
Chapter 244 244 Hello, Old Friends!

Chapter 244 Chapter 244 Hello, Old Friends!

"Let\'s just give them what they want, Clark. Ten Game Points is nothing." Amber whispered in order to get away from this sticky situation.

This would have been totally avoidable in their previous school because of the presence of their bodyguards but now that such a grant was not allowed inside the premises of the Earth Defense Academy, they need to contend with the normal challenges of studying once more.

One of those was bullies and their petty bullying of course.

"I can\'t allow it, Amber. If these parasites continue to run amok in my sight, wouldn\'t that mean that we would have to pay the same amount of game points every time we enter the school?

That\'s absolutely ridiculous! No. I won\'t let that happen." Clark shook his head and gazed at the young men before him. They were the typical rich kids who were drunk on power.

\'It seems that i will have to get my hands bloody this soon.\' Our bored gamer signed and awaited the expected outburst that he would get from the five young fools before him.

And he was not at all disappointed in the next breath.

"HAHAHA! It looks like you want some pain as a gift on your first day of school. Let me g..."

The leader of the five was about to drop the judgment on our good gamer but alas he felt a great tug on his shirt. The leader could not help but pause his words for a moment.

"What\'s the matter, Leon! Can\'t you see that I\'m busy in here?!" The leader looked back and addressed one of his friends.

"Alvin, don\'t you think that that boy is familiar? From the dungeon battle. The Handsome Devil!" Leon tried to keep his voice down but the fear he felt was palpable in the air.

He could not even help shivering in place as he recalled the cruel hands of our bored gamer when he dismembered his foe piece by piece by piece.

To think that Marvin Black was still alive after all that gruesome torture was indeed a miracle of the ages. Thus, the nickname Handsome Devil came to be.

Our avid gamer has of course earned this title in spades. It was not even an understatement that billions of women fell under his charm.

Alas, it has also brought terror unto billions of people. If not more.

"The Handsome Devil?" Alvin frowned and tried to ascertain this news. When he looked back again to the pair of lovers, he could not help but shake in an instant.

A man that has the height of 6 foot five inches, cold blue eyes, black hair, a figure that appeared compacted by tons and tons of muscles, big hands, and a kingly stance.

Add to that was the air of composure around him. This was absolutely the temperament of a supreme expert that never answered any offense with a smile but only of blood and violence.

\'I FUCKED UP!\' Alvin cursed inside and had the impulse to kneel in place for forgiveness. Unfortunately if he did that, he would lose all face and respect that he had in the Academy.

And so he chose a better alternative in the end.

"A – Ahhh... This has been a mistake. You can go now." Alvin said instead. He immediately looked around to look for any other prey or excuse to get as far away from here fast.

When he found an unsuspecting young man walking hesitantly towards the gates, Alvin visibly beamed for this lucky encounter.

"So you think it\'s that easy to escape, huh? After all the trauma you caused us? You must be dreaming, young man."

Alvin was about to leave but was stopped by a hard voice behind him that said these words that made his skin crawl in horror.

"What do you want? You should know that our teachers are just round the corner. If you make any trouble in here, you will be expelled from the Academy no matter who you are!"

Alvin said loudly. And true to his goal, he got the attention of many students around him.

Alvin could only hope that this was more than enough to dissuade our bored gamer from any further actions.

"Really? Then I\'d love to make them try." Clark smiled and Alvin knew that it was over.

This was the same look that this Handsome Devil had on his face when he was busy butchering Marvin Blake in the past.

\'SHIT!\' Alvin lamented inside. He saw that Clark took one step towards him and he knew that he needed to think of something quick. To fight against this op monster was suicide!

"Stop this, Clark. Don\'t make a scene in here!" Amber barred our good gamer\'s way.

She could not believe that with the loss of their bodyguards, her boyfriend was going to act like a wild bull in a killing spree. This was totally beyond her expectations!

"To see evil and do nothing when you have the power to stop it... i think that would be equally wrong. Don\'t you think so, Amber?"

Clark asked and left his girlfriend to digest this food for thought.

"What are you doing?! Don\'t come near me! I am the son of...!" Alvin was not able to finish his words when a big fist shut his mouth for the day.

Dodging for this almost instantaneous attack was a thing of fancy!

"BANG!" Alvin lost all of his teeth in the process and his beautiful noble nose was broken flat on his face. From a rich young boy, Alvin transformed into something else entirely.

Someone who was not anymore recognizable from before. Perhaps the only redeeming factor in this experience was that he still was alive in the aftermath of that single punch.

"Take him away." Our bored gamer instructed the four friends of Alvin.

"Y – Yes!" The poor souls took two long breaths to react. After that, they carried their leader away from the scene of conflict.

"If i see this happen again, at least i have already given you a perfect example of what could happen. Try my patience if you dare!"

Clark raised his voice and gazed sharply at the same groups that did the same thing as Alvin.

"We hear you, BOSS!"

"We hear you, BOSS!"

"We hear you, BOSS!" Most of them understood and only a few remained in silent defiance.

* * *

"It seems like your plan is ruined, Sofia."

"I guess so, partner." A man and a woman walked to meet their very special students.

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