
Chapter 289 - You Are Only Mine

Chapter 289 - You Are Only Mine

He leaned down to whisper in her ears, "Seren, I want to be inside you. I want to????— "


Her loud cry interrupted him, and before he could say another word, she found her sweet release and collapsed back to the bed, her body covered in a thin layer of sweat. By the sound of her wild pants filling her chamber. it was as if she had exhausted years out of her life.

While taking her time getting back to her senses, Seren thought that Drayce was doing the same. Since she had closed her eyes, she did not know what was happening with the man straddling her, who was looking at her intently with eyes no longer the shade of a living fire, but a dark reddish color that was closer to black. With each passing second, the color turned even darker, as if the shadows within the chamber were corrupting those red eyes.

Her eyes snapped open when she heard the sound of cloth ripping. She sensed Drayce sitting between her legs. Before she could understand what was happening, Drayce leaned over her as he pinned her hands harshly on the bed.

"You are only mine," he said in a low raspy voice. It had a mysterious yet dangerous charm to it and coupled with his dark red eyes, something about Drayce seemed to have changed.

His words puzzled Seren. After all, they were husband and wife. Of course, she was his. He didn\'t need to say it this way in this context. But he was aggressive and that somewhere scared her.

She was still catching her breath, and thus, unable to say a word. But without waiting for her response, Drayce kissed her roughly. She let out a strangled noise as her mouth crushed against his, his kiss not slow and sensual, but rough and violent, as if he was trying to punish her with a kiss, not even caring if she could breathe or she\'d be hurt.

"Mmf!" Seren could not speak a word as the intimidating man continued to ravage her lips, causing her pain as he bit her soft lips to the extent of bleeding them. Seren felt herself tremble. \'What did I do wrong? Did I anger him? Why is he like this?\'

His harsh action scared her, and she remembered what Drayce had asked her to do earlier. If he were to ever hurt her, she had to stop him. But how? With an already exhausted body, Seren had no way to protest against his strength, nor could she say a word to bring him back to his senses. Let alone speak, she could not even breathe because of the harsh kiss which was making her dizzy due to lack of oxygen.

For a moment, she thought that he would not let her go even if she had to suffocate and die right here. She could taste the blood, her own blood, as he continued to kiss her with ferocity. She was then struck with terror when the next moment, she felt something hard and long rubbing over her private place.

Alarm bells rang inside her brain. She knew what it was and she remembered that Drayce had told her they could not consummate this marriage yet. Since she had given him her word, she needed to stop him if he ever lost control over himself. Just as she felt that hard part????—which she was sure was his manhood—was about to enter her, she found an opportunity to bite his lips.


Drayce groaned angrily as he pulled back, his hot breath seemingly burning intensely as it brushed against her face.

"A-Apologies…I…" she stammered as she tasted her own blood on her mouth. She had no choice! She had to do it since she had to help her husband keep his promise. A king\'s word was worth more than gold, and thus, he should never go back on his words. Although she did not understand what was happening, by the way things were escalating so suddenly, she was sure they would both have regrets later.

In the darkness, those dark red eyes glittered dangerously, staring down at her small frail body with wicked intentions. She could not help but tremble once more.


However, he did not respond to her. He even lowered his head, pressing his hard body closer to her. She knew he was about to capture her lips back, and his manhood was rubbing on her lower region, about ready to thrust inside her.

She shut her tear-filled eyes as the pain on her lips throbbed.

"Dray, stop…" She opened her eyes to look into his and begged, "Please stop…please…"

Drayce paused. No, he stopped. He truly stopped. The dark color of irises started to lighten, as if the shadows were receding away from the light of the living flame, turning his eyes back to the familiar red eyes that looked at her with passion and gentleness.

Seren seemed to recall this exact same change in his eyes before when Drayce had tried to be intimate with her and ended up hurting her.

\'It\'s not him,\' Seren concluded.

Seren cupped his face in her hands and asked, "Dray…are you fine?"

Drayce did not respond. He simply sat frozen as he just came back to his senses and he recalled what he had nearly done—he was about to break his promise. More than that, he made her fear him. Guilt took over his mind as he helplessly looked at her watery purple eyes. \'I almost made her cry.\'

"Dray, talk to me." She sat up as well and caressed his cheek.

He closed his eyes for a moment. He took in a deep breath before opening them to look at her again. "A-Are you fine?" he asked, and without her answering, he smelled the blood on both of their lips.

"I…Did I hurt you?" He panicked at the realization. He reached out to touch her lips, gently wiping away the blood.. His voice was full of guilt. "I…am…sorry…"

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