
Chapter 599 599 Reunion

Chapter 599 Chapter 599 Reunion

"Come on, brother!"

"Fly faster!" Han Chai urged excitedly as she was laughing happily in their flight. She led the way and played along the tracks back into the village.

One moment her body would soar into the clouds and in the next she would glide down to feel the wet grass on her cheeks. Han Chai was truly a picture of joy at this time.

The more she experimented with her newly given powers, the more she was amazed at the profound mysteries of this world.

She was not dumb of course as she realized that this was perhaps the reason why her playmates were much stronger and faster than her in the past.

They also had their own gifts in this world.

This was true until yesterday for Han Chai since our bored gamer had made her stand above the heads of almost a million people inside the city of Navi.

"As you wish, Chai\'er." Clark smiled and then raced against his sister.



"BOOM!" A dull sound would happen as our good gamer\'s body flashed into the distance.

This was akin to instant teleportation and Han Chai could only stare, bewildered of how her brother could do such a thing.

"WAIT FOR ME!" Han Chai yelled and she tried her hardest to follow in the steps of his brother. Alas, the game was already done and over at this time.

When Han Chai arrived at the village of Ascot, her brother was already smiling at the gates in his wait.

"How did you do that, brother?"

"Teach me! Come teach me quickly please." Han Chai was fevered with enthusiasm like a small child who has found a new toy to play with.

"Later, Chai\'er. Let\'s greet our friends inside first." Our bored gamer replied and patted the cute head of his sister.

The siblings went to the village and spent the rest of the day reconnecting with the people of Ascot.

"A simple life that is bereft of suffering and war is also a good life to have." Clark muttered as he looked at the ordinary ways of the village.

* * *

Years passed and in a blink of an eye, three thousand years had already fallen into the past. It was also on this fateful day that Twilight Moon had returned before her rightful summoner.

"It is done, master." The clone copy bowed deeply.

"I see." Clark nodded and he did not waste his time for further babble. His figure vanished from the room and materialized into another place entirely.

In the green fields, he saw the happy picnic of a big family. This was the lineage that followed his blood in this world.

"DING!" Our bored gamer disappeared once more and he arrived at one of the most secret places in the clan.

The huge doors before him were crowded with intricate runes and designs that repelled any influence from the outside world.

But more than that, the richness of the true qi that swirled around this place was at least 10 times compared to the city of Navi.

This was indeed a very great cultivation cave for anyone to use.

"Chai\'er." Our good gamer whispered and he did not have to wait long to see a change at this time.

"BANG!" The big doors opened out to spit the familiar face of a woman.

She looked to be in her twenties but if one looked into her eyes and observed her demeanor, this lady boasted a whole lot of years under her belt.

"What is it, brother?"

"Did something happen?" Han Chai asked with a frown.

It has been about one hundred years more or less since she last saw her brother because she needed to focus on her breakthrough during this time.

"Nothing bad happened, Chai\'er."

"I only have news to tell." Clark replied. He then explained his origin or at least a short narrative of it and what he needed to do next.

Our bored gamer has of course explained how Han Chai\'s real brother succumbed to death some thousands of years while hunting for food in the past.

Han Chai took the information with no surprise whatsoever. She experienced how our good gamer had treated her like true blood and family ever since the beginning.

Thus, this revelation did not change a thing between them.

"So this is why you have become so powerful so fast before, brother."

"You are already a mighty immortal in another realm." Han Chai smiled but there was also sadness in her eyes. She recalled how weak and useless she was before in the village.

More than that, she remembered the sacrifice of her brother Han Sen. He died partly because of her.

"You can come with me if you want." Our bored gamer nodded and said these words thereafter even if he realized that it was a futile try in the first place.

"I can\'t leave my family behind, brother." Han Chai shook her head in reply. Many things have happened in these 3,000 years.

Han Chai certainly did not remain to become that little naive girl forever. She grew up and fell in love eventually. She had children and the rest was history.

In fact, the Han Clan has already become the biggest and strongest family in Navi City.

"I understand, Chai\'er." Clark said gently. This was also within his expectations. In the end, he really can\'t force his will on his sister.

She has a life of her own now and he respected that of course.

"When will you go, brother?" Han Chai asked after a long pause.

"Today." Our bored gamer replied.

"I hear you. I\'ll bid you goodbye in a week, brother."

"But before that, let your little sister spoil you for the duration." Han Chai said and hugged Clark\'s left arm tightly.

She then guided themselves towards the exit and talked more things along the way.

"..." With this ending in tow, our avid gamer could only postpone his departure for a week. He did not deny the silent wish of his sister.

\'I\'m going to miss you, Chai\'er.\'

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