
Chapter 316 Escape [5]

A subtle smile adorned Ryfin\'s lips as he observed the basement brimming with a myriad of shimmering dots, casting a mesmerizing display of radiant light. It resembled a whimsical dance of countless fireflies, illuminating the space with their ethereal glow.

However, the enchanting spectacle proved fleeting, as the sparkling lights gradually diminished, and the magic circle enclosing the area closed, concealing its enchanting aura.

Ryfin\'s hand descended to his waist, eventually finding its way into his pocket.

"Well, this took longer than expected," he mumbled to himself. He took a good look around the entire basement; at the moment he was the only one there. 

However, it soon changed.  Suddenly, a resounding bang reverberated against the basement door, jolting Ryfin from his momentary calm. The magic circle adorning the door flickered erratically, and the ground beneath their feet trembled. The disturbance repeated, more forceful this time, triggering the dislodging of debris from the ceiling, adding to the growing sense of urgency and peril.

"The party is here I guess," he said to himself and turned toward the gate as he waited patiently for the newcomer to break in. All the students were gone so there was no need to protect this place anymore. 

After three more forceful bangs, the thick protective door finally exploded into pieces. A cloud of dust billowed, obscuring the entrance. In the next moment, the ominous silhouette of a demon beast emerged from the haze, its fangs bared menacingly.

The beast had wounds and injuries all over its body, although despite that it was still kicking and ready to attack anytime. The beasts roared and ran toward Ryfin, closing the distance at a fast pace. 

However, seconds later another figure snapped out from the dust. This figure possessed a humanoid form, distinct from the demon beast. Swiftly and seamlessly, it darted forward with astonishing speed, appearing as nothing more than a fleeting shadow to the untrained eyes of ordinary humans.

Then it jumped. The figure soared into the air, executing a graceful front flip before gracefully descending. With impressive precision, it landed directly in front of the demon beast

Her blonde hair swayed as she turned back toward the demon and gazed at it with her purple eyes. It was a girl who held a sword in her hand. She was Auciel Skystav, class 1A\'s homeroom teacher. 

"Well well, see who\'s here," Ryfin said in a teasing tone as he stopped in his tracks. 

"Shut up," Auciel retorted sharply, raising her sword in defiance as the beast closed in on her. She activated her magiken and her blade bathed in a purple hue. 

As the beast drew nearer, it lunged at Auciel, pouncing upon her with a ferocious assault of slashing claws. She put the sword up, stopping the claws with her blade. Locked in a tense struggle, she braced herself against the relentless force exerted by the towering creature, steadfastly resisting its attempts to overpower her.

Though a few minutes later she slashed the sword right, opening a gush in the beast\'s hand. 

"Blitz of fire," she chanted and two magic circles appeared beneath her feet. 

In a burst of explosive energy, the circles detonated, propelling her into the air with remarkable agility. Executing a graceful aerial somersault, she skillfully landed behind the beast.

She narrowed her eyes and exhaled. The demon beasts were a lot stronger than she\'d expected. Despite being the second strongest teacher in the academy, she was having trouble defeating it. I think you should take a look at

She didn\'t have much time either since soon this entire area was to be flooded with thousands of their kind. And she had something else she needed to take care of as well. 

Therefore she decided to use all of the cards she had at her disposal. 

Letting out a breath she straightened her body and gripped the hilt of her sword tightly as she visualized and increased the mana flow in her body. 

"Magiken. Second form: Solar Blade," she said, activating the next level of her magiken. 

Magiken was a technique that had multiple forms, each of them unique to the wielder. Normally only the first and basic form was used by the majority since the higher you climbed the more mana you needed. 

However, there were a few powerful people who were able to reach the second form. Auciel was one of them. 

Upon activating Solar Blade, Auciel\'s form became shrouded in a mesmerizing mist blending hues of purple and white, reminiscent of the ethereal cosmic clouds scattered across the vast expanse of the universe.

Then she charged toward the demon who by now had turned back in her direction. In a swift motion, Auciel sprinted forward, raising her sword high. As she did, the blade of her weapon fragmented into numerous smaller blades, leaving only the hilt gripped firmly in her hands.

Hovering effortlessly in the air above her, the smaller blades remained under Auciel\'s direct control. Closing in on the demon, she executed a powerful downward slash. In a synchronized assault, the fragmented blades surged forth, hurtling toward the beast from various angles and directions

Despite the beast\'s attempts to defend itself, the sheer number of blades proved overwhelming. With over ten of them converging upon their target, the creature struggled to ward off every strike. It became the recipient of relentless slashes and cuts, inflicted upon it from multiple angles, causing its form to be marred by numerous wounds.

As the beast engaged in a fierce struggle against the onslaught of blades, Auciel deftly maneuvered beside it. With a slight tilt of her sword, she harnessed the power of Solar Blade, commanding it through her focused thoughts. Responding to her mental directive, the smaller blades multiplied, swiftly doubling in number, intensifying the onslaught and overwhelming the beast with their increased ferocity.

While half of the blades continued their relentless assault on the beast, the remaining blades altered their trajectory, soaring towards Auciel in a graceful display. Aligning themselves in the air before her, they arranged themselves like a staircase, forming a stable platform. Fearlessly, Auciel stepped upon the floating blades, using them as her ascent, propelling herself higher into the air.

Having reached the necessary height, surpassing that of the towering demon, the blades that had formed the staircase swiftly regrouped beneath Auciel\'s feet, coalescing into a compact platform.

Utilizing the platform as a launching point, Auciel propelled herself forward, leaping onto the back of the demon beast. Simultaneously, two blades were unleashed with remarkable speed, piercing the back of the creature\'s feet, destabilizing its balance and causing it to topple to the ground.

At that exact moment, all of the dispersed blades converged, seamlessly reassembling themselves onto the hilt of Auciel\'s sword. The fragments merged harmoniously, forming once again a single, formidable weapon in her grasp.

Auciel landed on the back of the beast and drove her sword directly into its chest. The resilient demon flesh offered resistance, requiring her to exert considerable effort and push the blade deeper. Despite the struggle, she persisted, successfully penetrating deep enough to strike and annihilate the demon\'s core, ultimately bringing about its death.

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