
Volume 11 9

Chapter Nine: Reunion in Westwood[]

“I-Is that the village where the half-elf with an unnaturally big chest lives?”

Guiche asked anxiously.

“What the heck are you talking about?”

“Didn’t you say that? It’s how you described the half-elf girl — long ears and a ‘ridiculous chest.’”

“You seem to have had quite the sneaky conversation behind our backs.”

Kirche teased, grinning.

“B-Because it’s what he wanted to know the most about!”

“Don’t blame it all on me!”

“But are that girl’s breasts really that big? Bigger than mine?”

Kirche puffed out her chest.


Saito replied, feeling awkward.

It was already evening when the party reached Westwood Village. Due to the position of the moons, Albion was considerably closer to Tristain than usual, but it still took half a day with Sylphid flying at full speed to get there.

Compared to the other time when they went to Gallia, the party was in a completely different mood. This time they had the duty of returning with Tiffania.

The only hurdle was convincing Tiffania the best they could. It wasn’t dangerous, so the party was cheerful.

It may not be a trouble-free duty though, Saito thought.

After all, Louise can’t use Void now.

Speaking of which, Louise was the only one who was not in a good mood, and remained silent most of the time.

Kirche poked Saito.

“Hey, Saito. What did you do to Louise? She’s been acting weird since morning. Always silent...”

“No... to tell the truth...”

After a moment of hesitation, whether to say or not to say, Saito told Kirche about it.

“Oh my! Willpower!”

“Shh! Not so loud!”

Saito lowered his voice so that Louise, who was walking ahead of them, would not hear.

“Ara~, so she returned to being Louise the Zero again? However, even if she hides it, it may be a serious disease.”

“Don’t say that. You’ll just make me more worried.”

“But, maybe it’s for the better?”

Kirche said with a serious expression on her face.


“This child always had to carry the burden of ‘legend’ on her shoulders. I would be happy to pass it to someone else.”

It may be so, Saito thought.

Saito threw a nostalgic look at the village in front of him. Westwood Village had hardly changed.

Built deep in the forest, the plain, compact houses were hard to notice.

Once entering the place, they immediately headed towards Tiffania’s house. White smoke was rising from thatched roof.

“Oi, you’ll just come in like that?”

“Yep, it’s an easy mission anyway. Compared to the usual hardships, it’ll be child’s play.”

Guiche said while humming.

“Mo, really, you should be the last man to relax.”

“Says who? Wasn’t it you who was acting strange lately?”


“Indeed. Though I understand your enthusiasm about becoming sub-commander and all, somehow it’s still strange, normally you wouldn’t be so uptight. It doesn’t feel like the old you at all.”


“Aah, before you lived more comfortably. More at ease! Ahaha!”

Guiche laughed aloud.

“Indeed, when you don’t let your guard down like this, it’s no good.”

Kirche said.

“I command! Demon or not! Come out of this house this instant!”

Guiche stepped in front of Tiffania’s house and shouted.

“I speak in the name of whole clan! I, Guiche de Gramont, Commander of The Knight Corps of the Water Spirit! In the name of Her Majesty! This is a royal order!”

When there was no answer, Guiche opened the door.

Momentarily, his body stiffened.

“What? What’s wrong? Is she changing her clothes inside?” Amused, Kirche wondered and peeked inside.

Her body stiffened as well.

Saito and Tabitha looked at each other. After nodding to each other, they both at the same time pushed their heads through the doorway...

Behind the door, in the living room at the table where Saito also used to eat, two people were sitting.

One of them was Tiffania, who stared at the party with blank surprise written all over her face.

However, their nostalgic friend Tiffania was not the only one in the room. And the main problem was that other one.

Tabitha, who poked her head out of the doorway, stated.


Indeed, Tiffania’s house guest was none other but the enemy, Fouquet. Saito’s shoulders began to tremble. He recalled the face of Wales, who met his death on the ground of Albion.

This was the woman who cooperated with the Crown Prince’s murderer, Wardes.

The thief Fouquet the Crumbling Dirt.

He recalled Henrietta’s crying face, the burnt village of Tarbes and a lot of other spectacles during that miserable Albion’s campaign.


Saito screamed pulling the sword from his back and leaping forwards.

The rune on his left hand shone.

His swing cut the air within a hair of Fouquet’s face. However, she was a person of no common order. Standing up without fear of the leaping Saito, she pulled out the wand and blocked the sword.

For a moment their weapons crossed before both of them jumped back and took the attacking positions.

“What are you doing here?”

“That should be my line.”

The two simultaneously stared intensely into each others’ eyes, adjusting the timing. Then...


Tiffania jumped in between them.

“Why are you two fighting?! Saito! Put your sword away!”


