
Chapter 157 157 Capricious

Chapter 157 Chapter 157 Capricious

Gu Wenren was quite the eye candy to every male in the scene.

Although she was only standing there in a conservative azure dress but the majesty and awe that she brought to everyone was indeed so palpable in the air.

This was especially true to all those who knew her for what she was.

\'The First Legacy Disciple, Gu Wenren!\'

\'Why is she here?\' The Feng brothers had these respective thoughts in mind but they were not foolish to ignore the presence of someone of Gu Wenren\'s identity.

They knew for a fact that this beautiful woman was already at the unfathomable cultivation of the Aspirant Realm. To how far she was in that stage, nobody knew for a fact.

The Demonic Sword Sect Elders only determined that to offend such an expert was equivalent to certain death for all of them.

"Greetings, Senior Gu Wenren!" Three men led the group and it did not take long for the rest of the servants and slaves in the halls to mimic the inviolable intention of their leaders.

These three were of course Elders Feng Lin, Feng Ren and Chang Tu. They bowed low while the servant slaves kneeled in place.

Perhaps the only group that remained unfazed through it all was Clark and his select picks of companions.

If Tang Xinyue and Ze Min were here then maybe they would have no choice but fawn in respect over the enigmatic Gu Wenren but alas, our bored gamer\'s invitation for them to witness his daily training was heartlessly ignored by the two.

Not that it mattered for our good gamer also. If this had happened before his sudden enlightenment when he achieved the True Immortal Realm then he would have done stupid and immature things.

It was fortunate that the experience had taught him many things about life in general. The least of which was the priceless value of patience.

"What do you say, Young Master Clark? Did you not say that you want me to become one of your women? Why do you suddenly hesitate now?

Am I not enough to satisfy what you want in a wife?" Gu Wenren smiled and there was a playful mask on her innocent face.

She paid no attention whatsoever to the meek heads in her front as her eyes were only focused towards one particular person in the room.

She was indeed worthy of someone who had lived for more than one hundred twenty years already because the long experience in life had taught her many things.

One of those was of course on how to properly conceal the real intentions of her heart. But how could a mere mortal hide their true selves from the sharp eyes of our wise protagonist

\'Most people in this xianxia world are really obsessed with the continued existence of their sect and influence. Hmmm...

I guess that this thing is true also unto any thriving world in this vast universe.\' Clark mused after he determined the reason behind Gu Wenren\'s curious actions in their first meeting.

The kind maiden was willing to sacrifice her untouched body in order to lock him in place together with the rise and fall of the Demonic Sword Sect.

It was indeed one of the greatest tools that a woman could wield against any man in her path.

\'Should i take this great offer or should i reject it for the time being?\' This was the question that plagued the mind of our bored gamer.

He took almost ten breaths in judging the pros and cons of his decision and upon the 11th second, Clark has finally sported a happy face for the occasion.

\'Why not? Did I not want to be the greatest playboy in existence also aside from becoming the most powerful otaku already?\'

Our good gamer thought for one last time before he uttered his answer to the challenge of one extremely beautiful woman.

"How do you expect a real man to deny the plea of someone as lovely as you are, Gu Wenren? Why don\'t we share a chaste kiss to seal this eternal vow between us."

Clark said and his form crumbled into mere shadows.

"BANG!" The expensive furniture in the way were laid to waste as a raging typhoon of desire fueled the momentum of one very determined man.

\'Are you fucking crazy, boy?!\' Elder Feng Ren asked wordlessly as he was shocked to his core to witness how truly lust filled this brain dead future True Immortal really was.

"Young Master Clark come back right this instant!" Elder Feng Ren yelled and tried to follow the tracks of our bored gamer.

Alas, an old man like him was definitely outmatched against the two giants in the center of this conflict.

Clark did not even have to lift a hand because it was Gu Wenren herself who slapped the meddling Elder from interfering in their play.

"BOOM!" A sword tempest took physical form and its speed was truly amazing.

It did not even take a half breath before this violent creation entombed Elder Feng Ren back to where he started.

"BROTHER!" Elder Feng Lin dug the sorry form of Elder Feng Ren in a flash and he could not help but sigh in relief thereafter.

He could see well enough that there was only a blunt injury near his brother\'s temple. Aside from a terrible headache, Elder Feng Ren would live to tell the tale about today\'s ordeal.

The injured Elder was unconscious for a good 3 minutes or so before he regained awareness in the next ensuing breaths.

"What happened, brother?" This was Elder Feng Ren\'s first words the moment he recovered for a little bit.

His hand tried to massage his temple and the swollen mountain that appeared on top of it in just the span of mere minutes.

If Gu Wenren was a tad bit merciless in her strike then there was no doubt that Elder Feng Ren would have been decapitated with just that single hit alone.

The wounded Elder forced himself to focus on what was happening in his surroundings but aside from the immovable stance of his brother Feng Lin nearby, all Feng Ren could sense was the dull bombing of something hard and relentless somewhere in these chambers.

"Look for yourself, Feng Ren." Elder Feng Lin muttered softly but his eyes remained seated upon a view in the distance.

\'Did Young Master Clark get punished and was now being beaten into an obedient boy by Senior Gu Wenren?\'

Elder Feng Ren thought within. He took several moments to gather himself and true to his will, the knocked out old man slowly but surely stood up from his fall.

And what captivated his eyes was indeed a picture that he was absolutely not expecting to see.

There was chaos in the Training Hall but what was surprising were the barely discernible black dots that would vanish time and time again in a speed that was completely inconceivable for him and to every witness down below.

\'How could this be?!\' Elder Feng Ren\'s jaw was literally hanging from his mouth right now.

* * *

"You are fast, Young Master Clark. But you would be dreaming if you were to believe that this much speed is enough to catch me." A gentle voice rang in the ears of our bored gamer.

He knew that this message was only intended for him and thus everyone in the audience could not have judged the conversation between one cat and one mouse in their midst.

The blurred erratic lines that marked their passage and the further wreckage that they have inflicted unto the Training Hall kept on escalating as time went by.

This did not concern both Clark and Gu Wenren of course. For them, these were just material things that could easily be replaced with adequate manpower and money.

What they were more interested in was how to cleverly measure one another\'s strength and abilities without fully revealing the hidden card on their sleeves.

"You said that you would become my woman, Gu Wenren! Why are you running away from me then?" Clark asked as he acted like a sex crazed fool that he was not.

He only did this to demotivate this woman\'s selfish desires to sell herself for personal gain. Alas, Gu Wenren has humored him in full instead.

"What is given unto you with such ease and comfort will not be treasured with a grateful heart, Young Master Clark. Train well.

If and when the time comes that you could already touch the hem of my dress, that shall be the day that I will accept you as my man."

Gu Wenren said her piece and in the next breath, our bored gamer has found himself void of his nimble dance partner.

What took her place was only a slowly descending item unto the hands of our boy protagonist.

"First she wanted to become my woman and I agreed. But the moment i wanted to touch her, she would go on and run away from me like i\'m a plague or something."

Our bored gamer shook his head at this time.

"Women are really fickle creatures." Clark sighed as he palmed the interspatial ring firmly in his grasp.

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