
Chapter 1296 - Service And Intermediary

Chapter 1296: Service And Intermediary

Meng Chang did not belittle Tian Mo because of what he said. Instead, he valued him more.

No matter what Tian Mo had been like before, the talents that Boss Pei had personally unearthed were definitely extraordinary!

What’s more, did Tian Mo have a deep understanding of the profession of rental agent? He would only know if he could give Meng Chang the answer after chatting.

Meng Chang decided to get down to business. “So, do you have any thoughts about the profession of rental agent?”

“For example, everyone now has a certain prejudice against this profession. Do you think it’s the problem of people, the company, or the entire industry?”

Tian Mo took a sip of his coffee and said after some consideration, “Actually, if you asked me this question when I was an intermediary, I would definitely not be able to answer it.”

“That was because I did not know anything at that time. I could not analyze many things even if I saw them.”

“However, after being the person-in-charge of Tengda’s sales department for a period of time, I suddenly had some realization under Boss Pei’s guidance.”

“Looking back at my experience as an intermediary, I suddenly have some new ideas.”

Meng Chang’s eyes lit up.

What was this?

This was a 100% success rate!

The original Tian Mo could only be considered a very shoddy rental agent.

He only signed two forms a month. It was impossible to say that it was not because he was not capable but because he had a conscience!

However, now, Tian Mo could do so well in Tengda’s sales department and receive good reviews. Obviously, he had learned Boss Pei’s true teachings and was enlightened.

The working nature of the sales department was similar.

Tian Mo, who had already been enlightened, would naturally obtain some new inspiration if he looked back at his previous experience.

He could naturally tell the difference when he compared his experience working in Tengda with his experience working in the intermediary shop.

Meng Chang suddenly looked forward to what Tian Mo was going to say.

Tian Mo hesitated for a moment before saying, “The sales method that Boss Pei taught me is actually the most ideal method.”

“Tengda has the best products. As a salesperson, as long as I introduce the products to customers truthfully and treat them sincerely, I will naturally leave a good impression on customers. I will build a kind of invisible trust.”

“Trust in sales and the outstanding quality of the products naturally don’t worry about sales.”

“Treat others with sincerity and serve with sincerity. This is the sales path that Boss Pei taught me.”

“However, when I put this sales method into the intermediary job I was previously in, I realized that it would not work at all. It might not even fit.”

“Now that I think about it, the reason why some rental intermediaries are annoying is partly because of the uneven quality of their employees, partly because intermediaries are profit-driven, and partly because of the uniqueness of the entire industry.”

Meng Chang nodded happily and took notes in his small notebook as he said, “We have time. There’s no hurry. Tell me slowly.”

Tian Mo continued, “Most people leave bad impressions on various sales and intermediaries. They are all left behind when dealing with specific people.”

“Recruitment requirements for similar jobs are relatively low, especially for some small black intermediaries. Their quality is uneven, so it’s easy to leave a bad impression.”

“However, I think the root of the problem is still from top to bottom, from industry to company, and finally reflected on someone specific.”

“Recruitment requirements are relatively low. The quality of the people I recruit might not be high. My education level is also very low. I can’t survive in ordinary intermediary companies, but I can do well in Tengda.”

“It can be seen that most of the time, it is not a problem for humans, but for industries and companies. The environment has misled people and it is difficult for individuals to change the entire environment. As time goes by, it will become the current state. A pool of muddy water. No one can remain alone.”

Meng Chang nodded. “Then what do you think is the root cause of everyone’s prejudice against this industry?”

Tian Mo thought for a moment. “It’s in its operating mode.”

“At first, I did not realize this. However, after comparing it to Tengda, I understand that Tengda’s sales seem to be of the same nature as some intermediaries of small intermediaries. In fact, there is no similarity.”

“Tengda’s sales are service-oriented and icing on the cake. Our job is to objectively introduce the advantages and disadvantages of the product under the premise that the product is too strong. Whether customers want to buy it or not depends entirely on the customer’s independent will.”

“However, that’s not the case for intermediaries and sales from other companies.”

“Their job is to induce, to send fans in the snow. They are not sending charcoal in the snow, but fans in the snow.”

“They work hard to induce and distort customers’ needs. When customers are in urgent need of something, they use words and other methods to make customers believe that the thing in front of them is what they need and facilitate the transaction.”