“Mathilda nee-san! Do not raise your hand against this person!”

“Mathilda nee-san?”

Saito watched Fouquet. Wrong person? Though he thought so, those sharp eyes on her strong face, he really fought against her Golem before — no doubt, it was Fouquet the Crumbling Dirt.

Fouquet, wondering what was happening, watched while switching between Saito’s and Tiffania’s faces.

After that, she shook her head.

“It can’t be helped.”

Saito though, still blinded with anger, tried to plunge forward... but Tiffania clung to his arm.

“Please, Saito. Stop... Though I don’t know what happened between you, stop fighting. Please...”

Tiffania was crying.

“Damn,” Saito silently cursed under his nose, but put the sword back into its sheath again. And then with a plop, he sat down on the floor.

”Thank you.”

Tiffania showed an expression of gratitude while sobbing.

Guiche, Kirche and Tabitha looked at each other.

“Maybe now, after such a very long time, we should renew old friendships again?”

Fouquet asked in a tired voice.

Although Fouquet and the party continued to stare at each other for a while...feeling her legs getting numb, she sat on a chair.

“You too, put your wands away and sit down. Aren’t you tired after a long journey?”

The group looked at each other deciding what to do, but when Kirche sat down sighing "Oh well," they reluctantly followed her lead.

“Hey, Tiffania, speak up, why you are acquainted with this fellow?”

Tiffania looked at Saito as if asking, "Is it ok?" — Saito nodded. Under the circumstances, they could do nothing but explain.

Thus Tiffania explained it all to Fouquet.

How Albion’s army was held off and how she helped Saito who was about to die.

How she became acquainted to Louise and others...

“Aah, so it was you then? The one who pushed back the 70,000 Albion troops single-handedly.”

Saito nodded.

“Fufu, you did so, didn’t you. You seem to have grown up a little.”

Fouquet laughed.

“Now then, it’s our turn next. How come you and Tiffania know each other?”

Instead of Fouquet, Tiffania answered Saito.

“I told you some time ago... My father... the archduke, was responsible for the royal treasury, and there was a viceroy serving in this area.”


“She’s his daughter. In fact, she’s also my life savior.”


Saito was surprised.

“It’s not that bad. Mathilda-nee-san was sending us the money for our living expenses.”

Though Saito tried to say something, he was interrupted by Fouquet.

“Nuh-oh. Don’t talk about my former job. Let’s keep some secrets here.”

“Saito, do you know what Mathilda-nee-san was doing?”

Tiffania asked while leaning forward.

“N? Ah, aah...”

“Teaching! Don’t say anything else!”

Fouquet gave Saito a piercing glare.

“If you talk — I’ll kill you.”

Saito reluctantly decided to lie. He felt sorry for Tiffania if she were to know Fouquet’s true character.

“...that—treasure hunting.”

“Treasure hunting? That’s great!”

"Fu" — Kirche pressed her hand against her mouth

“Don’t laugh.”

“What about you, Auntie? How did your La Rochelle visit end?”

To Kirche’s provocation, Fouquet forced a wry smile.

“Oh, that adventure. Well, those guys ended up grasping all treasures to themselves.”

Relieved, Tiffania said,

“Therefore, no hard feelings. Not anymore. Make up. Hey, lets have a toast!”

Tiffania took out wine and glasses from the cupboard.

Thus a strange party of bitter enemies started.

Everyone continued to drink wine in silence as there wasn’t really any conversation. Only Guiche was cheerful while all others were only adding, "Uh-huh, yeah." Kirche from time to time put her hand on her cleavage where she had her wand hidden, before pulling it back again. Louise was absent-minded as usual.

The person who hurt Henrietta badly was there, in person, right in front of them.

Saito chewed his lip while watching Fouquet.

Aah, how many times he dreamed of an encounter like this eye to eye.

When thinking so, he had the impulse to plunge forward now and then.

Silently drinking the wine, Fouquet soothingly asked Saito,

“So, what’s the reason you’re here? I doubt you’re here just to drop by.”

Saito, looking back and forth between Tiffania and Fouquet... answered after some hesitation.

“...Tiffania, we came to bring you back.”

Fouquet’s eyebrow twitched a little.

Tiffania surprised, was looking at Saito as well.

Saito leaned forward.

“Tiffania, come together with us to Tristain.”

Troubled, Tiffania hesitated.


Saito desperately continued to persuade Tiffania.

“Of course, the children will go with you. In Tristain your lives will be secure. Didn’t you say you wanted to see the outside world?”

Tiffania’s face brightened up a little.

Then, Tiffania stole an embarrassed glance at Fouquet.

Saito stared at Fouquet as well.

