
Chapter 239 239: Part 1: Razor's Second Chance

Cole took a seat as Morgan went through the process of communicating with the people in the ships and reassuring them that, it was Cole who was outside waiting for them, and not any of the miners or pirates. Of course with the threat of Cole setting the entire ship on fire, it was more than enough to get everyone working double time.

He watched on impassively as the three ships docked, opened up. The first two had specially trained militia….aka gangsters from the Night family who had been under his command. But since he was no longer a part of the night family there was to be a question of their allegiance, and he could see that they too knew it, as quite a few of them had nervous looks on their faces. The third and larger ship opened up, as a rather gaunt but devastatingly beautiful woman pushed a wheelchair out, with a teenager in an ever worse situation than she was sitting on it.

Cole was astounded, he knew they were in a bad form, and they had gotten into the event by somehow rigging and hacking immersion pods. How I\'m God\'s name were they able to do that was something that Cole could never understand, but here they were, the mother and son that Made Raven commit so many atrocities. And they looked like shit, but still, Cassandra was beautiful her character Within the other universe was not even scraping the surface her beauty, it didn\'t make sense but Cole understood. She was beautiful enough that the sin he embodied came to forefront…. Greed ….. he wanted to possess her.

But Cole reigned in his demonic instincts. He was already on thin eyes with Tehilla thinking Cassandra was his whore, letting out that he found her attractive or even chasing after that feeling might end up with him being castrated. He moved forwards a small smile on his face as he changed the clip for his hand gun then shoved it in the back of his pants, wincing as he bruised his tail in the process…. He keeps on forgetting that he has the damn thing.

"You guys look like shit, especially you razor mouth, where\'s all your spunk now kiddo." The only response Cole got from him was a middle finger and a tired smile, the look of relief on both their faces made it all worth it. Cole was no hero, he didn\'t aspire to be one and he could give a shit about what others thought about him. But one thing he tried doing was to be a man of his word, and he promised he\'d protect her and her son and that they\'ll be his people….. he would keep his word, even at the cost of himself.

He stepped forwards and placed a hand on Razor\'s shoulder, preferring to call the boy by his gamer tag than his real one. The young man looked up at him, with blue eyes and red hair and an extremely pale skin. Being sick aside, Cole could recognize an Irishman whenever he saw one…. No wonder the kid got spunk, he\'s a born fighter. But his mother was blonde, fair skinned and tall, and green eyes. An European heritage perhaps, he wasn\'t which one though….maybe Russian?

"Razor say these words, and mean them from the very depths of your soul. This is the only way or rather this is my way, the way that will save you from having your mummy push you around all your life…. That must be embarrassing right?" Cole poked fun at the kid, bursting out into a full belly laughter at the glare the boy sent his way, but never the less the words were given, and an oath needed to be spoken, and spoken for the first time on Earth\'s universe.

"The Way Of The Raen, Is The Way Of The Strong. It Is The Way Of Protector As It is The Way Of The Destroyer.

It\'s Path One Of Solitude But Solidarity In The Oneness Of The Legion. I Pledge My Blade To The Chaos, To The Grey Between The Black And White.

To Be Observer Of This Universe\'s Secrets, And The Hidden Mysteries Of The Next. To Claim It For Raen\'s Creed, For The Way Of The Raen, Is The Way Of Greed.

I Pledge My Body And Soul To The Embrace Of The Progenitor, For His Vision Is My Geas To Uphold.

I Pledge My Life To The Cause Of The Progenitor, For His Path Is My Destiny To Uphold.

I Pledge Myself To Raen Kind One And All, For The Way Of The Raen, Is The Way Of World Breakers, For It Is The Way Of Sin.

Now And Forever, Till Eternity Ends!"

There was a new modification toward the end there, the part that said \'it was the way of sin\' making it slightly different than what Delarosa had used to pledge herself to Cole and become the Raen Wraith Lord that she currently was. Cole felt the power of the oath hit him hard as a significant amount of his vitality and energy was wrenched out of his body. Both his knees buckled as blood spurted out of his nose and eyes and ears. He gritted his teeth as he felt as if his entire body was tearing itself apart. But he was not the only one going Through changes.

Razor began to shake and convulse as his mother\'s screams filled the dock, Cole could not hear what she was saying all he could focus on was on Razor and the connection that was not made between the both of them. It was similar to what he had with Irma\'s clan, Delarosa, and Tehilla. Though Tehilla\'s was a lot special, even he knew this enough that he could taste the bond between them. But Razor had joined and become a part of something greater, a coalition of souls in service to Cole drawing strength from him, just as he was drawing strength from them.

"Now who looks like shit?" a smug voice said as Cole looked up to see Razor standing on his feet and looking down at him. The signature swirling tattoos of the Raen Spawn, horn nubs, and tail on him to prove that he had made his transition successfully. Only the their person on earth to do it, after the kid he save back in the halls and Tehilla herself. He stretched out his hand and pulled Cole up, letting Cole lean on his smaller body as Razor turned and hugged him, his tears soaking up Cole\'s space suit.

"Thank you! Thank you so much!" at first Cole was at a loss for what to say, but in the end he realized Razor was just a kid. One that have been through so much with his mother and all of it still under the fear that perhaps he would be dead the next day and he would leave his mother all alone. Cole hugged him, weak as he was it was the only thing he could as the teenager broke down completely crying out all of his heartache and finally his relief at finally having a chance…. His diet at finally being able to LIVE.

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