
Chapter 230 230 Party Night

Chapter 230 Chapter 230 Party Night

There was total silence in the entire world. Although our bored gamer exuded no spiritual pressure simply because of its absence on Earth but that did not mean at all that he could not bring a similar effect into the fray.

As a creature that was equivalent to a World Traveler Expert, Clark\'s life energy was insurmountable to the mortals beneath his huge size.

The humans found it even hard to breathe in the presence of such a mighty dragon.

Though the humans could not see the entirety of our good gamer\'s form, everyone could feel him all too well.

They were akin to insignificant ants to the epic winged mythical beast that slithered over the planet.

Perhaps the only one that could see our avid gamer clearly was the multitudes of man made satellites in orbit.

The images filtered into the screen of the world leaders view and not one could remain calm by what they witnessed. A gigantic monstrosity!

\'Let me try something else.\' Clark thought after flexing his flaming wings and tons of reptilian muscles. He reached for a particular thing using his ginormous dragon claws and...

"BANG!" A deserted island vanished from the map.

But in its place, the familiar guise of a magical temple remained standing tall even amidst the catastrophe that besieged its immediate area.

No water or land occupied its surface anymore and yet it floated in space with no damage apparent damage at all.

Even our bored gamer in his dragon form could not put a dent on the dungeons that were created by that fucking Elder God.

"Hmmm... One more time." Our bored gamer murmured and was ready to try another route. He was of course not one to just give up that easily.

"BOOM!" A complete unity of all the Grand Dao descended on the scene in different hues and representations. There was a living fire that could scorch anything and anyone on its path.

A great Buddha Palm that seemed to cover all views of the heavens and the earths save only this singular truth. A bloody sword came next that appeared to even cut off karma and fate itself.




One after another, Clark assailed the immovable dungeon using all the forces presently available in his arsenal.

Alas, not even his True Immortal Self could openly defy and challenge the power of an op Elder God. At least, not yet.

"There will come a time that i will be able to destroy you... soon!" Our bored gamer clenched his huge jaws as this eternal vow echoed in the milky way and beyond.

A few breaths more and the unbreakable darkness receded from view. There was light, fear, and yes, there was also hope in the aftermath.

"What the hell just happened?!" This was only one of the many questions that plagued the consciousness of the entire human race.

Something that they would not know the answer to... for a long long time.

* * *

"Are you ready, Clark?" Our bored gamer heard his girlfriend call his name from outside the door.

"Yup, i\'ll be there in just a second!" Clark replied positively but in fact he was still busy playing some World of Warcraft on his pc.

It had been a year already since the whole world almost ended with the dungeon overflow. And from that point in time, much has already changed in how humanity views the magical temples.

Instead of restricting access like before, they were encouraging them with absolute force. The advertising and benefits alone was staggering to say the least.

Especially when one could prove themselves capable in the life and death struggle within those unpredictable dungeons.

As such, almost everyone was given the chance to attain strength inside these mystical constructs. This was why this event tonight happened in the first place.

"BANG!" The door opened and a beauty in full bloom occupied the addicted gaming form of our very own protagonist.

Amber was wearing a lavender colored dress that showcased her feminine curves to all sexes.

There would be no doubt that she would have to slay the night completely with such an absolute killer garb.

"You\'re playing that stupid game again! CLARK! You\'re not even dressed yet! I can\'t believe you!" Amber was exasperated.

She knew that her boyfriend loved games but in the 1 year that they have been together, Amber realized how gravely mistaken she was indeed.

Clark was a complete lover of all things games and the like.

"A moment is all I need." Clark replied without even having to look at the door.

In a breath, the unprepared guise of our bored gamer in home clothes vanished and was replaced by something a lot more formal and very much presentable.

He was clad in a dark tuxedo which paired him quite well indeed with his hot girlfriend by the door.

"I can\'t imagine how you can waste your time in learning these useless abilities, Clark." Amber shook her head as she witnessed yet again one of the many quirks of her lover.

