
Chapter 151 The Ghost Of You

"She\'s gone," Justin said.

Klaus didn\'t show any expression. He just stood there with a blank stare. The lifeless body of the red-haired woman froze him. Just a few hours ago, they were dancing, laughing together, and enjoying the music. And now, Sylvia was lifeless lying on the gurney.

There were no words to express his feelings. When Sylvia was still around, he didn\'t feel anything. But now, with her death, Klaus felt a void within him.

Having lived for thousands of years, Klaus had met many people. They came and went, and none of them stayed for long. Klaus didn\'t have anyone who truly stuck with him until he was born into his new small family; Steve, Anna, and Joanna.

He held his chest. "It\'s been so long... since I felt this. Grief."

Klaus thought he would only grieve when one of his family members passed away. However, he didn\'t expect to feel it for Sylvia. Her death reminded him of a long-buried past.

Deep down, Klaus had once had someone who left a mark on his heart.

His youth in his previous life was full of struggles. Klaus had been a slave when his parents sold him to a mine owner. For five years, he lived like a dog, doing whatever his master commanded. He barely saw the sun. He began working in the orichalcum mine underground when the sun rose and only came out when the sky turned dark.

Young Klaus nearly ended his life. However, his hope was greater than his despair. He decided to fight against his fate.

During lunchtime, while the other slaves rested, he dug a tunnel, creating an escape route from beneath the earth. With unwavering determination and strong hope, he tirelessly dug the earth for ten years without a pause, even when he fell sick.

No one knew about this escape plan, and he didn\'t tell anyone. At that time, runaway slaves would get punishment more severe than death itself. Their limbs would be cut off and then hung alive on a pole until they bled out. But it didn\'t break Klaus\'s resolve. He would rather die than live as a dog for the rest of his life.

One stormy day, a heavy rain struck the mine, and Klaus saw it as an opportunity to escape. Leaving the mine didn\'t make things any easier. Wild monsters roamed, and the unforgiving wilderness could kill him at any moment, while young Klaus had nothing but the tattered clothes on his body.

For three days, young Klaus wandered in the woods, with an empty stomach and festering feet. He survived by eating grass and drinking moss. Until one day, he accidentally consumed poisonous mushrooms. His head spun, and his consciousness began to fade.

When he thought it was all over, fate had other plans. Klaus found himself in a small hut when he opened his eyes. Sitting beside him was a girl with pointed ears, not too long or short.

"You finally woke up. Are you hungry?"

That was what the girl said when Klaus looked at her.

Klaus still remembered; her name was Aria. She was the daughter of a human and an elf. Aria found the young Klaus unconscious, and her family took care of him.

Her mother was an elf with extraordinary healing powers, while her father was a skilled hunter. They cared for Klaus with sincerity, providing him with a warm bed and delicious food. They never treated him poorly. They were incredibly kind, especially Aria.

However, their kindness contrasted with the villagers.

This small family lived in a human village located in the middle of the woods. The villagers ostracized them because Aria and her mother were not fully human. Since her father had blood ties with the village chief, they couldn\'t be expelled. In the world Klaus lived in before, it might have been full of various races, but they hated each other.

The villagers were delighted with the presence of the young Klaus. They knew he was a runaway slave. Human law stated that free people who found runaway slaves were obliged to return them to their owners. If they didn\'t, the owner could take the slaves back by any means necessary, including killing them.

The villagers let young Klaus live with Aria and her family, believing that his owner would come one day and destroy them. Escaped slaves were usually hunted down, as the owners feared that other slaves might follow suit.

During his time in the village, Klaus only spent time with Aria. He accompanied the half-elf girl wherever she went; whether it was picking vegetables, fetching water, or gathering fruits. Klaus rarely left her side because the villagers always harassed Aria. Being pelted with stones and mud became a common occurrence for her, but with Klaus there, he acted as her shield.

In truth, Aria was extraordinarily beautiful. Her eyes were like gemstones, blue and sparkling, and her silver hair flowed elegantly. If she were fully human, the young men of the village would surely chase after her.

