
Chapter 543 543 Rules

Chapter 543 Chapter 543 Rules



"COME AT ONCE THIS INSTANT!" A booming voice disturbed the musings of the old man.

"Be right there, dear!" Gondor scrambled towards the voice and all the while he thought that perhaps marriage was the biggest mistake he ever did in his long tenure of these earths.

* * *

"How do i get to rise above the rankings?" Lin Fan asked.

He stopped after the first and only strike because the outcome he got for his efforts shattered whatever fallacy he had in his mind.

Only a tiny speck of damage akin to microscopic crack in a mirror laid before his eyes.

The walls that separated them was simply indestructible.

"You need to devour worlds of the summoned existences and take not only their people but also of all powers that dwell within those lands. If you successfully do this, then you\'ll have one point." Super Warrior answered.

"A point for what?" Lin Fan\'s eyes were still looking at the cause of those tapping sounds.

"A point to challenge the ascendants."

"Challenge? What if i slaughter them right now starting with you?" Lin Fan tone defied their meaning. His voice was like one who spoke to a close friend and not to the object of his savagery.

"Of course you could also do that but you\'ll get no points for it. And do you think a fight of our caliber would halt at one day?" Super Warrior was amused with the newcomer\'s words.

Almost all beings that were abducted here were the finest in their worlds. They stood at the apex of strength and a usual fight between them would take at least several years to finish.

And those not strong enough when they ascended would usually have genius level intelligence so they would bid their time and plan carefully ahead then assault fatally with prodigious precision.

These ones would only make their presence known after they have achieved sufficient power to battle.

Thus, Super Warrior treated the impudence of the boy as mere rubbish.

"Why then have you stopped delving into worlds? Are you afraid? Or have you already given up?" so said Lin Fan.

There were few things that could escape his eyes.

And he definitely saw no blood lust nor the thirst for adventure within the guise of this man whose true name was Kala.

What he perceived was the peacefulness of spirit and a content and happy persona even as the tall man stood impassively before him.

This was not Buddha strength because Super Warrior neither got the familiar aura of monks nor he embodied the usual stringent doctrines of their kind.

It was different.

It was the smell of defeat and acceptance.

"A coward!" Lin Fan snorted in his mind.

"You have just arrived, Lin Fan. You do not know what you\'re saying. I have battled for a trillion years in the past and..." Super Warrior started.

"you fell short of your purpose." Lin Fan finished his words for him.

"Yes, indeed i failed."

"So you dally around. Waste your life. Make children. And sing hopeful songs into the night?" Lin Fan ridiculed.

"Perhaps. But i am satisfied with this type of life. I have what i wanted and i ask for nothing more.... But peace..."

"What is peace without freedom?" Lin Fan sneered.

"...." Super Warrior did not answer but calmly waited for the next words of the boy.

He did not need to justify his choices to anyone. Much less to a stranger.

"Very well. I can see that you\'re firm in your decision. I commend your will. But to live like a caged beast is not one worth living at all." Lin Fan said once more.

And then there was silence. Two supreme existences stood in the void. They breathed nothing but lived alongside the nihility that embraced their form.

It was after an hour that someone finally broke the lingering stillness.

"Tell me Super Warrior..."

"how do I start conquering my way out of this pen?"

"You only need to say "Status" and you shall have all the answers you need. It would have automatically opened after one day has passed but since you were so adamant in chasing the clouds yourself so..."

Super Warrior threw mocking smile unto Lin Fan. He remembered the first time he got here and honestly, he did not fare better than this ordinary looking young boy.

"Farewell, friend. And may you have better luck than i did." The man of steel bade with these words and left these desolated place.

"Status!" Lin Fan followed the instructions to the tee.

"Welcome Almighty Omniscient Omnipotent Omnipresent Immortal God King Emperor Sage Saint!" a voice filled with humor graced the boy\'s ears.

"Did you perhaps expect to hear these greetings? BWAHAHAHA!

What a fool!

You are nothing but a figment created by my boundless imagination!

A fake being like you would not be even worthy to be given the task to lick my feet clean!" and the voice threw a fit of laughing out loud like a man on substance abuse.

"So listen up, my paper toy! Here are the rules.

1. After you read this love letter, your world shall be transported to this universe. And yes all your whores will also appear. So happy night out to all of you! Know that i will be watching though. HAHAHA!

2. You have newbie protection until you chose to attack another player.

3. There is a ranking for all you offspring of bitches! The first one shall see me after a trillion year ends. You should all be excited about it. Be sure to practice giving head though. HAHAHA!

4. If you are weak, then you could evolve into something stronger, sturdier, and vastly alien by going into the story lines of your peers. Yes, I\'m referring to you and the rest of you. My puppet soldiers.

5. A successful world conquest will give you 1 point which you could use to challenge a person in the ranks.

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