
Chapter 11: The Ancient ruins of the Dryads I

Chapter 11: The Ancient ruins of the Dryads I

[Shout outs to fanmy1 and TKru! Thanks for the power stones so early in the story!]

We have been traveling for about 10 hours now and it is late afternoon and the sun is starting to set. I land the Griffin and set up camp, we are on a cliffs edge overlooking miles of beautiful forests and the sky full of stars provides light for us. I start a fire and go in my tent to log off. There is a risk of sleeping in the wild, but we are in a safer location. Once I log off I open my gaming pod and walk over to my laptop. I want to research information about Herold Marcus the II and what he has done. I have missed some world announcements while I was sleeping last night.

After searching through the forums there is not much other than he is the king of the country I am in, and he has declared war on the neighboring kingdoms. He has angered Arch-Angel Michael, my father, and The Almighty Father, my grandfather. I wonder what he did to cause such a thing. None of the players know and only the top NPC powers in Ancients World know the reason. He threatened The Son of Arch-Angel Michael, and planned to do evil things with his power. This was seen by the the mentioned deities and they acted in the way they saw fit. This is unknown to the players and Cera.

I go downstairs for dinner and everyone is already here. Everyone is watching T.V. and mom is making dinner. I see that they are watching a reporter do a take on my class. "Not much is known about the divine class: The Son of Arch-Angel Michael. The Developers had this to say, \'We didn\'t make the classes, the A.I does things according to the lore and history we developed for the world. We did this to take out the pattern of repeated gameplay by letting the system take care of it.\' All the major guilds are offering huge cash rewards for any information regarding this player." They are telling the truth about not knowing, they are lying about the A.I controlling things the way they described.

I don\'t need to worry about that right now all I need to do is focus on the now. Another reporter comes on and she is standing outside J&X Inc. doing an interview with one of the directors. "What can you tell us about the return of the fairies and The Son of Arch-Angel Michael?" She points the microphone at the man.

He adjusts his glasses and prepares his answer. "We don\'t actually know anything, the game is not something that can be predicted or planned. Everything has a reason and reaction. Once a player has special priority like The Son of Arch-Angel Michael, they can have heavy influence on the state the world will take. The new Kingdom of the Fairies is a perfect example." The Developers have some power through the system, but everything he said there was true. Mom finishes making dinner and calls us to the table to eat.

We have fun and talk like we used to before everything went to shit. In a few days the auction house in the game will go live and I can sell this guild token. The millions I\'ll make from it will solve the almost poor problem we have. I\'ll be able to move us to a safer place and the threats wont be as severe.

It will be nice to do this for my parents after all the crap they did for us kids. If anyone deserves it, its them. I say my goodbyes and go to bed and sleep after the long journey I took today. The griffin made good time since I was so light, I didn\'t have a bunch of heavy gear like level 120s and higher do. We made it more than half way and I should make it to the ruins by noon tomorrow.

As Cera is going to sleep there is talks in Ancients World. Another emergency meeting is called to discuss the important development that has happened today. The Pope is starting the meeting off with the information that has been driving him crazy since he got the divine message. "A person has helped Arch-Angel Michaels son and the church has no way of finding out who it was in Blue Grass. We called this meeting to discuss what the potential this situation has provided." As The Pope finishes speaking Gregory Francis the VII speaks first.

He gets up and takes the stage to speak. "As you know the king of Zenith has declared war on White Rock, Borealis, and my kingdom. I have formed an alliance with the kings and we are having a war council in White Rock 10 days from now. Any who wishes to participate are welcomed to come." The rulers of White Rock and Borealis nod there heads at Gregory\'s words. Other rulers are now whispering to each other.

The Saintess clears her throat for the next thing to be addressed is Arch-Angel Michaels son. The Saintess takes the stage and addresses what is going to happen. "Now that someone knows the identity of Arch-Angel Michaels son this war must be carefully executed. If this person is to die from the war there will be punishment from the church to the kingdom who committed it." There were heated words said from some of the rulers and The Pope raises his hand to silence them all.

The Pope takes the stage again and says the final thing for this meeting. "This person holds key information, I get his complicates things. However, this war is not more important than our primary mission. Finding The Son of Arch-Angel Michael is the top priority. I expect you to understand that. This concludes this emergency meeting, you may leave when you wish." The projections turn off fast and the only ones left are Alexander and Lucy.

They are both very busy with trying to find Arch-Angel Michaels son, and this will be the common trope for the foreseeable future. Lucy is the first to speak. "Why is he hiding from us? He knows we can help him!" She yells in frustration and slams the table. The church may have power equal to the kings and queens, but they have no authority What. So. Ever. on the direct grandson of the Almighty Father.

Alexander takes off his hat and places it on the table. He runs his fingers through his hair in an attempt to ease himself. "We cannot force someone with such divinity and power to come to us. We would be punished by The Almighty Father for taking such disgraceful methods against his grandson. Arch-Angel Michael may come down to deliver the punishment himself. We just need to wait Lucy, that\'s all we really can do." Lucy looks at Alexander with anger and storms out. He sighs at the young women\'s actions. She is a terrific fighter, but she doesn\'t understand that this is a chess game and we are losing badly. Herold proved insane declaring war against his neighbor\'s, but it bought him time to search instead of us.

I know for a fact that Herold is also searching like us in hopes to use the power of Arch-Angel Michaels son. Such Blasphemy wont go unpunished by the church. If Herold is caught trying this then the church will go to war. I will not allow such a thing to occur while I am Pope. I am very tired after todays events. Now would be a good time for me to go to sleep as well. I hope Lucy will improve by tomorrow, we have a busy day.

The night passes and Cera wakes up to the sound of his alarm. It is early morning and he can smell moms delicious food. Mom is always the first one awake, I head downstairs and I am the first of the 3 siblings up like I always am. "Hey mom, what\'s for breakfast?" I can smell the bacon and eggs now that I am within the view of the kitchen. Dad sure will be sad when he gets home today. I sit down with mom and start to eat as my other 2 siblings come out of there rooms.

We all eat and talk about what we are doing today. Sis is going to try out at another T.V. station and Lil Bro has school. I am so glad I am done with school, soon I\'ll have more money than anyone in my graduating class will ever make. I finish my food and head upstairs to get going on this quest.

I enter my gaming pod and I wake up in the nice warm tent being bathed in sunlight. I walk out and notice everything went okay while I was asleep. The griffin also looks like its ready to fly now that its had good rest. I hop on the back and continue the rest of my journey today. I have a feeling that this will be a great adventure.

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