
Chapter 528 - Thoughts

The ship had been on the move for 24 hours straight but they didn\'t seem to have gotten anywhere yet.

At least, that was what David thought since all he could see below were just plain forests. But still, David could feel how dangerous the forests were. If it weren\'t for the inconceivable speed at which the sky cruiser was moving at, there was no way they would be able to escape alive if they had been caught by the mutated beasts that resided within the forests.

David could even feel waves of power he had never felt from anyone before, even the grand professor\'s power wave was a far cry from what he felt from the forest.

This made him wonder if humanity would ever triumph from the siege of those mutated beasts or remain trapped, creating strongholds and then numbering them from AA-00 to ZZ-99.

He wondered if they would ever reach the stage where they wouldn\'t need to be careful where they tread least they get killed and become the apex predator of the jungle.

But looking at it from another perspective, he didn\'t think the day would come anytime soon. Moreover, such thoughts only crossed through his mind because he was bored otherwise, he wouldn\'t bother to think about such things.

His family was still living within the inner world though. He kinda missed the feeling of his twin sister\'s head ruffled by his ten fingers.

Suddenly David frowned. "Hazel, what\'s happening?"

"It appears you\'re missing your family, there\'s nothing wrong with you emotionally."

"Well, emotions get you killed here, otherwise I wouldn\'t have killed my fake mate regardless." David snorted.

Breathing in deeply, he inhaled slowly, taking about three minutes to inhale and six minutes to exhale. He was finally calm.

"What do you think about Alan?

"The young master? He\'s strong."

David\'s eyes instantly flashed. "You felt it too?"

"Yes, although he tried to hide it, it can\'t escape from my experienced eyes." Hazel replied.

David immediately tilted his head. "Just how old are you?"

"You know better than to ask a young lady for her age."

David snorted. "You are by no means young."

"And you\'re starting to irritate me." Hazel\'s voice turned cold, making David shut his mouth.


"Alright, how\'s your body coming along?"

"Since you\'re monitoring the progress in your inner world, why bother to ask?"

She had already gone back to her sarcastic self. David shrugged slightly.

He could see and feel everything going in within his inner world and while the feeling seem to want to overwhelm his sensitivity, David controlled the feeling, making it so that he would feel things only at 50 percent, while he couldn\'t feel everything at this rate, it was safe to say he was still the god within his inner world.

Naturally, he could see the construction of what seemed to be a large oval object that seem like an eggshell inside a cave within his inner world.

The cable didn\'t seem to be natural in any way, from David\'s observation, it looked like some type of womb, meant to give birth to the egg.

David had been surprised and had figured out that it seem to be some sort of ancient technique. He could feel that his world seem to have some slight revulsion towards the cave. If this technique was to be done in the outside world, 

David know that the world\'s will would immediately strike destructively at the cave birthing the egg. It was a Forbidden technique. 

But since it wasn\'t doing any harm to his inner world, David let it be.

The womb was already squirming as the large egg was been birthed. In just a few weeks or a month, the egg would crack and what was within would come out. In that time, Hazel would be born.

David was quite looking forward to it. Since she would be of great help to him. Of course, he wasn\'t afraid she would rebel and when the time comes, she would be extremely vulnerable and during that time, David would figure out her true intentions anyways.

There was a sudden knock to his quarters. David was jolted back to reality.

"Come in."

A curvaceous and very beautiful female maid entered into his room and bowed. "The young master told me to inform you that we are almost there."

"Oh, alright. Tell him I will be out soon."

"Yes." She bowed, revealing her milky chest through her almost see-through short clothing.

David raised an eyebrow. He stretched out his hand, touching the ball-sized soft chest.

He was slightly blown away by the sensation. The maid stood still, allowing him the chance.

After a while, David released her and said. "Sorry, it\'s been a while."

The maid smiled nonchalantly and replied. "It\'s alright sir, I\'m available if you need me for a couple of minutes."

Although tempted, David shook his head. "It\'s okay, I will be out soon."

"Alright I will go in from the young master." With that, she left, closing the door behind her.

"You seem to appreciate the chest size more."

"Well, those two raised me so don\'t blame me if I do." David retorted.

Freshening up, he headed out towards the master quarters, there Young master Alan was standing with his hands behind his back, gazing outside as the walls of the Sky Cruiser had gone transparent.

David walked and stood right next to him. Gazing through the wall, he saw a magnificent city right before him. 

"It\'s beautiful right?"

"Yeah, I sight to behold. It\'s even bigger than the ones I\'ve seen so far."

"Your family owns all of this?" David couldn\'t help but ask.

Young master Alan smiled proudly. "Through centuries of accumulation, we\'ve built our very own city."

"The Nine families sure are rich." David muttered.

"Yeah, they are."

Young master Alan glanced at David. "We will descend in three minutes there you will be able to see those who will accompany us during our missions."

"I\'m not the only one of the younger generation in the Kirrin family venturing for the mission, therefore I need you to be careful.." Young master Alan\'s voice had turned very serious. 

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