
Chapter 137: Bad Guys Work Hard

Chapter 137: Bad Guys Work Hard

The three looked like they didn\'t care at all about the news they had just been brought by their servant. It was true, they had already been paid by everyone involved so they didn\'t care if the Assassin guild failed to bring their new property back. "Go away." The tree of them watched as the servant closed the door and as soon as it was the whispering started.

A few seconds later they had reached a consensus that there was nothing worth leaving their shelter over. It was true there was good money to be made if they went and recaptured the girl from the Temple but they would just leave that to the assassins guild. Manpower wise the assassins were number three in the city at the moment because the Demon Worshipers weren\'t here, so they had plenty of people to send after her.

They did want to know who had attacked the assassin who had come to get her from them though because it could lead back to them and someone who wasn\'t afraid to fight the Assassins guild wasn\'t the kind of enemy you wanted knowing where you lived. People like that usually had strong backing or were crazy people who had a lot of personal strength.

All the dark guilds had to deal with people who sought revenge on them or random good samaritans so the odds of it being a rogue agent they would never hear from again weren\'t zero but that probably wasn\'t the case so they needed to decide how to increase the security of their bunker which hadn\'t been in the original plan for this bunker.

All they really wanted when they had built it was for it to be deep enough that it wasn\'t in danger of being destroyed and for it to be as cheap as possible because they didn\'t have any conflict with either side and were expecting to be left alone until the war was over where they would use the fact they were the only thieves who had stayed in the capital to become the new de facto rulers as far as the Thieves guild would be concerned.

But now it seemed they might not get through this as cheaply as they hoped. Once they all reached this conclusion the whispering started again and a few seconds later they had decided how many guards they needed and who they would hire them from. All three of them fought how you would expect so they decided to get classic warrior types because it would synergize well with what they could do to a target that was distracted by a bunch of loud brutes.

Now they just needed to decide when it would be a good idea to bring these new guards here without them being killed on the way here and where they would live in the bunker. It was pretty small with there only being four rooms, this one, and their respective private rooms so it seemed they would be turning this common room into a bunk for the guards.

They were all in agreeance so there wasn\'t really anything else for them to talk about so they all headed back to their private rooms to get their share of the money they would be spending on this. It was a good thing they had made money earlier today or none of them would have been so willing to make this purchase.


In another shady room also in the capital there were four people at a table all inspecting the body of a man for any damage that would cost them to repair. After a while one of the four gave an order. "Turn." As the naked man turned it revealed a small circular scar which caused all four of them to look down at the papers in front of them.

As they read all four of them looked disappointed and the one who had told the man to turn said. "It\'s an old wound that\'s already been paid for by the royal family four years ago. It seems whoever 214 fought with used a high quality potion to heal him because there is no new damage other than the arm which is cheap to regrow. That makes the only losses what we paid for the girl and the life saving charm used during the battle for a total of 56,000."

None of them seemed happy with this number and a few seconds later one of them said. "We should round the number up because they haven\'t approached the guild yet to pay their debt." All four of them nodded, this was a good point because it seemed like they were going to have to track down whoever had done this themselves and that could be expensive.

"Ok the final bill will be 100,000 to be paid within a week and if the debt is unpaid we will reconvene to talk about the new price." All four nodded and finally started to write down the new information into 214\'s file once they were done one of them said. "Get dressed and go to the sketch artist to make the wanted poster we will be handing out to the search squads."

214, or Gin, what he was actually called, got his clothes and left the room as fast as he could to do what he had been told. He was in disbelief that he had actually been able to keep a secret from the guild. When they had asked him the first question of, Do you know who the person who attacked you works for, Gin had been able to say no without the Loyalty curse activating because he truly didn\'t.

Jon used to be a member of their guild but it was clear that was no longer true because not only did the guild think he was dead Jon had been able to attack him something that should be impossible for any Assassin of the guild. All this meant Jon had done something they all thought was impossible, escape, and was now doing what they all dreamed about, Getting revenge on the Assassins guild for enslaving them.

It was also very obvious Jon had become much stronger in the time he had been gone because his number while and at the time of his death was in the 700 making Jon much weaker than him to the point where Jon would have never been able to beat him in a one on one like he had done.

Thinking back to the odd skills Jon had used during the battle, Gin couldn\'t help but wonder what jobs they had come from and what rank Jon would be now if he was still in the guild. Gin didn\'t think it was enough to make it in the top 100 but he bet Jon could if he was to get his hands on an Elixir so he could raise his stats over 100.

When they had been fighting it had been very obvious they both had the same stat in Agility because they had been moving at the same speed unless one of them used a skill to gain a momentary advantage.

Getting to the sketch room Gin sat down and got ready for the extremely long process of listing every detail he remembered about who he had fought and thanked the gods there was no way the sketch artist would get close enough that they would recognize Jon.


Jenson Looked at the horizon and smiled. It wasn\'t hard to see a figure as large as that one from a distance. They had finished their preparation work for Domare less than an hour ago and it seemed everyone had executed the plan perfectly because everything had lined up just like it was supposed to.

Looking back at the giant piles of bodies they had spent the last day forming, Jensen couldn\'t help saying the final number one last time. "Six." Six was two more than the original plan had called for so tomorrow was going to be an even bigger stomp than they had hoped.

Sadly it was going to postpone their plans by a day because even the Mighty Domare would have a hard time forming six new giants in a day, but the final result would make up for that. It did make him a little jealous though, he only needed to kill two more holy mages for his next promotion and that was going to be hard to do if he was fighting next to 7 giants.

He would be getting credit for doing a good job here though so maybe it would be enough to equal a promotion. He thought there was a good chance because he had been awarded for his idea to make the bodies walk themselves out of the capital and now he had surpassed the amount they had asked for by 50%.

Feeling the ground start to rumble Jenson got himself ready for the booming voice of Domare that would soon enter his head. "It\'s too many but it\'s what I expected from you. We\'ll need an extra day if we want to actually use all of them." Jenson nodded but didn\'t say anything. He didn\'t need to because these were orders not them having a conversion.

He was also happy Domare agreed with what he had thought already because it showed how skilled he was in planning even if he wasn\'t going to get credit for ever thinking it. Turning around Jenson saw Domare was already getting ready to create the first giant and marveled at the cloud of mana that was forming around them.

He felt extremely lucky that he was going to get to see this happen six times in the next day. Well he guessed it wasn\'t actually luck, he had worked extremely hard to get this opportunity it was only luck that it had worked out. "Were you able to spread the news that there was a giant coming successfully?"

Jenson hadn\'t expected this question so he jumped slightly and said. "Yes, and we were able to use that news to cover the moving of the bodies as a retreat so no one will be expecting our attack to have more than one giant."

"Good and I can see you took care of everyone else who knew just like you were told." Jenson nodded and looked at the piles closely to see figures dressed exactly like him. This had sadly been an unavoidable step to make sure no one would betray them because their curse master had died during battle so there was no other way to guarantee everyone here was loyal with them being newer members that could have easily been spies.

Jenson stopped worrying about that and focused, the giant was almost done forming which meant the part he really wanted to see was about to happen. It hardly ever happened so he needed to savor the moment he got to see his god even if it was only a small part. Seeing the cloud form and the middle open, Jenson\'s eyes bulged as he stared at the mouth that emerged to say. "Domore."

Jenson covered his ears when the new giant\'s name was said. After thinking about it he nodded, it was a pretty good one compared to some of the ones he had heard in his time serving the Demon Lord. Jenson couldn\'t wait till he was in a high enough position to hear the reason the Demon Lord started all the giants names with the same three letters because he was sure there had to be a reason.

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