“Customers need timely help, but sales work hard to sell the fan to customers.”

“It’s just like how many real estate agents hang fake photos online or hang real estate information that doesn’t exist. Customers would think that this house is not bad after seeing it. They would call and ask. The intermediary would say that the house is still here. You can come and I’ll show you the house.”

“When customers come, the intermediary will bring them to another house. They’ll say that the house they saw previously had just been booked, but there’s a similar one. Since customers are already here, they can only follow.”

“The so-called ‘roughly’ is actually worlds apart.”

“Many intermediaries use this method to facilitate transactions. They think of ways to promote lousy renovations and poor environments to customers.”

“This is a very common method. In fact, it is almost becoming mainstream. Customers cannot be sure if the photos they see on the website are real. There is a high chance that they are not.”

“By hiding and lying, customers would naturally remember after being cheated once. They would not want to be cheated a second time. The bad impression would naturally be formed.”

Meng Chang nodded. “Yes, I’ve heard of this before. It’s indeed infuriating.”

“Should this be blamed on the employees, the company, or the industry?”

Tian Mo said, “I think it should be attributed to the industry and company.”

“To Boss Pei, intermediaries and sales should be service industries.”

“Many rental companies’ main job scope should be to serve tenants, meet the tenants’ needs, provide them with good housing and good security services, and draw commissions.”

“However, many companies now, such as Home Corporation, are no longer service providers, but intermediaries.”

“They monopolize the surrounding property through the way they set up shops. The landlord hangs up the information and instructs intermediaries to call non-stop to snatch the property. Ordinary tenants would not be able to contact the landlord and would be forced to find intermediaries to rent the house from them.”

“After that, the intermediary company would use their superior position to coax or deceive tenants into signing contracts. They would change from services to tenants.”

“They would even lower the price of the landlord, raise the price of the tenants, and maximize profits.”

“On the surface, it’s a service. In fact, the service provided is not proportional to the actual value. In essence, it is an information gap that is monopolized by the industry and man-made. It is separated from the real demand parties, which is the landlord and the tenant. Thus, it becomes a food intermediary.”

“Once such a change occurs, the nature of the service would change to that of a middleman. Then, in order to earn more money, these companies would naturally urge all sorts of tricks.”

“Just as I said before, I lured customers over by creating fake apartments, renting the apartments in segments to many people, renovating and renting them at high prices using inferior materials, and even threatening and extorting customers who tried to bypass intermediaries. There were all sorts of methods. There might be differences in methods because of the company’s difference, big companies are relatively prideful while small companies have no bottom line, but in the end, it’s all because their nature is no longer in the service industry. They have become intermediaries who are unscrupulous in monopolizing channels.”

“At the end of the day, there was only one purpose for all of this. They did everything possible to earn money. They even came up with a plan to hoodwink tenants to sign a loan agreement, use the loan to monopolize the house, and do things without regard for the consequences.”

“Many people say that these companies suck blood because the services they provide are not worthy of the profits they actually reap.”

“The industry is like that, the company is like that, and the employees below can only naturally do everything possible to pursue profits and commission. That’s how it became what it is today.”

“The real culprit should be the ‘business genius’ who first converted the nature of the intermediary business from ‘service’ to ‘intermediary’.”

“On the surface, many people are creating new business models. However, in reality, they are adding rat sh * t to the pot and causing the entire industry to be foul. They are earning black-hearted money.”

“What Boss Pei has been doing is exactly the opposite. He has been working hard to replace the current mainstream, deformed, and twisted business models with a new business model, so that these industries would return to their original state.”

Meng Chang nodded repeatedly as he recorded it.

After hearing Tian Mo’s words, he felt that he had found the right person.

It was penetrating and hit the nail on the head!

Indeed, many people’s bad impression of intermediaries might come from an intermediary of poor quality.

However, the source of this phenomenon was actually the entire large company and even the entire industry.

When the nature of a company changed fundamentally, every employee would be willing, forced, or proactively do these things because of commission. The results would not be much different.

Many times, bad money would drive out good money. Companies wanted tools that would do anything to earn profits. Even landlords and tenants were trying to squeeze them dry, much less their own employees.

Under such circumstances, many people could not do this kind of work. After constantly changing blood, the people who stayed would naturally be assimilated.

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