
Chapter 328 328 - The Rescue Plan

Tian frowned slightly. "the zombie hoard will flood through the east as well. How are you going to deal with it."

"I\'ll just burn them all," he grabbed his sister\'s hand and copied her abilities. "dont worry. I can hold out on my own. Juda give me some explosives." he unsheathed his trusted sword and tightly held it in his left hand.

"just so you know, your plan is fucking cray," Tian cussed out loud. The car sped up slightly and came to a screeching stop.

Hary and the others who were in the car behind them frowned deeply.

"what is going on? Why are they stopped? do you think something is wrong?" Zou Nui, Yue;s mum mumbled holding onto her husband\'s hand tightly.

"I don\'t think so.."

Hary shot at the zombies running close to Tian\'s car. The school buses behind them each had at least a few soldiers who were using their abilities to take out the zombies and because most fo the zombies were concentrated by the north side and the west side of the wall the east side was easy to drive through.

Lui, who was on the passenger seat, glanced out with a frown. "is Yue getting off?"

"I think so." Hary also slowed down and came to a stop behind them. They watched as Yue take a motorcycle from nowhere and in just a split second, he swiftly drove away.

Yue drove as fast as he could. Along the way, a few level two zombies interfered. They were the normal-speed zombies. A small ball of flame formed on his right palm. With it he burned them to a crisp.

His heart was pounding so loudly in his ears. \'you have to be safe, Fan. You have to be…. Or else….. shit I don\'t even want to think about it…\'

"where is Yue going! He is going the othe way!! Honey!!" Zou Nui panicked.

"something must be wrong. Calm down dear… everything is under control. Maybe.. maybe he is going to check on the last school buse…." Zou Wei tried his best to soothe his wife but she started to cry.

"ahem… he is most likely going back to check on Fan." uncle Wen added. Hesitantly he glanced at his friend, Wei. "this thing about Yue\'s marriage…. Why haven\'t I heard of this?"

"Is this the time to ask about it!" Zou Wei glared at him slightly.

"Come on, I just wanted to know what was going on okay…"

Tian\'s car reversed and stopped parallel to them. "Juda take Chen and get out. I\'ll follow Yue and flank his sides. He certainly can\'t deal with so many zombies."

Juda leaned over, grabbing her chin she peered into her deep brown eyes.. "come back to me." She kissed her softly. "Chen. Let\'s get going," she ushered the kid and the pup out of the car. Just as she was about to close the door she dropped a few heavy bags in the passenger seat. \'might come in handy. Go burn some zombie ass babe…"

"I will," Tian smirked brightly.

Chen and Juda climbed into the other car.

"Chen ah," Yue\'s mum pulled him close. "Where is your dad going? Do you know what happened…"

"Daddy is in trouble, dad is going to save him,"

"shit I knew it," Hary glanced at Lui who was sitting beside him. "can you drive?"

"I can.. hazardously…." She said, grimacing.

​ "I can!" uncle when added. "Get off and support Tian and Yue. I\'ll dive the car and lead the others to the safe location,"

Hary immediately got off and got into the other car.

Tian and Hary drove away while uncle Wen drove the car and led the school buses to the safe spot they had chosen.

"so what is your plan?" hay continued loading the bullets.

"shoot and kill. I really don\'t have much of a plan going on," Tian frowned deeply as she crushed a few zombies. "They are already rushing out of the base. Fuck… Fan better be okay or Yue would be risking his life for nothing,"

Hary smirked at her. He grabbed her hand, all of a sudden her whole body was covered in a  silvery shiny suit. "drive close to Yue."

Tian understood his plan without even uttering a word.

She sped up crashing into a few zombies in the way until she was close to Yue. "Yue!" she shouted.

Yue glanced at her, shocked. "what are you doing!"

"Helping. You thought I will let you go in alone. I have your back. Just reach out your hand for a second,"

Confused, Yue did so.

Hary grabbed his wrist and Yue\'s body was covered in that same whiny white metal. Only parts of his eyes, mouth, and ears were exposed. He smirked. With this metal armour, he did not have to be scared of getting bit. plus this metal was fireproof so he had no fear of melting the suit away.

With renewed confidence, he sped up. he changed the sword to his right hand.

the shiny metal covered the hilt of it leaving the sword part bare.

With his fire power he heated up the sword until it was red hot.

"grrr…." A level four zombie with ice ability rushed to him. he simply cut into it with his heated sword and drove closer to the base.

The gap in the wall was clearly seen. He could see the masses of zombies squirming around. \'I hope I was not too late….\'

He drove closer and closer but a small doubt arose in his mind. \'how will I find Fan in this crowd… shit… isn\'t there anything like GPS or something…\'

As he was thinking about this he heard a small bussing sound. a huge swarm of bees following after him.

"Chen! I forgot about him. baby let two bees land on both sides of my ears. You have to be the one to navigate me through this okay. Let the other go and search for Fan. When they find him let the bees buss near my ears. If daddy is to my left just let the bee on my left ear buzz… Can you do that?" he hurriedly shouted as he cut into one of the strength ability zombies. It tried to bite his sword and chew into it.

Before it could even touch it, its head was blown away into pieces.

They did not have much time before the zombies in the base escape through the opening they created in the wall. They have to rescue Fan before that.

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