She would probably say it was no good. She, who helped Tiffania for a long time, would not permit her to go together with Saito.

If so, then it’d be the sword’s turn again.

Saito slowly reached out for Derflinger.

Tension filled the room.

It was ready to blow anytime.

And then, after what felt like an eternity...

Fouquet closed her eyes and nodded.

“Good. Go with them, Tiffania.”

Surprise was clearly reflected on everybody’s faces.

“It’s time for you to see the outside world.”

“Oi! You agree!?”

“Uh-huh. Besides, I am broke now. Even if I wanted to send the remittance, I could no longer do so. That’s why I came to see you today. This is a nice opportunity.”


Tiffania’s face fell. Fouquet walked up to Tiffania and hugged her tightly.

“Such a silly child. Why are you crying?”

While scrubbing her eyes, Tiffania answered,

“Because you were having such a hard time. Why didn’t you say so sooner?”

“Are there parents who would want their daughter to feel anxious?”

“But Mathilda-nee-san is not my parent.”

“I feel like one. Because I have known you since you were so small.”

Later that night, after Tiffania cried herself to sleep... Fouquet started getting ready to leave.

“Oi, wait.”

Hastily Saito told Fouquet.

“What is it? Are you saying you still want to fight? What a troublesome child.”

“It’s different. Don’t you want to say goodbye to Tiffania?”

Saito asked softly, but Fouquet shook her head.

“I’m in a hurry. I am very busy lately.”

Or is it that you simply hate goodbyes...

Not knowing what else to say, Saito silently watched Fouquet walk to the door. At the doorway, Fouquet turned around.

“That child is so naïve. She doesn’t know about the world. Look after her so that she doesn’t run into trouble.”


Saito nodded. Then Fouquet looked at everyone.

“Now then — next time we meet, we’ll be enemies.”

“You’re not an enemy now.”


Fouquet suppressed laughter.

“See you then. Best of luck.”

But when Fouquet turned around, Saito asked her,

“Are you involved in some intrigues now as well?”

“I didn’t ask you why you want to take that child with you. Therefore, you should not prompt either.”

“I want to know why. Are you not worried?”

Fouquet’s face looked lonely for a moment.

“That’s just the path I chose, I guess.”

Putting the deep hood on, Fouquet said,

“You’re searching for your own way home. To see your parents’ faces again. I too, a long time ago, lost my place to return to.”

After Fouquet left, Saito and others decided to go to sleep.

Saito sat down on the sofa, but since he was not able to fall asleep he just stared at the moons.

Fouquet’s words were whirling in his head.

‘For the sake of returning home.’

Even if I wanted to return, I could not, Saito thought. However, do I really want to return? The idea of leaving this world was still very vague somehow, was it because he still hasn’t decided?

As he was lost in a deep thought...


Someone softly called out his name.

He looked up, and saw Louise walking up to him.


He called.

She was silent for such a long time... What was the matter?

His hand abruptly reached out, and gently touched Louise’s cheek.

It was wet.

Louise cried.

Saito became flustered.

“Oi, what’s wrong?”


“Don’t cry.”

Because the room was dark... he could not read her expression. It made Saito feel anxious. Ignoring Saito’s words, Louise asked,

“Do you want to return?”


“Do you want to return to your home place, tell me.”

“Why you are asking such a thing all of a sudden?”

“Answer me!”

Saito slowly... repeated the words he kept on saying recently,

“No, there are still things left unfinished in this world, I will return after that...”


“I’m not lying.”

“Then why were you crying in front of Chii-nee-sama? If you did not want to return home, you wouldn’t have cried.”


Suddenly, he recalled. How he was held close to Cattleya’s chest... He remembered everything all of sudden. Mother’s warmth. His hometown...

“How do you know about that?”

“It was written in Chii-nee-sama’s letter.”

Louise showed Saito the letter that she received from the owl. After reading it, Louise started to act strange. It was a letter from Cattleya.

Saito pulled the lamp off the table and ignited it with flint. He held the letter under the light.

Because of his studies with Tabitha... the meanings of characters filled his mind.

In the letter, after the greetings and being happy about Louise’s homecoming... was written about Saito.

That thinking about home, Saito cried.

That she was worried about Saito.

That it was Louise’s duty to see Saito off, returning back home.

That this was what should be the highest priority above all...

Louise asked, her face was soaked with tears,

“Why don’t you cry in front of me?”


“Why do you never tell me how you really feel?”


Absent-mindedly, Saito was losing himself in far away musings.

Because I love Louise.

I don’t want to show tears in front of the woman I love.

But... it wasn’t just that. It wasn’t just this feeling.

“Hey, why?”

Louise whispered, as her voice shivered a little.

