
Chapter 245 245: The Deadly And Frigid Wastes

Chapter 245 245: The Deadly And Frigid Wastes

Sarah had killed the most mutants the day before, after Alex, and so to boost their desire to fight, he would give the one who killed the most a reward, which somehow became a small date and then sex.

"Nnnn... you\'re swelling up inside me... are you going to cum? All inside my womb!"

"Give me some puppies... ahh... I want your stinky semen to flood my body, make me smell like your dirty cum."

Sarah\'s tongue hung from her mouth as Alexander ravaged her body, their sweaty, sticky bodies slamming together as she clenched his hips with her legs, begging for his seed.

"Cum Darling~ Cum!!"

Alexander kissed her lips as his cock swelled and sprayed his semen inside Sarah\'s tight pussy, filling her womb and stomach with his virile seed as she moaned happily, her tongue twirling with his as she tasted the sweet flavour of his saliva.

"Mmmm... Alex... I love you~"

Sarah whispered as her womb greedily sucked his semen dry before Alexander picked up her body and carried her outside to where the women were killing the stage five zombies and mutants—their numbers were endless and vast, but they were steadily thinning them out as Alexander deposited Sarah\'s naked, sticky, semen leaking body near Amy, who blushed as she watched Alex\'s cum drip from between Sarah\'s legs.

"Make sure she rests up and eats, okay?"

The next moment his cock was wrapped in the warm mouth of Amy, "Let me clean it up first....Mmmph..."

Amy cleaned Alexander\'s dick with her mouth, licking and sucking it clean of Sarah\'s juices before pulling it from her mouth and smacking her lips with a delighted expression as Alex smiled wryly before flying back into the air after wearing his pants.

The reason they were so pumped up was that because Sarah was chosen yesterday, today\'s choice would be someone else due to her being off for the day... so even Himari was working hard to kill enemies with her magic.

"Yo, my cute sisters," Alex called out to Ayami and Himari, who fought together with the help of Megan and Patricia, all of them blushing as he was shirtless and the thick scent of sex, and Sarah\'s moans could be heard from here.

"Oh? You are all blushing, do your best, and I might pick you next, haha." 

With a powerful flap of his wings, he rushed back into the icy trench where they had made a few hundred metres of progress so far.

I wonder if the others are doing alright...

He thought as his claws tore the throat of Stage Five while his left hand held the black katana, slicing through the ice and beheading ten more with a refreshed smile on his face after enjoying Sarah again.


Meanwhile, in the northern front...

"Hold the cannons! Good! Now ye\' wee Girls fire!"

McAlister commanded the Vesta Knights, who wielded modified cannons created by a mixture of Brunhild\'s strange aura and Alexander\'s destructive magic as they blasted a horde of stage five Zombies into mush, the freezing weather making their movements slow, so it was easy to hit them with the heavy metal balls coated in poison.

The heavy bang, like the artillery mortars of old, the women were exhausted, with many wounded lying down in a makeshift medical text with Opal, Emerald, Ruby and Lapis helping to heal and tend to the wounded girls, some missing their arms, after the entire army was ambushed from all sides by three Stage Six monsters and a huge horde of Stage Five\'s that forced Valulaela, Kaliara and Brunhild to be occupied as Mildred tried her best with Laura but some casualties were suffered.

Many Vesta died, protecting Brunhild, Carmine and Francesca, but thankfully, less than ten of them died.

"Ye wee lass, reload! Quickly!"

McAlister barked commands as he controlled the battlefield, with Mildred leading the archers who cleared her training, constantly moving across the battlefield and aiding the three fronts as much as possible while Laura and the assassin and succubus units she borrowed fought valiantly against seven hundred high level mutated beings now fused with the ice element.

"Come on, lasses!! Kill them all!" McAlister roared as Brunhild finally appeared from the snowstorm, her white wings carrying Carmine and Francesca, who helped with the Stage Six that would otherwise destroy their entire army right now in the open, but thanks to this battle, all the vesta were growing at a visible rate, their teamwork, coordination and will to fight and live exploded.

