
Chapter 5 005: Level Up!

There was a hallway behind the door positively hissing with rusted pipes and beeping with multiple light indicators. Cold ignored everything In his sight as he moved forwards, his vision swimming with darkness as blood loss rapidly caught up to him. It was by luck he kicked over a mop bucket, spraying dirty water and a small wooden box to the ground, Cole followed quickly after, his breath driven out of his lungs as he tried to reorient himself.

He took a deep breath as his hand invariably touched, the small wooden box. It wasn\'t that large, being roughly the size of a music box. But in the throes of his pain and rapidly approaching death, whether by luck of by providence, exactly what he needed at that very moment to ensure his survival popped up into his vision as system prompt made itself known.

[Loot Small wooden loot box?]

[Gained Bronze II Adrenaline Inhaler x2, Bronze II Health Pill x2, Bronze II Energy Capsule and 50 Tibons]

Cole grabbed the health pills and popped them both into his mouth, gagging at their awful taste as they went down his throat dry and in an extremely painful manner. But the pills worked rapidly as a wave of warmth spread across his entire body, he did not even have stats in the bronze II stage yet, and he was taking pills of that level, or perhaps he already was, but until he paid attention to the notifications hanging at the edge of his vision, he would still be a bit weak.

But be that as it may, he was very much alive now, his breathing was a lot easier and as the warmth of the healing pills spread and rapidly faded from his body, he was feeling a lot better only a little exhausted from everything he had experienced so far. Either way the darkness in his eyes were gone, and he was able to pick himself up, grabbing the inhalers and the energy capsule and depositing them into the pocket of his coat. Leaving it there along with the rest of the prisms he has been able to loot. There was an audible bang coming from the direction he just escaped from, this was enough to push back up to his feet as he made his way further down the hallway.

At the moment what he needed the most was to get as much distance away from the coliseum and other people as a whole. The more clustered people were, the more likely it was for the Nijat aliens to follow. Plus Cole already had it in mind to go about it solo, so being near people would most definitely not be wise. Besides he was working on borrowed time here, and there was a prize to be gained for being the first to leave the first floor, it didn\'t matter how, but he was aiming high for that diamond prism.

Cole rounded a corner and came face to face with a ladder that led down below to a brightly lit hallway. There were echoes of screams from a distance, but it did not sound as if it was anything close. He was about to go down the ladder when he heard the telltale sound of a Nijat alien moving past the hallway. Its hulking body came into view quickly after and Cole drew himself back, his heart in his chest as a Nijat alien larger than anything he has seen within the past twenty minutes of their invasion showed up. And with how its body seemed to scrape across the rungs of the ladder, it was obvious it was coming up, and Cole was currently not predisposed to facing it in combat, he needed a place to hide.

​ Providence showed its hand once again as he noticed a service entrance similar to the one that had brought him up here. He went through it quickly and ended up in a supply closet. He turned around and promptly shut it behind him, making sure to lock it a couple of times before moving a massive table in front of it. And in doing so he exposed the four loot boxes of various sizes on top of it. But he had no time to pay attention to that as he heard the Nijat alien behind the door, Cole quickly started looking through the notifications in front of him.

[Congratulations! You have reached Level 3! +15 stat points!]

[You have tasted the blood of another in a show of pure savagery and brutality! As the first to do his unspeakable and unthinkable act, you have unlocked the title \'Savage Connoisseur\' +200% to all eating skills, +15 Dexterity]

[Your Bloodthirsty yet Selfless actions has caused the death and survival of more than 100 individuals! You have unlocked the title \'Antihero\' +50% damage to all alignments, +10 to Perception and Intelligence, +30 to charisma]

[<>1st Floor Side Quest! (COMPLETE!!) Escape The Coliseum! Bonus Objective I (COMPLETE) : <Save 10 People> Bonus Objective II (COMPLETE) : <Betray 10 People> Bonus Objective III (COMPLETE): Kill One Nijat Alien of Any Species/ Rewards: 50 Trisons, 1 Bronze Rank Prism, <BONUS OBJECTIVE REWARDS! Silver Rank Prism, 20 Trigons, Equipment: Iron IV Mythril Vibro Blade<>]


A loud bang against the door let Cole know that his escape and hiding spot was not as secure as he would have wanted it to be. And honestly he was not yet done, sure he did feel a lot stronger but as it stands he still had prisms to slot in his stats, and if he was not quick about it, he could very much end up dead, not to mention the four loot boxes in front of him were of varying grades, he should be able to put up a fight, or at least escape from it….he had the stats, now all that was left was the skills to go with them, and once that has been taken care of….all hell will break loose.

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