatment right away. When I saw the injury underneath his clothes, I gasped in shock and anger.

“Oh my...!”

He was bandaged from his right shoulder to his stomach and blood was seeping through. Lowson carefully removed the covering and started to redress the wound. He brought sterile bandages, needles, threads, and medicinal herbs.

Officially, people were told Lucretius’ injury was minor and we needed to keep it this way. No one could know about the true extent of how serious this was. Cransia was suffering from both internal and external threats. Any perceived weakness from the emperor could put us in a great danger.

After the treatment, Lowson stepped back and said to me, “The wound is deep, but not enough that for his life to be at risk so please try not to worry too much, your highness. If there are any changes to his highness’ condition, please call for me. I will wait nearby.”

I nodded and dismissed him.

Lucretius, who was in a deep sleep, was red with fever. Just like when he had a cold, I cooled him down with wet cold cloth.

Samantha asked me worriedly, “Your highness, you also had a difficult three days. You haven’t slept well and eaten much. May I suggest you rest...”

I shook my head. “No, I will take care of him until he wakes up.”

“Your highness...”

It was true I was tired, and I haven’t had anything to eat for a while. If I continued like this, I wouldn’t be able to take good care of the emperor. To reassure Samantha, I asked her to bring me some food.

I ate a bowl of soup and milk Yulia brought and sat down beside Lucretius. I waited by his side until he opened his eyes, which happened the next day evening.


“Are you awake?” When I asked him, Lucretius asked in a scratchy voice.

“How long have I been out?”

“A little over a day.”

“That’s not too bad.”

I smiled gently and asked, “And as soon as you woke up, you came to me.”

“Of course.”

He reached his hand out to my face. I let him touch my cheek. His finger traced my lips seductively.

I realized how I got used to this man. It had only been half a year with him, and he was now such a huge part of my life. The last few days without him felt painful.

The feeling I had when I didn’t know what had happened to him during the rebellion...

I didn’t feel alive. I forced myself to believe he couldn’t be dead so I could breath.

I finally learned that I couldn’t live without Lucretius.

Without knowing, I had become addicted to this man.

The pungent smell of the herb tickled my nose as I leaned my face on his shoulder. Lucretius chuckled, which sounded like a deep growl.

“My wife is acting soft-hearted all of a sudden!”

I complained quietly, “I think I have a good excuse for it, right? So be nice.”

“Yes, of course, dear.”

He hugged my shoulders, and I laid gently on top of him. His chest was covered with thick bandage and I could hear his heartbeat through it. His scent and warmth covered me.

My heartbeat became louder and faster.

The room was quiet with dim light. Pretty shadows danced on the walls all around us.

I raised my face and lightly kissed his forehead and both his cheeks. I then gently bit his nose and giggled.

Luc, who had been smiling indulgently at me, suddenly became rigid. He pulled back his face away from me.

I swept my hair away from my face and asked, “What?”

He frowned and studied me before replying, “We should stop now or else it will get dangerous for you.”

“What are you talking about?” I asked even though I knew what he meant.

“You know exactly what I’m talking about.”

I nodded. “I do, but I want to hear it from your lips.”

His calm green eyes looked at me. I knew that behind those quiet eyes lay a wild unsatisfied beast.

I knew it... I knew very well.

His strong hands held my shoulders tight. I could feel his fingers trembling slightly. It was cute.

“If you must hear me, then I will tell you. You are in danger from me.”

I smiled. I needed to make sure this man existed and that he was right here with me.

The shock of almost losing him was unbearable.

I shook my head and answered, “No.” I grinned and whispered to his ear, “You are in an even bigger danger from me.”


The room became even quieter if that was possible. I could hear his every breath and movement. He kept swallowing as if he was thirsty.

He asked me, “Can you... say that again?”

“But you know what I’m talking about too.”

I kissed him. My tongue invaded his mouth and explored it passionately. He flinched at first but immediately kissed me back ardently. His hands moved down until they reached my waist. He grabbed it and pulled me closer to him.

After the breathless kiss, he asked me, “What do you want?”

I answered without hesitation, “You.” And I added desperately, “Your existence, your everything, you, you, you... I... I am a greedy woman.”

He pulled me roughly onto the bed as he groaned a little.

His breath was rough. The room was so dark the only thing I could see was his faint silhouette. I felt a little disappointed that I didn’t get to see him clearly. Surprisingly, I didn’t feel embarrassed or shy.

His breath mingled with mine over and over again. We didn’t want to be apart from each other even for a second. We felt the desperate need to feel each other.

I reached out to touch him. His wet skin stuck to mine.

The scent of this raw man was intoxicating. I could feel how much he wanted me and how he coveted me.

I felt the same way about him, and I showed him with my eyes and my hands.

His lips were everywhere. On my lips, my cheeks, my neck, and lower...

I always thought this man was cold like a snake. I assumed cold blood ran through his veins, but I was wrong. There was a fire inside him.

A fire big and hot enough to burn the entire world.

However, this fire was mine alone. It existed only for me.

I let myself be naked in front of it. I showed my true self to him, and his fire surrounded my body. I let him inside me. I was his, body and soul.

Just like that, we became one for the first time.

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