
Chapter 200 200 A Jump in Time

Chapter 200 Chapter 200 A Jump in Time

Seven days quickly passed and when the eighth dawn arrived, it was only at that time when the two lovers had separated in full.

Cultivators cannot only last in the battle field long but they could also do the same on romance and other delicious endeavors.

To say that they enjoyed each other\'s company during this time would be truly a great understatement of the century.

In the end, Clark and Gu Wenren all had beautiful satisfied smiles on their faces to mark their first union together as lovers and perhaps more.

\'Pheew! That was an epic workout indeed!\' Our bored gamer took a deep breath as he looked at his handiwork with pride.

Gu Wenren\'s face was filled with freshly delivered spring produce and yet it did not mar her beauty in the least but has instead made her even more delectable to Clark\'s eyes.

In reaction to this enticing sight, he could not help but sport a new erection once more. He was hard and ready to engage into war one more time!

Alas, he was not that cruel to his women. Our avid gamer could not take to destroying the flower with abuse and grave misuse.

\'I need to let Gu Wenren have her rest also. She definitely earned it.\' Clark nodded and forcefully stopped the raging tool from taking him to places he would rather not go.

Although Gu Wenren was already a powerful cultivator in her own way but coming over and over again until she could never count how many times she spent her wet and squirting explosions into the fray has absolutely taken a toll on her body also.

She may be superhuman but she could never compare to the tip top physical condition of our bored gamer who was already in the True Immortal Realm. To do that was truly not fair for her.

"Life is good." Clark whispered and in but a few breaths, he followed the path of the lady beside him.

He slept and it was in these rare moments that he found solace in a world that was devoid of any thought or dreams whatsoever.

At least this dreamless sleep made our bored gamer temporarily forget of the woes that hung over his head. There was peace and quiet.

A gentle snoring sound and two souls that found comfort in each other\'s arms. Another day passed and it was Gu Wenren who woke up first.

She looked around her and she realized that she was naked as the day that she was born.

Memories of the escapade that she had willingly participated flashed before her eyes and the heat of shame flooded on every inch of her skin.

She could not believe that she had done all those things and how wild she had been in exploring the sensuality inside her being.

And to think that she has only started her journey to self awareness, Gu Wenren could be said to have passed with exemplary honors on her first try of carnal affairs.

There was a blush on her face but it also receded after a few minutes of introspection.

"I am a true woman now. I did not think that I would feel this different." Gu Wenren muttered and gazed at the slumbering form of our bored gamer for a long long while.

In the end, she left after she gently kissed Clark\'s cheeks. Her body was swallowed into the void thereafter.

"She left without even saying goodbye. Tsk. Tsk. Typical of women who are just after my body and not my heart. Hehehe."

Even though Clark threw a poor jest out but this has certainly reflected what his mood was right now. It was perfect and he could have never ask for anything else in the world.

Not until he remembered his sticky predicament with that fucking Elder God still peeking in silence over his head.

"Since I can use the Dao of Time, I wonder what would happen if I fast forward to one hundred trillion years from now. Hmmm...

That\'s a question that needed to be answered by me soon enough." Clark said and stood up to prepare himself for the cast.

If this would allow him to cheat that fucking Elder God then there was a good chance that he could see his family back on Earth sooner than he has expected.

"Thinking about it just won\'t make it a reality. It\'s time to push time to its limit."


The essence of time was vigorously accelerated and the people and events around our bored gamer acted in haste while he himself remained stagnant in the heartless passages of time.

* * *

"I haven\'t heard from Young Master Clark for a week already." A beautiful woman was conflicted at this moment.

"Should i make the first move and come into his chambers once again?" She continued to ask herself. This was of course none other than Gu Wenren.

She tried to ignore the fact but it just wasn\'t helping her at all. She was missing our bored gamer and his hard presence.

"I must keep these naughty thoughts inside me. If he wants me then he should be the one to call me and not the other way around!" Gu Wenren determined.

A full month passed by and it was at this time that she could not help it anymore. Gu Wenren wanted to be loved like a gorgeous woman that she was.

"Just this one time. I swear i won\'t do it again!" She convinced herself that this was only natural.

Thus her inner bargaining won and so she did what she could only do given her circumstance. Gu Wenren traversed the void and sought entrance into the domains of our bored gamer.

"I\'m blocked. I can\'t go in."

Alas, the short trip ended in failure. Gu Wenren tried forcing her way inside but the barriers of the space surrounding Young Master Clark\'s room forbade anyone\'s entry whatsoever.

And Gu Wenren was entirely not capable of breaking these restrictions with just a paltry cultivation in the 10th Stage of the Aspirant Realm.

Nevertheless, she did not lose heart and tried going to our bored gamer\'s residence.

Unfortunately for Gu Wenren, what confronted her there was a locked room and an aching fist in the aftermath of her trying to get inside through the use of force.

She tried but was proven lacking once again.

"Maybe Young Master Clark is busy." Gu Wenren gave an excuse and then left in defeat. Four weeks later, she came once more and...

"Still no one home. Just what could Young Master Clark be doing inside." Gu Wenren worried.

She came a third time.

And a fourth.




Gu Wenren grew desolate with each succeeding visit.

Until came a time that she no longer came to visit again.

* * *

"BREAK!" A breath later, the powerful spiritual energy scattered on the side.

Only one second had passed in our bored gamer\'s perception and yet the same could not be said to what was happening outside his chambers.

"It\'s as I thought in the first place. That fucking Elder God has truly not given me a way out from this prison cell of both space and time combined."

"SIGH!" Clark could only shake his head as he realized that only 100 years has passed in this xianxia world.

He tried employing the Dao of Time once more and found out that it had already resisted his summons.

"Let me see in the future whether i could use it again sometime soon." Our bored gamer muttered and his eyes pierced unto the murky waters of an endless tomorrows.

It did not take him long to find out what he wanted to see though. In the end, he only had a frown to show for his efforts.

"Nada. I see zero." Clark sighed when he saw that this would be the last chance he\'d get on tweaking the hands of time forward.

He grew solemn for a breath or two before moving on with his life. He jumped on the bed to celebrate his failure.

"Ahhh... And I had so much high hopes for coming back home early." Our bored gamer laid in disappointment afterwards.

He stayed in that position for a couple seconds more then stood back up once again with renewed vigor in his veins.

"This is just a minor setback. I can\'t let myself be defeated without fighting back!" He said loudly as he encouraged himself in full.

"But before that, let me see first how everyone is doing while i\'m out of the picture. I wonder how much has changed after one hundred long years of my absence.

With my Blood Twin around to guard in the shadows, I doubt that anything bad has happened to my party in this world." Clark added and began walking towards the exit.

He planned what he should do next but quickly destroyed every notion of clear thinking at this moment.

He wanted very much to eat once more not because he was hungry but only to experience once again the satisfying feel of eating just because he can and he loved it.

Our bored gamer of course did not want to eat alone and so he summoned his party to go out together with him.

"Come to Every Drunkard\'s Refuge. I will be waiting for you all." After that, Clark left with just a thought in mind that lingered ever so true at this time.

\'I am not alone.\'

There was a smile on our good gamer\'s face as he faced the day with the undying hope that kindled his life amidst the uncertainty and darkness that was ever present around him.

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