
Chapter 306 306

Chapter 306 Chapter 306

Ten thousand years later and...

"Show me my status, Nancy."

"Affirmative, host."


* * *

Host: Clark Colter

Power Systems Conquered: 6/50

* * *

"Nice. Slowly but surely. Wait for me you fucking Elder God." Our bored gamer cursed and then silently bid for his op partner in the dark.

Another breath passed and then he was whisked away to a different dimension altogether.

* * *


"You have successfully obtained the Precious Stone of Origins. You have one wish." an ancient sound resounded in the ears of the masses.

"Make me the Owner of this Reality." a handsome man answered without any second thoughts.

He had an intimidating presence, almost demonic in power and grace as swirling crimson residues proliferated around his person.

Signs of battle had marked upon his flesh and garments because their tattered blotches and wounds tried to blemish the same man who stood unbowed amidst the foes that scattered about.

Some men, some beasts, while others sported a feminine luster, but they were not all enemies in fact.

A few among them were allies and had come to support this person that had finally gotten his hand around this item of power.

"That particular wish cannot be granted. If you want to be the Owner, then you need to fight for it, not ask. Please make another one."

the mystical voice rang in the ears of all but surprisingly,

only one person was given the right to speech and move about in response to the unseen speaker.

The demon like elegant man sighed and looked at one of his palms.

The fingers that decorated upon that important faculty was all coupled with sharp claws akin most to a beast than that of a human.

A few breaths passed of him within his thoughts before he eventually raised his head from the gory inspection of his bloody hands.

Around him, space and time moved not one inch from their stagnant condition.

Each made their own faces of surprise, mirth, but most had fear apparent on their guises.

This vibrant picture of life and death, of combat and resistance, finally solved the last puzzle in this demonic man\'s decision.

"Very well then, give me ten breaths of Absolute Power and..."

the words of the man was drowned out by the deafening surges of might that befell upon his person.

If before he looked threatening enough for ordinary mortals to wet their pants and eat the earth in subservience,

but it was at this moment that even the gathered experts and cultivators, friends and foes alike, wished to hide from the sight of this unreachable existence before them.

The evil man looked like a god among children.

His torn robes in the hues of ashen grey and purple only solidified his majestic divinity in this specific breath of time.

For even garbage and dirt worn garments would seem to glitter in the shade of gold when the one who bore such inappropriate settings, was a Supreme Immortal above all.

"It seems like victory is mine after all. Farewell." the man muttered and smiled towards the immovable pieces of souls before him.

He stalked for a few steps towards his prey, ready to purchase justice as he intended. And that was exactly what he did.

One wave of his arm, and those he considered against him was all turned to blood fogs in an instant.

Trillions of people and their armies was killed, as easily as the raising of one limb.

A moment later, the man siphoned the oceans of crimson life force into his mouth and devoured this huge strength as his own.

Although this was a non factor in the grand scheme of things because of what he wished from the Precious Stone of Origins,

but that mattered not since this has been his way of cultivating since time immemorial. Feeding off from the lives of his defeated adversaries.

What remained in the dome of war was perhaps a minuscule portion of what had been. A thousand at most.

This was the man\'s topmost friends in this conflict and perhaps the strongest among the lot.

"Let the dead rise anew." the handsome devilish man whispered and the universe answered his call for this impossible miracle.

The combined realms shook as if groaning at the immensity of the quest, yet before the third breath elapsed,

it brought a wondrous change that would since then be marked, until the eons that would come to pass, as the Day of Resurrection.

"Greetings, Blood Sovereign and congratulations in your victory!"

Most of the assembled people roared in a one big respectful voice and showed appropriate reverence to the holder of the stone.

Some clapped their hands on their chest, others bowed deeply,

while a select number prostrated completely before the seemingly all Powerful Being in front of them,

utterly displaying the relationships of each towards the lone man who grabbed the attention of everyone in attendance.

They felt like insignificant ant crickets before the amalgamation of energies and spiritual deterrence that solely belonged to the Blood Sovereign.

"Our victory..." the man corrected in a barely audible tone yet the sound alone almost cracked a few eardrums in the process.

He even brought back to life those that had helped him along the way in his path in cultivation.

But his eyes never stilled and continued to scour the million and change of resuscitated souls and flesh beneath his feet.

Two breaths went by and an agonizing sigh of longing and loss reverberated in everyone\'s senses.

"Just as i had expected, they are not here. A pity." the Blood Sovereign thought inside.

"The battle is won but this is only the beginning. I will be watching."

this was the last words of the Blood Sovereign before he together with the Precious Stone of Origins vanished before everyone\'s eyes.

* * *

"Are you alright, boy?" A concerned voice called into a boy that had blood all over his body.

"Hmmmm..." the boy merely murmured as he opened his eyes into the bright blue sky above him.

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