
Chapter 202: [Bonus Chapter]Megaris Royal Court

Chapter 202: [Bonus Chapter]Megaris Royal Court

Inside the throne room, the attendees of the royal court of Megaris were waiting for the arrival of their king. The high-ranking ministers, the military officials, and the lords of various families belonging to the upper nobility were waiting on their assigned seats, some while drinking tea, while others were talking among themselves.

During the past two months, they got to hear the victories their king had against the Kingdom of Thevailes and Hatha, and it made the people of Megaris proud of having such a king. After all, the alliance won against the enemies, the war generated wealth for their kingdom. Those who sided with Drayce, those from the military, and those who benefitted from the new trade routes wanted to celebrate, but those who stood against him could only nitpick at the faults of how unconventional the king was acting, contrary to the traditions of the land and the actions of the former kings of Megaris.

"I knew our king would always be victorious whichever battle he enters into."

"He is not like other kings who only sit on the throne and send their soldiers on the battlefield. Our king believes in fighting the enemy by facing them head on the battlefield."

"He will be the most glorious king in the history of Megaris!"

"By marrying a princess from Abetha, we got a strong alliance with that wealthy and prosperous kingdom."

"More than that, it will help us deal with Thevailes. Griven has always been an ally but after having Abetha joined us, I am sure Thevailes will never bare its fangs against Megaris ever again."

"Abetha\'s princess is our queen now. It will surely help improve trade and commerce with the western regions, especially the rare ores that can only be found in Abetha\'s land."

While those who sang praises regarding the royal family had no need to speak in hushed tones, those who were part of the hostile factions hid the blades of their tongue behind kind smiles.

"He ignores the matters inside the kingdom, leaving them to the young lord of Candace Family, and wanders around here and there waving his sword like a barbarian. This is why I said it\'s too early to hand him the throne. I don\'t understand why the old king abdicated his crown early when he\'s still young and healthy."

"True! What kind of king rules like this? If he wants to fight, he should have simply joined the army and become a general. We\'ll even shower him with honors and medals. Bah! If he wants to leave his kingdom unattended, he should at least hand over the responsibilities to someone capable. Megaris have three dukes and five marquises, all lords with experience of managing their territories for decades."

"He even got married without consulting anyone and took such an important decision on his own. What qualifications does that woman have? Could it be that she seduced him? Is she good in bed?"

"The queen of this kingdom is someone who holds equal power with him, but he gave it to some random princess. He should have married one of the daughters of our kingdom\'s nobles!"

"I heard the woman he chose is a witch."

"He is a devil so what more can we expect from him?"

"This...my son once traveled to the central regions and told me that she\'s an outcast of the royal family. I am worried that she will bring misfortune to our kingdom. I heard her father imprisoned her inside a tower because of her ominous presence."

"If that is the truth, then we must push our king to get more wives. Her status as queen is not stable until she gives birth to an heir—"

The chatter inside the throne room ceased when a royal guard in a red-black uniform made an announcement of Drayce\'s arrival at the royal court.

"All rise! His Majesty King Drayce Ivanov has arrived!"

The huge wooden double door opened and Drayce marched on the aisle with his black cloak moving in a flourish. With his head held high, one hand holding his sword handle, each steady step he took emitted a heavy and awe-inspiring aura of a powerful king. He had been merely gone for two months, and the nobles seemingly had forgotten how terrifying it was to be in the presence of their king.

Drayce was not called a devil for no reason. His presence was sharpened through his countless killing on the battlefield, and since his intimidation affected war-hardened generals, the officials and nobles who had never experienced bloodshed in their lives before were already quaking in their seats. All eyes were centered on the red-eyed king, and Jasper and Slayer who were walking behind him were ignored.

All the ministers stood up from their chairs as the announcement was made. They stood with their heads bowed and their right fists clamped to their left chests until Drayce reached his throne which was elevated on the other side of the huge hall.

After making himself comfortable on his throne, he glanced at his royal subjects while the commander of the royal knights and the king\'s advisor stood on either side of the throne, but one step down in elevation.

The entire throne room could be said to be the grandest and most extraordinary architecture inside the Royal Palace of Megaris. As the place where the monarch of the kingdom received high-ranking people and dealt with important matters, the entire hall was made of expensive marble mined near the dangerous Northern Barrens and furnished with furniture, sculptures, and ornaments of the highest quality purchased from all over the continent. Beautiful crystal chandeliers illuminated the hall, as the windows were covered by long velvet curtains.

The cushioned throne in the front of the hall was made of precious gold taking the form of a fierce rising dragon, its eyes and claws inlaid with rare gems, and above it, there was an inky black banner with a golden crest symbolizing the sun stitched on it.

Below the throne, two rows of grand chairs were arranged facing each other, where the most authoritative figures acting as pillars of the kingdom were assigned to sit according to their rank and hierarchy. Behind those rows of chairs were grandstands, carved seats made of marble running along the entire wall to allow invited people to spectate the royal court whenever there was a certain issue that needed the presence of the public.

After Drayce sat on his throne, the royal court turned to face him.

"Your loyal subjects greet His Majesty King Drayce, the dragon who protects Megaris!"

Drayce reacted to them with just a light nod and everyone sat on their chairs. As the ministers\' seats were perpendicular to the throne, they had to look at their sides to look at their king.

One of the most senior among the ministers stood from his seat. "On behalf of the entire royal court, I welcome Your Majesty King Drayce, back to the kingdom. We all are delighted to see you back safe and sound, and we are equally proud of the glory that Your Majesty has brought to our kingdom again."

Drayce just nodded. His handsome and proud face seemed to look down on everyone. "I am sure most of the ministers and nobles here missed their king a lot since I received their well-meaning calls of wanting me to stay in the palace instead of going into the battlefield for fear of my safety. To show my gratitude, I will make sure to take a few ministers and high nobles with me, taking priority of those concerned about my safety so they can personally protect me if danger ever arises."

The minister who had criticized Drayce earlier about that issue felt like he was caught red-handed and couldn\'t help but think, \'Did he plant a spy among the servants who heard us talking about him a while ago?\'

Drayce observed the nobles and officials with a light smirk painted on his lips. It was so satisfying to see them scared when all they did was to act high and mighty in his absence


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