Different from the rest of them, her boyfriend did not learn useful and important things in the dungeons.

While most was grinding to learn unique skills and abilities, Clark was always preoccupied with the mundane like cooking and fishing.

Amber could only ever accept the usual oddities of our bored gamer.

"But you must admit that this kind of skill is very handy in this case, right?" Clark asked when he finished standing in all his glory.

This was a skill called Magician\'s Phantom Hands that has served our bored gamer in more ways than one.

Not only could he change clothes quickly but he can also play Amber\'s nether regions to absolute wetness.

This special ability had truly helped caress the beautiful woman to countless orgasms in their nightly affairs.

It was also lucky because the two of these love birds were already living under the same roof. And so there were really constant evening battles to be had.

"Y – Yes... I guess..." Amber had no other choice but to approve.

Especially after the agile transformation took place, from an unprepared young man in casual wear unto an attractive stud in her front, Amber could only blister in desire. Like always.

"I know what you\'re thinking, Amber. Let\'s do that after the party, shall we? Come. Your guests are probably already waiting in your home."

Clark smiled and led the stunned fairy out of his room. They rode a Silver Bentley to the event. Less than 10 minutes and they arrived at a scene of grandeur.

Almost every car in the vicinity was priced at no less than one hundred thousand dollars in tag. And directly up front, was a lofty mansion for the occasion.

"Miss Amber, your father is already waiting inside. Please follow me." An elegant lady welcomed the pair in a businesslike manner.

Clark and Amber were used to this woman\'s demeanor and thus, ignored the bitchy attitude of the lady. This was Karen. The able assistant of Amber\'s father.

The threesome walked into the mansion and almost everyone was following their tracks along the way. Both Amber and Clark were quite the stunning pair.

And Karen was also not bad herself. It did not take them long to see the stalwart stance of a middle aged man at the center stage. Bradley Victoria.

"You are late. You should have been here 30 minutes ago." Bradley stated after his daughter greeted him with a kiss on the cheeks.

"The traffic was heavy on the way, father." Amber lied. She could of course not say that she was late because her boyfriend was busy playing games in his room.

"And besides, I still see many empty tables. I think that we just arrived on time, father. Is mom coming?" Amber noticed and decided to do some small talk with her old man.

When all of this was happening, our bored gamer nonchalantly listened in silence. He was more than preoccupied with playing with his mobile games.

Clark knew that Bradley Victoria did not like him at all. Not for anything else but only because our good gamer has taken a once in a lifetime pawn in Bradley\'s chess board.

Alas, it was all too late since our avid gamer was here to stay beside Amber\'s side forever.

Almost fifteen minutes passed and a proud man arrived in the vicinity with flair. He was perfect and walked with confidence and purpose.

Unfortunately for him, the conversation that he had come here for was a tad too foul for our protagonist\'s ears.

"It\'s been awhile, Bradley." The man said to the host of the party.

"Steven? What a surprise! I thought that you were busy creating a multi billion business empire in Asia. So glad to see you out here in the West for a change. HAHAHA! It\'s been 5 years since I last saw you. Come, come. Tell me about your adventures in Asia."

Bradley visibly brightened up with the advent of his friend. He and Steven were good friends from military school.

Their experience in West Point was priceless indeed.

And from that solid foundation, they had kept tabs on each other and were even partners in a few lucrative businesses in the country before Steven chose to expand to the east.

"...there\'s nothing new, Bradley. It\'s all the same story over and over again. Of dragons and temples. Our achievements have been overshadowed by this fresh trend." Steven lamented over a cup of fine wine.

"Indeed." Bradley could only acknowledge the fact.

"By the way, i hear that your daughter is going to enroll in the Earth Defense Academy soon. My son Nathan will also be there. Why don\'t we introduce them to each other and maybe we could really be more than just brothers in arms, Bradley." Steven suggested next.

\'It seems that someone is asking for bodily pain in tonight\'s happy affair.\' Clark merely smiled and awaited how this evening will unfold right before his very eyes.

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