
Chapter 111 She married you for the money Part 5

Chapter 111 She married you for the money Part 5

"Ahem... We first have the C sector, industrial unit Momoiro for auction. This is a well-established restaurant with state of the art facilities, located in the heart of the city."

"1 Million Dollars" A stiff old man in the back voiced out his asking price.

Subsequently, a couple more bids popped up, with the unit eventually reaching a 5 Million Dollars value.

Gazing at Su Lin, who was observing everything intently, Luther returned back to normal and smirked, "See anything you like my dear wife?

"Tsk Tsk... You fake flirt!! Where did all this sudden confidence come from?"

Luther grinned shamelessly and tightened his grip on her hand, still holding it very tenderly.

Su Lin blushed slightly and replied with a conflicted expression, "I was just noodling the idea of medicinal cuisine."

Luther immediately tensed up, remembering all her previous creations, "Heh... You do know that food has to be edible right?"

She immediately turned and stared at him, with a clear smirk. She then winked and murmured with a mischievous twinkle in her eyes, "Just because I gave you guys a disgusting concoction, doesn\'t mean I can\'t make it more tasteful."


Tears streamed down Luther\'s eyes thinking about all the mornings they had spent puking and dunking that disgusting goo.

Women are witches! Women are evil!! God damn it!

But, with her soft and supple hand still intertwined with his, he could only sigh and calm himself down.

"Ahem... Can I propose a trade?", Luther quickly admitted defeat and tried a peaceful strategy!

He looked at her seriously and spoke, "This restaurant is all yours if you promise to make that tempering liquid a bit more edible."

Su Lin chuckled and nodded in agreement. After all, that did sound like a fair deal!

"10 Million Dollars" Luther raised his bid.

Weren\'t they just going to buy the industrial unit? The mayor/ seventh brother was confused.

Since Luther had at once raised the bid so high, others didn\'t want to continue competing and incur a loss.

"Going once"

"Going twice"

"Going thrice"


Shi Meng\'s eyes immediately went wide when he saw who won the bid for the restaurant. Looks like the ferocious animal next to her also had money.

Otherwise, how would his useless and penniless ex-wife be capable of affording something that expensive?

He looked at grandpa Han sitting next to him, who also had a weird expression on his face.

Shi Meng sneered condescendingly, as a plan quickly formulated in his brain.

"Let me see how you will handle things this time around." He smugly smiled and shifted his focus back to the next item on the auctioning block.

He didn\'t really care about any of the units which were being auctioned here tonight. They already had enough infrastructure to handle all their planned expansion schemes.

So he just patiently sat there and waited for the main event to end.

He absent-mindedly tapped his hands on his laps, as he went over the plan for tonight. For some reason, weirdly enough, he was looking forward to it.

Su Han who was sitting next to Grandpa Han saw the creepy smile on his friend Shi Meng\'s face and instantly knew that he was up to no good.

"I only hope he leaves me out of it." He mumbled, already saying his prayers to the heavens.

After half an hour, the auction finally concluded with the Hangzhou city\'s mayor sweating bullets!

Sister-in-law!! You are not purchasing cabbages in the market!! Control yourself, please.

But no one heard his silent pleas and beseeching eyes.

With the end of the auction, Luther and Su Lin had actually purchased a total of 4 properties, attracting a good amount of unwanted attention onto themselves!

The production industry they originally intended to purchase, and along with it a restaurant space, a showroom, and an empty office building.

Contrary to what the mayor was thinking and dreading, Su Lin didn\'t randomly purchase these properties.

As she heard the description of each space, a vague plan began to form in her mind and she immediately acted on it.

Her logic was simple. After all, they had the means. So why not?

The auction, which was the main event for the evening was then followed by a lavish extravagant reception.

Their seventh brother/mayor had bragged about the delicious food types he had painstakingly fussed over and ordered for the evening.

So Su Lin and Luther decided to stay back and support the guy\'s efforts.

But, as soon as they walked over to the adjacent auditorium, several big shots instantly flocked towards them.

Everyone wanted to greet this new player in town - the man with the deep pockets and his devastatingly beautiful arm candy!!

Luther, who was not at all used to interacting with so many people at once, immediately felt like a fish out of the water.

He restlessly fidgeted as he tried to pay attention to the people in front of him.

The most annoying part was that some of these middle-aged wealthy men kept trying to hit on Su Lin right in front of him!! The audacity!

And, these geezers didn\'t look like they were going to stop chatting anytime soon.

So after a few minutes, Luther excused himself and dragged Su Lin along to grab something to eat.

The veins on his forehead popped as Luther tried to patiently swim through the crowd and get outside.

They didn\'t even want the food anymore.

"Forget it. Let\'s go somewhere else and have a more peaceful dinner." Luther suggested.

Su Lin nodded agreeing with him, "Give me a minute. Let me get refreshed."

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