
Chapter 295 [Bonus ]Apology-2

" Sir we found out that the Verdant foundation providing relief for the people of that neighbourhood. It is a international organization operating under Samuel Rothschild." One of them said.

" Charity work? Why now?" Mason asked. He was still trying to uncover the mastermind behind the incident.

" Our people have spoken with their representative and they only said they were expanding their influence. They were mainly operating in the south end of the city with that massive orphanage until recently."

" And we trust them? I don\'t think this it that simple, somebody has been cleaning up that whole area like they are preparing for someone\'s arrival." another person said.

" He is right. Look into the organization discreetly, we need to find out who is trying to get in this city. Where is Samuel Rothschild?" Mason asked.

" Last report we got was him heading toward the airport. He was with the girls that I told you about earlier."

" From the press conference or the charity party?"

" Press conference."

" Sir, should we stop him from leaving the country? He must be fleeing because of us getting closer to the truth!" the hot-headed man said with zest.

" Keith, It\'s been four, five years since you joined the force?"

" Five sir!"

" And you still don\'t know we have shit against him! Even if we do got something it had to so iron tight that no one could dispute it or else me including everyone here is finished!" Mason roared. He was fed up dealing with incompetent people.

" I am sorry sir."

" Listen up everyone. I know I am asking too much but you have to be careful. Whether it is Rothschild family or the people connected to them, you have face them while pursuing the truth." Mason saw the solemn expression of his subordinates.

He had worked hard over the years to cultivate them, and even though everyone was not perfect, he was proud of what he had achieved.

" It is our city stability which is at stake. That\'s why I am asking you to support me! However powerful the foe is we will not back down!"

""Yes sir!""

" Get back to work. Pay attention to when he returns alright." He tapped his shoulders of Keith which made him regain his composure. Everyone had their use, and Mason knew how to get them riled up.

What he was doing was reckless. This was the Rothschild family, could he really get dirt on them? He didn\'t even know if there was anything there, to begin with.

But his goal was completely different; he had a strong backer who contacted him a few days ago. Hearing their name changed everything, a hidden power whose strength was believed to be unfathomable.

Mason didn\'t know why they were suddenly targeting Samuel, but he didn\'t care as long as he was getting paid for it! He could always place the blame on his subordinates and save his skin if anything went wrong.




" I know you know something." Samuel and Arthur were waiting outside while the girls were talking inside. He had an inkling that Arthur was in on it too.

" I don\'t know what young master is talking about. I had told you countless times I can not read minds." Arthur was expressionless, but that was definitely a snide remark!

" Well, I do. Grandpa Arthur, you are starting to keep secret from me?"

" Some secrets are better left buried. I know you are curious but this is the result of your activities." Arthur sighed.

" How is it my fault?" Samuel exclaimed.

" You didn\'t think it through before getting Miss Liliana and Miss Rosaline on this trip."

" You know my mother, you know how she does things. I can\'t have her meeting them alone, this was a better choice." Samuel said with a bitter smile.

" Forcing them for your own interest, that\'s not what a gentleman does. Also that was least of your mistakes." Arthur pointed out the obvious.

" There\'s more?"

" I can\'t believe, genius young master is such a dense character when it comes to girls." Apollo made an appearance as things were getting interesting.

" Not now." Samuel said in his head.

" Having everyone together with any warning, you do realize how different their world\'s are right? Some of them might feel inadequate while others might be jealous." Arthur didn\'t want to spell it out for him.

" I see." Samuel also took the hint and realized his mistake. He had too much faith in them from the start.

" I should head inside then."

" No. That is a bad idea, now is not the time to meddle in their business." Arthur warned him.

" I understand."

" And just to let you know, they were ready to start a fight earlier but I stopped them. They might be in one as we speak." Arthur just slid it in there and stopped talking.

" You should have started with that! That\'s even more reason for me to go!"

" It\'s up to you. I will not stop you but think of the consequences. I did tell miss Iblis to inform me if something like that happens again."

Samuel needed help with what to do. They were not making it more accessible as it took them two hours to open the door. At that time, Samuel could only pace around everywhere and hear any movement coming from inside.




" Gold Diggers? Seriously?" Liliana was absolutely livid when she heard what they thought. She was baffled at how they came to that conclusion.

" I am sorry, but it was only a test-" Paige wanted to elaborate, but Liliana did not have any of it.

" Shut up! Calling us dumb bitches is your idea of a test?"

" Calm down. We meant no harm. It was my idea and I am truly sorry you had to go through it." Maia spoke.

" I heard enough."

" Liliana let\'s hear them out." Rosaline wanted to hear more of their side of the story.

" Rosa.. fine."

" I know this will sound absurd and you might think we are entitled to think like that but it is complicated." Iblis stepped forward.

" That\'s exactly what I think."

" You know, when you have money people will try to take advantage of you. Friendship of us is much more riskier and I am not just saying it out of thin air."


" I have experienced it. It was a long time ago, but I still remember how much I needed to sacrifice to have one friend. Samuel pulled me out of that abyss, which is why he holds a special place in my heart." Iblis was smiling, but it was hard to tell whether it was because of happiness or sadness.

" Can you tell me about it?" Rosaline asked hesitantly.

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