“Because he’s a familiar.”


Behind Louise stood the small girl with short blue hair.

Nonono — Louise shook her head as if trying to drive the unpleasant thoughts away. In a voice that sounded like she was trying to persuade herself, she said,

“Yes. I agree with what Tabitha said. Therefore, when you are close to me, the thoughts of returning home just don’t enter your mind. No, you cannot think about it. Because when you stay by me, this world seems like the right one for you. No, that’s how it has to be.”

“Different. It’s different. That’s...”

It was hard to explain.

However, he was not very certain... it could be like Louise said. Or it could be his own feelings messing with his mind.

Whichever it was, he could not deny it.

Whether his thoughts were really his or not — Saito could not understand.

“It’s hard to know...”

“I, too, am uncertain.”

Tabitha added.

“Your tone was quick to become doubtful... Therefore it must be a fact.”


“A familiar’s ‘memory’ is changed for the convenience of their master. Memory is used to store information. Like how you were quick to learn characters. Not thinking much about your hometown must be because of it as well.”

“Are you sure about that? After all, I did remember my home from time to time...”

“But how many of those times happened with Louise around?”

These words made Saito blink in surprise. There were several times when he recalled his home but kept quiet about it.

When he was looking at the meadow of Tarbes together with Siesta.

In Westwood Village when he heard Tiffania’s harp.

When he was hugged by Cattleya...

Seeing how Saito became silent, Tabitha continued to speak,

“‘Gandálfr’s rune’ might have created a false motive in your mind, to stay in this world. For you, those fake feelings are true. ‘I want to do something for this world.’ But it could be that you are only made to feel that way, while your true feelings have disappeared.”

Surprised, Saito asked,

“Is it really possible?”

Tabitha indifferently continued her speech,

“As time passes, the effect grows stronger. Gradually, the familiar becomes accustomed so that he can become one in body and spirit with their master in the end.”

“Oi oi, if so, then I am not me...”

Saito remarked, to which Derflinger’s voice responded,

“Well, you finally understand what I was worrying about.”

Without them noticing, all of the group members had already woken up.

“Certainly, you have been acting weird lately. Somehow, you were strangely serious...”

Guiche said, his voice was filled with worry.

“Ara, I think it’s because you were reflecting your master.”

Kirche added.

Louise said, while rubbing her eyes.

“And ever since we met again, you were acting a little strange. You always woke up with a somehow strong sense of duty... it was so not like you.”

“But... still. Despite all the things that have been said, there is still no proof... Hmmm.”

“Saito, is...is it true?”


The one who spoke was Tiffania, who had been sleeping soundly till then and came closer to Saito..

“Really... then I am not really me.”

Saito looked at everyone and said honestly. Louise turned to Tiffania.

“Hey, Tiffania. You can erase memory, right? Then can you erase that part as well? Can you erase the fake motive that Gandálfr’s rune created in Saito’s mind so that he would stay in this world?”

“I don’t know...”

“It’s worth a try. The only thing that can interfere with ‘Void’ is another ‘Void’.”

“Oi oi, don’t decide for me!”

Saito shouted.

“Hey Saito...”


Louise had a determined expression on her face. Saito knew, that once Louise was like that, nothing could change her mind.

“In your mind, two melodies are ringing. We have to find out which one is true. Such a duet cannot go on forever.”

In a shy voice, Derflinger noted,

“But young lass... when we erase that part, his feelings for you might change as well.”

“It’s alright.”

Louise said in a clear voice. Then, while wiping off tears, Louise declared with a fake bravado,

“Mo, it’s annoying! Regardless, when a guy l-loves — it’s nothing but inconvenience. He just acts s-suspiciously when night comes! I will be relieved once it’s over!”

“Louise... you...”

“Look, lets just finish the spell quickly and bring you back to the way you were before. And once you are back to your old self, we can search for the way for you to return.”


Louise started to run... but then stopped and spoke while looking down, bangs covering her eyes,

“However, the way it is right now, I cannot help you. I am really nothing more than Louise the Zero...”

After saying that much, Louise ran out of the room.

Saito tried to run after her, but Guiche and Kirche stopped him, grabbing his hands.

“Let go! Let me go!”

“Calm down, I consider myself to be your friend. That’s why I won’t do that.”

“I think the same way, too.”

They both, with unusually serious faces, nodded.

Naudiz Isaz Ehwaz...

The sounds of the Void’s runes reached Saito’s ears.

Hagalaz Yr Beorc...


He looked at Tiffania, who had a serious expression while reciting the Void’s runes towards Saito.

Nyd Is Algiz Berkanan Man Laguz...

The spell was completed.

His consciousness fading... Saito collapsed on the floor.

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