
Chapter 127 The Grand Profound Sect

Underneath the hot weather, several warrior guards diligently guarded their beloved sect non-stop.

The alone was tremendously large.

Just the enclosed space alone was enough to frighten one, with numerous hills, mountains, and open spaces for the sect disciples.

The enclosed space was too large, with various sections like the forbidden mountain regions, sectors for the outer sect disciples, inner sects, core disciples, Gold disciples, and even the elders and teachers had their own regions.

Even the working forest regions and areas with lakes and so on, or the sect handymen/servants to chop lumber, etc... were all enclosed within The sect Walls.

Some people had been in this sect for hundreds of years but had never even gone through 40% of the sect\'s enclosed land.

No doubt about it, the enclosed space stretched further than the eyes could see. And surrounding this enclosed space were more hills, mountain ranges, valleys, and whatnot.

Talk about grandness.

Again, stationed at the perimeters of these outer regions were Sect Guards who had taken up stealth mood skills, allowing them to blend in with their surroundings.

They typically stayed silent and focused on allowing their senses to reach as far as they could go.

With that, they could sense all birds, creatures, and anything moving from a distance away.

Of course based on their skills and cultivation strength, some areas had numerous people guarding them, while others just had a few people instead.

Nonetheless, every guard knew their duty and did so diligently.

They could stay in the same spot 3 weeks straight, cultivating and allowing their senses to spread out. And after that, they could relax for a week off before returning to do the same shift again.

The Sect was organized, with everyone knowing what rules they had to play to keep the sect running safely.

But even at that, if the enemy were too strong, then the enemy would fly right by them without them noticing.

People from Assassin guilds or people with higher strengths could stealthily maneuver around it all.

Of course, this also happened in every other sect.

There was just no helping it.

There would always be someone stronger in this world. So all they could do was try their best to continuously protect the Sect.

Anyway, they stayed around the Perimeters of the outer zone, overlooking what goes in and what goes out.

Yes, they mostly stayed around the PERIMETERS, leaving the middle part a little vacant.


Because these regions were still taken as hunting, competition, and training grounds for disciples who didn\'t want to go too far away from the sect.

There were still several beasts roaming around these utter Mountains, hills, lakes, valleys, cliff sides, and caves.

They left nature as it was and didn\'t want to disturb things.

It was all for practice and a few competitions, mainly for the Outer disciples or recruitment tests.

Those who were inner sect disciples and above typically went to more dangerous forest areas far from the sect instead.

In short, the Profound Sect, as well as several High-class sects, were this big, owning too many territories that had been added with time since their Founding.

Of course, new sects or small ones could never compare.

That said, even with all their property, destroying a sect could be easy in the face of absolute power.

If the most powerful people in the sect got destroyed, things would be easier from there on out.

Sigh... the dynamics of sects seemed simple but complex to maneuver.

Nonetheless, no matter ally or for, they could all agree that the Profound Sect was indeed grand!

Currently, several guards were now diligently watching the Main entrance path.

They sat on the small twin hills that had now sandwiched the official Main path.

Yes. Stepping past this point meant that one would begin their journey via the outer sect zones before finally reaching the Grand gates of the enclosed zone.

The guards crossed their legs and watched over the roads out in the open.

They were to talk to visitors, check visitor passes, as well do several other checks too. So they weren\'t hidden like the others.

While watching, they also engaged in hushed conversations about cultivation, desires, and so on. And at the same time, elders and sect disciples passed to and fro the place constantly.

Today seemed like any other day... or at least that\'s what they thought.


A massive circular structure appeared, floating a few inches from the ground.

It had a very light presence and looked more like a bubble, with various colors that didn\'t show too strongly.


The guards and even the sect disciples and a few elders passing by quickly became vigilant, taking out their weapons, ready to make a move on this floating thing.

But what happened next shocked them.

First, they saw several pairs of legs step out, followed by several people.

Elder Nianzu, Elder Tsongai, Elder Kadiri, a dog... and who are you?


Several people blinked in confusion and shock when they saw at least one elder they recognized.

No. It should be that they were shocked that these people had popped out of the bubble.

Was the bubble a traveling device?

Or was it a portal?

Many had never seen portals before but had heard that 2 existed in Yanging Province. And one of those 2 was portals that came into existence on their own.

The portal would open up on its own in a particular region.

It was a natural phenomenon that was part of nature and was usually triggered or opened by nature.

It wasn\'t in their control.

It was like a volcano erupting or the sun shining.

It just happened. And for as long as any could remember, the portal to the Secret realm opened up in the Yanging province every 5 years on the same day and time.

It has been like this forever.

"I\'ll Go! Did I just see what I think I saw?"

"I-I think I saw what you\'re thinking too."

"Lying through! Could my eyes be deceiving me?"

"Aren\'t portals gateways that can only be created naturally in nature? So why did it seem like this one was controlled?"

"Eh? Could it be that this is an ascension portal? Had they also ascended and been permitted to come back to the lower realm?"

"No! That\'s impossible! If they descended, we would\'ve already heard of their ascension, and they would\'ve also gone through their tribulations within the sect."

"Then, then how do we explain this?"


Everyone stared at the disappearing bubble in surprise and awe.

But what shocked them the most was that the 16-year-old boy was the one who closed the Portal. And the way the elders treated him made them look at him deeply.

The young man was extremely handsome and had a calm demeanor too.

Who was he?

Nianzu and Tsongai looked at Chu Che excitedly: "Boss Chu, Welcome to The Profound Sect!"

Chu Che nodded while taking in all the fresh air and beautiful scenery.

Seeing him nod in appreciation, all 3 Elders were secretly proud.

Alright. Now, it was time to meet the set Elder, as well as set up the Teleportation Station!

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