
Chapter 453 453: Raenwolves Take The Oath

Chapter 453 453: Raenwolves Take The Oath

The rest were probably the different divisions or company\'s of the military. Cole had a couple of questions as he was honestly very baffled you everything he was seeing right now. Luckily as soon as he was out Aiteen found him, along with the rest of his company who had rushed to their leader the moment they saw he had returned.

"The Adventurer\'s guild and the Craftsman guild are carrying our a coup! They have the king and the rest of the royal family as hostages Commander! We can\'t get into the city, and there\'s chaos within. Roots and fights have broken out between Aspirants and Denizens, everybody is fighting everybody. The city is tearing itself apart."

Cole furrowed his eyebrows, the worried look on Aiteen\'s face made it very obvious that she was worried about her father. After all apart from Cole, no one else here knew that woman with the ability to meld her being into any structure and control it was the princess of their great city.

"The other commanders that had rushed back, refuse to attack. Apart from the fact that they all can\'t agree on anything, if they don\'t attack together then there\'s no way they would be able to break through into the city.

But their squabbling have cost us time and adventurer teams out in the wild have returned and gathered themselves into another obstacle for us to go through, and still they bicker. It\'s been 3 days since and….and…"

"The king could already be dead." Cole completed for her as he sighed. Then he turned to the rest of his company, some of them still human as he said to them.

"Those of you who are spies, or not fully committed to the company. This is your chance to back out now.

Because I will lead a company of wolves on a hunt, we go to battle. But this battle will change you all, and to even be able to partake in this battle you all will have to swear a new path. To show your commitment." One of his wolves cut him off with an apologetic look and asked.

"What commitment commander, we are-"

"To Me! You will not fight this battle as citizens of Te Boreas, or any sort shit like that. You will fight it as my own , my property, by shadows, my wolves, my own personal kill squad that would only live to do as I say, when I say, how I say. A company of loyal dogs that will not hesitate to die for me. I don\'t need to tell you what the benefits are, you decide now, you all have ten seconds."

It seems Cole might have lost his mind, but on the contrary he has not. Aleron had proven that the loyalty of a Raen to their Progenitor was not infallible and that a Raen can decide they want his power. Not everyone or every Raen had the ability to manipulate or connect to their shared bond. Few can go deeper than the surface, but some had even learnt how to mask the bond.

Of course nothing is really hidden a deeper probe can shatter the masking, but out of respect and courtesy the masking is left in place to ensure the Raen had privacy. Cole chuckled, this was not knowledge he had, but he was connected to every Raen, it was like a chat group with everyone talking and sharing their knowledge at the same rime it was as if he learnt it himself or discovered it himself.

As for the company, Cole wanted to create a personal kill squad….an undying squad. A 100 wolves, 1 Alpha, 1 Purpose. A cohesive fighting unit connected to him…..more shields around him….more friends to lose….Cole paused.

Reflection was something he had learnt to do a lot recently, not after the whole debacle with Sarah. In the end Cole knew what was wrong with him, he was just a scared little boy who did not want to be alone….and now after all this loss, Cole wanted a sense of security…..more people he could trust and rely on, because right now that\'s all he wanted.

In a ways it was if he was trying to use the company of the wolf as a replacement for his dead cyber dog. But even if that was so….who could stop him, perhaps this was the corruption that came with power.

To his surprise all of the Raen agreed, even the princess was willing to give her life over just for a chance to save her father. Perhaps it was evil of Cole to use this current situation to manipulate them, but there were Aspirants amongst them too. With that done Cole isolated their bond from the rest of the Raen Race.

It was still there but blocked, like a two way mirror. They could look out, interact, but no one else can do the same to them. Instead they were in an independent cluster that made them a 10 times more connected to each other than normal, and most importantly more connected than any other Raen to Vole with the exception of his wife. Cole did not even need to tell them the oath before they started speaking.

"Upon the eyes of the Lord of Chaos we pledge. Of sound body, mind and spirit, we offer our lives, our bond, our essence to the fellowship of the Wolf.

We swear to die before you die, we swear to live before you live, to honor and protect The Raen Creed, The Raen Way, The Raen Life, And The Raen Heart.

Until time ends and oblivion swallows us all. To The Breaking Of Worlds For The Fulfillment Of Chaos And Order"


There was a sound of an explosion, but Only Cole and the 100 Raen Wolves he now commanded could feel it. Every other person just felt a heavy blanket of power, as the entire 100 wolves, began to let off a pressure that was extremely n suffocating. But the change was far from over.

[All Your Stats Have Reached Diamond Rank I! Full Circle Diamond Rank Achieved!]

[ You can no longer receive stats or skills from prisms, or equipment. All stat progression halted until full system awakening or level 100!]

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