"Take the left flank, protect the weaker vesta and let them get some experience! Laura, pull the right flank back; you are too extended!" Brunhild was amazing... her eyes glistened with gold as she ordered the combatants with a voice that travelled across the entire battlefield.

"Valulaela, Kaliara, retreat! Help McAlister defend the centre!"

Her voice was loud, commanding, and authoritative, inspiring hope and confidence as she leapt into the air, spreading her wings. Hundreds of golden squares formed around her back, and spears of light began to poke through them.

⟪Divine Storm⟫ A mighty spell of destruction rained from Brunhild\'s back, piercing and destroying hundreds of stage five zombies and mutants, melting them in seconds as a beautiful angelic appearance appeared above the snowstorm, raining death on the undead.

However... suddenly, a sudden existence flashed past her body... the next moment, her golden blood began to pour down onto the vesta, as one of her wings had been torn off...

"...Stage Seven!?"

A female mutant, like a harpy... with several sets of wings and sharp claws, was devouring her wing, as its strange eyes with two pupils in each eye narrowed before vanishing again. 

"IGNORE ME! Fight like your life depends on it!" She screamed, raising her hands

⟪Divine Barrier!⟫

In desperation, a huge dome of divine power covered the entire battlefield, locking both her and the harpy outside; as she grasped her golden spear, her speed and flying stability were damaged by the missing wing, and the harpy cackled at her with a distorted laugh...

It was mocking her.


Brunhild felt her divine power weakening...

Suddenly, her Barrier began to shatter as the harpy shot towards her, aiming to tear another wing and devour it... but as the harpy\'s claw touched the golden feathers, it was like touching acid, burning its skin, before Brunhild\'s knee smashed the harpy\'s face, snapping her nose and pushing it into the back of her face like a pug, wrapping around her back she then thrust her spear into the spine of the harpy, but it\'s body vanished.

Suddenly, Brunhild felt pain in her thigh as the harpy reappeared and bit her leg, tearing flesh...

"This is fun... I want to eat you...."

Brunhild coughed up golden blood as she realised this was the evolved form of the stage five harpies that were both intelligent and could teleport with rapid speed flight.. at Stage Seven, it even managed to pass her detection ability for a split second...


Brunhild cursed as she tried to stab the harpy again, but her spear only passed through the air...

She knew she was weakened severely from losing one wing, and her barrier was certain to be destroyed if she fell... Her hand released the spear. Instead, she closed her eyes and took a deep breath, preparing to fight with just her flesh body and divine power.

A swirling aura that she normally expanded to detect enemy condensed now, only wrapping her body and a metre around her.

Blind, but the aura was several times stronger now.

She waited...

The harpy teleported again, biting her shoulder... Brunhild ignored the pain as her aura stabbed into the Harpy, pinning it in place before her fist slammed into the stomach of the harpy, causing its intestines to explode...

"Not enough!"

Brunhild began to rain a barrage of kicks and punches at the stunned harpy, beating it within an inch of its life as it teleported away, coughing up black blood... Brunhild chased after her, grasping her spear and using her remaining wing to fly...


She tossed the spear at the fleeing harpy, piercing its spine... Brunhild grasped the harpy and ripped the wing from its body before stomping its neck with her heel, snapping it instantly before tearing the head off and tossing the body into the snow...

Taking a deep breath... she looked to the battle; it was their victory... She was filled with excitement and fear for the future... as that Stage Seven almost killed her... 

A moment later, her divine barrier shattered as a black beam shot from a distance... The moment her aura was narrowed seemed to have been the plan of the mutant standing several miles away, as the explosion caused chaos to the vesta...

A black smoke covered the situation as Brunhild shot towards the bastard responsible as below the shouts of McAlister were constantly sounding, growing increasingly hoarse as he tried his best to reorganise the troops.

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