Initially, young Klaus only wanted to protect her as a gesture of gratitude. But gradually, seeds of love began to grow.

Their days were colorful despite the constant taunts they endured. They complemented each other perfectly. Young Klaus would do anything for Aria, and she would do anything to lighten his burden.

The pinnacle of their happiness came on a full moon night. As fireflies danced around the river with their shimmering golden light, young Klaus and Aria sat side by side on a large rock, their hearts pounding with excitement.I think you should take a look at

Klaus faintly remembered what Aria said.

"My parents were a harmonious couple. I want to be like them and have a child someday. But I\'m a half-blood. No man wants to be with me. It will be difficult. But if you\'re willing to help me, maybe everything will feel easier."

At that moment, young Klaus said nothing but kissed her, and Aria didn\'t resist. He still recalled how he gently pressed his lips against hers, how warm he felt when his fingers traced her body, and the soft moans that tickled his ears as their bodies united.

The world felt like it belonged to them that night. But it marked the beginning of the end of their happiness.

In the days following their intimate moment, a group of soldiers in black armor arrived at the village. They were the henchmen of the mine owner, searching for Klaus. Knowing their identity, the villagers welcomed them with joy. The day they had been waiting for had finally come, the day when Aria and her family would leave the village.

However, their joy didn\'t last long.

After a villager confirmed that Klaus was hiding in one of the houses, the village turned into a sea of flames. The soldiers killed every adult man and captured the children and women. They slaughtered them as if the villagers were cattle, claiming that these people had been hiding a runaway slave.

Amidst the chaos, the small family that had saved Klaus was also affected. Aria\'s mother hid both Aria and Klaus in an underground storage for food, instructing them to stay hidden no matter what happened. 

Not long after, four soldiers with fierce faces broke the house. They grabbed the mother and tore off her clothes. The father did not stay still, killing one of the soldiers, but his actions left the elven mother dead by the sword. Failing to channel his desires, the soldiers captured the father and stripped him of his clothes. Young Klaus saw what they did to him, and how long it took. Luckily, Aria did not see the terrible fate that befell her father, as Klaus closed her eyes with his hand.

As the sun set, Klaus sneaked Aria out of the village. The soldiers were drunk, having consumed the village\'s wine supplies. It gave them a chance to escape.

Unfortunately, their escape didn\'t go smoothly. Three soldiers discovered them in the middle of their flight through the forest. Young Klaus and Aria ran with all their strength, but it came to a halt when they reached a cliff.

They had no way to run. In those moments, Aria said, "We\'ll be together until the end."

Together, they jumped into the gorge. Klaus felt nothing but his heart pounding as he free-fell, and the bone-chilling coldness of the water as his body plunged into the river. After that, everything turned dark.

When he opened his eyes, he found himself on the riverbank. With a battered and shivering body, he struggled to get up to search for his beloved. However, after walking a few meters, he found Aria dead with a large rock impaled in her body.

That day was the first time in Klaus\' life that his heart was broken.

Sylvia\'s death reminded him of Aria. The way they both died was almost identical, with large holes in their chests, and Klaus froze there as he witnessed their lifeless bodies.

However, one thing differentiated the present from the past. Klaus was no longer a helpless boy anymore. 

"Justin, help me."

"Eh?" Justin was surprised. Klaus finally spoke after deep contemplation.

Klaus lifted Sylvia from the stretcher. Furrowing his brow, Justin wondered why Klaus was carrying her body.

"I want to bring Sylvia back to life. I want you to watch over me."

"Sure," replied Justin. Realizing that something was amiss, his eyes widened. "Wait a minute, what did you say? Bringing her back to life. Are you kidding me?"

"No, I\'m dead serious. Make sure no one knows about this, as I\'ll be in a very weakened state during the process. You are the only person I can rely on right now." After saying this, Klaus turned his body and walked toward the mansion.

On the other hand, Justin couldn\'t believe what he had just heard, still standing there with a bewildered expression. "Hey! How will you do it? With necromancy?"

Klaus didn\'t answer, continuing to walk away.

"Argh. This is driving me crazy!" Justin ruffled his hair. Then he ran to catch up with Klaus.

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