
Chapter 277 277

Chapter 277 Chapter 277

"As I\'ve said child, i am a kind bringer of boon. Will you accept it or not?" the unseen man asked once more.

"Will there be any payments in return?" the boy queried. If life had taught him one thing, it was that nothing ever comes for free.

Some had learned it the hard way by getting scammed on investment schemes but this boy was of course wiser than those luckless ones.

Since he was poor from the beginning then he could only learn from the mistakes of others and never acceded to the tasty tongues of the those temptresses.

Not that anyone has bothered to try dealing some great bonus towards him.

Until now, that is.

"You shall have to see that for yourself, child." the voice replied.

"So it does have a price in the end." the boy thought as he realized the implications behind this subtle statement.

"I ask for the final time, child. Do you not dare to receive my honest gift?"

the old man\'s voice resonated in the room but behind those uttered words was a mocking tone that was barely held in check.

A hateful music that the boy was all too familiar with.

"FUCK YOU!" the boy roared in his mind as he gleaned the meaning behind those words. Very much like the despicable myriad taunts thrown his way in the past.

"I ACCEPT!" the boy answered firmly.

"Congratulations, my child. May you enjoy the ride ahead." these were the old man\'s parting words before he disappeared completely from the boy\'s consciousness.

"Is that it?" the boy whispered when nothing happened after ten beats.


"Welcome to The Lust System, host!"

"Lust System? What the fuck is that?" the boy muttered. He was a scholar in the university and thus all his time was spent in studying and acing his subjects.

Things like web novels, xianxia and such was as alien to him as those imagined green friends inside them flying saucers.

So in his 18 years of life on this earth, he has yet to read a page from the popular genre of system novels that almost broke the internet in the yesteryear and counting.

"It is a powerful tool, host. You could even rule over this current reality with this epic advantage in hand." The voice replied promptly.

Maybe it was because this was the second time such a bodiless spirit has conversed with him that the boy has at least presented a modicum of balance in talking with this unknown individual.

The fact that this newcomer had an angelic sultry voice also helped composed the boy\'s nerves. To date, this was probably the loveliest voice he had ever heard in his life.

It was akin to deity\'s and was almost incomparable to anyone else in the world. Even those legendary voices from esteemed actresses and singers was a tad bleaker beside this one.

This one\'s voice was magical and brought a mystifying effect unto the senses of its current master.

And yes, system\'s voice was of course that of a woman.

"I see... Then what kind of power will this so called Lust System give me? Would it bring me lots of money if i wished for it tonight?"

The boy said after he comforted himself back unto the safety of his bed.

This was his refuge after all and it was a surreal experience to be talking to someone else for a change than be alone with his wandering thoughts like always.

"Negative, host. The system doesn\'t give instant power ups nor can it magically create something from nothing but it does have it uses. Please check your status screen for further details."

the system answered.

"What is this?" the boy was stunned when he saw the clear azure texts that floated before his eyes.

Host: Adrian Reid

Cultivation: None

Techniques: None

Items: None

Divine Gift:

The Dominator – no woman can resist your innate charm.

System Shop

Lust Points: 0

Adrian\'s breath stopped when he read the latter part of the information list. He cared nothing for the rest but only the single most important definition among them.

"The dominator? What a godly skill!" he moaned in ecstasy but paused shortly because it was still too soon to celebrate.

If this was but an intricate joke by his bullies again then Adrian knew it would take a great toll on his mind. But it was not like he was not used to those childish plots in the first place.

With nothing left to lose, Adrian has everything to gain in basking in what little hope he could glimpse from this unexpected situation.

"Tell me about your this line, The Dominator – no woman can resist your control... how do i do that?"

Adrian asked nervously, afraid to wake up and find that this was just another fleeting dream of his making.

An aching soul that oh so wished for deliverance from his hapless circumstances in real life.

"Just think of a woman, host... any woman and you could command her to do anything that you desire." the system stated.

"HOLY FUCK!" Adrian could not help but roar in excitement.

"Hey, dweeb! FUCK YOURSELF IN SILENCE! Don\'t disturb my sleep or else I\'m gonna give you some midnight beating for a snack!" an angry boy banged the walls.

They were in cheap rental spaces and so what separated the five small rooms in the house were also cheap thin walls.

Anyone of the five borders\' voice could be heard if they were to just speak above their normal tones.

Especially with how cramped this house was designed, this would probably be a haven for crazed gossipers.

"BOINK!" Adrian closed his mouth tightly in response. His lips kissing each other in a lock.

He knew from previous experience that no matter what he said, it would only fuel the already discontented boy in the other room.

And so, he could only remain quiet and hope for the best. This was already a useful life skill that Adrian was so adept at even in his young age.

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