
Chapter 160: My Queen Is Happy

Chapter 160: My Queen Is Happy

Arlan turned and followed his gaze. "She had been kept inside that tower since the day she arrived in the palace. I heard that she was not allowed to meet or talk to anyone other than just her nanny and it continued till now so you can imagine."

"Hmm, I can."

"You have a big challenge ahead. You need to be patient."

Drayce nodded. "I know."

The atmosphere between them was serious, but then Arlan said something to ease his friend. "By the way, you should stop giving your people a shock."

Drayce looked back at him. "What do you mean?"

"They are not used to seeing you so thoughtful and affectionate. Don\'t give them the wrong impression that their scary king has turned into a gentleman."

"They will get used to it," Drayce replied. The meaning was clear: he would not stop doing it.

Just as he said those words, there was a sudden change in their surroundings. Despite the lack of them earlier, flowers started to bloom on the plants around the riverbank, and this strange occurrence was spreading outwards, continuing even up towards the hill. The entire place turned into colorful landscape painting again.

Drayce knew what it meant and looked at Seren who was now standing barefooted on the shallow part of the river, the water barely reaching her ankles with the bottom of her dress drenched with water too. At this moment, she had her small face slightly tilted towards the sky, facing towards where the sun would disappear in the horizon since it was already late in the afternoon.

The riverbed was reflecting all the colors that were created by the sunlight and the sparkles must have looked dazzling to her. \'She must be happy,\' Drayce thought. The blooming flowers were proof of it.

"What is this?" Arlan asked, his tone unsure. "In the capital too, I have seen something like this. Is it related to her?"

Drayce nodded as he kept looking at the woman who stood with her back facing him. "My Queen is happy."

"I had heard this in passing from my sister-in-law but didn\'t know it was really the truth. All along, I thought there was something in the capital of Abetha to cause it." Arlan finally got to clear his doubts and looked around in disbelief. "It\'s unbelievable."

"Hmm," Drayce agreed. "I find it strange. Anyone only needs to look at her innocent-looking eyes that shows her pure soul and know there is no evil inside her. I wonder why they had to call her a witch? How can they treat her like a monster?"

"Now she is with you so you can give her everything she deserves," Arlan said some consoling words. Knowing his friend really well, he knew what Drayce must be feeling at the moment. The woman he married was someone who had suffered like him;? people judged them and despised their existence without even trying to interact with them.

Drayce continued to look at her. Though she was just nearby, to Drayce, she looked far away from him. It would take him a long time to approach this distant woman and open her heart. The silver lining was that she would be by his side all the time, and thus he only needed to be patient with her.

Seeing the flowers blooming suddenly everywhere, all the soldiers, knights and servants from Griven and Megaris were dumbfounded too. Most of them who had stayed in Abetha had witnessed it before, but the new ones who joined them felt like they were in a dream as they had never witnessed such a miraculous incident.

They started talking excitedly among themselves. The knights who had seen it before replied, "The land of Abetha is magical. We saw it when we were in the palace."

"This is so unbelievable," the others exclaimed, seeing the heavenly scenario everywhere.

"Our King said soon Megaris will turn into a magical land too so you will get to see it often," said the captain who heard the knights\' conversation.

"His Majesty said that?"

"It will be really nice!"

"My daughter and wife will surely love to witness this."

The happiness seemed to be contagious. One of them asked, "Is it because of Her Majesty?"

"I think so." The captain then turned towards the rest of the knights and instructed, "Now, don\'t just stand here. Return to your work. We have to leave in a while."

At the order from their captain, everyone immediately disappeared to resume their work, not slacking at all. They knew their captain was strict with punishment.


Drayce went to Seren to get her out of the water as they had to leave soon but he was quite reluctant to stop her from enjoying herself.

He stepped into the shallow part of the river to accompany her, his bare feet soaked in the water too.

Upon reaching her side, he asked, "My Queen, does this make you feel happy?" He asked the obvious, but he could not think of anything else to say to start a conversation with her.

She was so immersed with the view that she nodded on reflex to this question and mumbled, "It\'s pretty."

Drayce looked at her, who was still busy appreciating the scenery, and said, "Indeed, it is."

He was sure there must be a pleasant smile on her lips, and with that smile, she was infinitely the most dazzling one in this place. Though the veil was there to stop him from seeing her face, there was no one else more beautiful to him than her at this moment.

Slayer joined Arlan as the two looked at the King and Queen of Megaris standing together in the shallow waters.

"He seems happy," Slayer said casually, referring to Drayce not as his knight but as his friend.

Arlan nodded. "He sure is."

"I am happy for him," Slayer added.

"So am I."

With broad smiles on their faces, they stared at the rest of the smiling people around them. It seemed that Seren\'s happiness was truly contagious.

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