
4 PDS - Chapter 4


Dominance aura - 1000 PDP

(Potential) daughter(s) in a radius of 8ft will become slightly more submissive toward you.

Loyalty aura - 1000 PDP

(Potential) daughter(s) in a radius of 8ft will become slightly more loyal toward you.

Charming aura - 1000 PDP

(Potential) daughter(s) in a radius of 8ft will love and trust you slightly more.

Intimidation aura - 1000 PDP

(Potential) daughter(s) in a radius of 8ft will fear you slightly more.


Mentor - 1000 PDP

Instill new knowledge in your (potential) daughter for your convenience. Can be upgraded to be used on multiple (potential) daughters at the same time. Duration: 1 minutes / level.

Libido enhancer - 1000 PDP

Temporarily increase the libido of your (potential) daughter. Can be upgraded to be used on multiple (potential) daughters at the same time. Duration: 5 minutes / level.

Ghost daddy - 500PDP

Your daughter(s), (and anyone else in the radius of the ability), will be temporarily unable to see or hear you. The ability has a radius of 20 feet and a duration of 3 minutes. Radius and duration increase with each upgrade.

Batter factory strike - 500PDP

You gain the ability to turn ON/OFF insemination. Turning it ON does not guarantee insemination.

Golden bullet - 10000 PDP

Every vaginal ejaculation has a 100% chance of impregnating your daughter. The resulting child is always female.

Trust fund - 3000 PDP

Temporarily grants a medium increase in the trust that the interlocutor has in you. Upon the end of the duration, a small permanent increase is granted as well. Duration: 3 minutes / level.

Dog trainer - 5000 PDP

Just being a daddy alone is not enough. Having your daughter\'s doctor/teacher/guardian be loyal to you would make things much easier. This ability will grant a small permanent increase in loyalty toward you to the targeted adult or your daughter\'s male sibling. (Warning! It does not work on daughters and potential daughters).

Honey trap - 5000 PDP

Loyalty is not always the best way to gain support or to remove an obstacle. Using this ability, you can make two targeted persons of any gender feel temporarily a strong sexual attraction for each other, thus giving you the chance to collect blackmail material on them.

Apology - 5000 PDP

After you do a sexual act against your daughter\'s will, she will forgive you, the loss of affection will be halved and loyalty will not drop. Max usage: once every 7 days.

"Uhm, lots of goodies here. Let\'s see… Trust fund is critical to progress both with the girls and with their parents, let\'s buy this. Also, a Suggestion drop, a Sleeping drop, and an Amnesia drop. Yeah, that should do it."

Active skill \'Trust fund\' acquired

1x Suggestion drop acquired

1x Sleeping drop acquired

1x Amnesia drop acquired

All items moved to inventory, remaining PDP: 0

Aaand I am broke. Hehe, no matter. I have enough material to make a start. Whistling happily, I go back to my den to check what is going on in the building. The girls should all be at school, but perhaps I can catch some interesting tidbits from their parents…

...After a week of monitoring, a perfect occasion has presented itself. Katie Lawrence, the single mom I spoke of earlier, is the mom of Hope. Thanks to the hidden cameras, I was able to follow an interesting development. It seems that her best friend\'s son come down with a very strong flu. Unfortunately, his mother, a single parent as well, has a meeting in another town that she cannot miss, as it is related to her promotion. Normally, leaving her son at home alone for a night would not be an issue, but this time the babysitter has caught the flu as well and she cannot watch over him. Katie, as a good friend has offered her services and is scheduled to leave in the afternoon. She would bring Hope with her as well, but, afraid that she would catch the flu, decided to leave her at home. It is obvious that she is not 100% happy with this. While Hope is a responsible girl, she has never left her alone overnight. And here is where the perverted hero shows up! During the last week, I tried my best to cross paths with Hope and her mother, as I have decided to make Hope my first target. By deftly utilizing the skill \'Trust fund\', I managed to raise both their trust in me to an amicable level. Not enough to become friends, no, but enough to convince Katie, with the help of the Suggestion spray, to have me babysit Hope for the night in my own house. On the other hand, Hope will probably distrust me as this goes beyond the amicable level of trust she has in me, but if I manage to get her to my house and feed her the Suggestion drop… hehehe. Worst case scenario, If I go overboard and she gets angry, I will force-feed her the Amnesia drop and spend the evening as a proper babysitter!

So now, to start my plan, I am watching the video feeds of her house like a hawk. Hope already left for school, and Katie is ready to go out for groceries. As soon as she opens her apartment door, I sprint out of the house and call the elevator. Things go as planned and as I step inside the elevator and start going down, Katie hits the button and the elevator stops on the second floor. The doors open and Katie is standing in front of me.

"Good morning", I say cheerfully.

"Good morning, Ben." She replies with a smile before stepping in.

The moment she turns her back to me, I materialize the Suggestion spray from my inventory.

"Oh, Mrs. Lawrence, I wanted to ask…"

At my words, Katie turns her head toward me, and I take the chance to spray her in the face. Her whole face immediately turns slack, a sure sign that the spray worked. Here we go.

"Ask me to babysit Hope for the night in my own home."

That\'s it, nothing fancy, straight to the point. Now I will let her come up with her own justification.

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