
Chapter 38 Magic Academy [1]

The days pass by quickly, I would be lying if I say that. This week, when I was to live alone, was honestly a drag.

Mainly because I had nothing much to do, it was the same for Anya also. She went outside on regular basis to do the shopping and the thing she called "exploring the city" but I was...well, I preferred to stay in the room and do nothing.

But it\'s not like I really did nothing, no, I did. Before Ron left, he told us that there will be an entrance exam for us which will determine whether we are capable of joining the academy or not.

An entrance exam was to be expected so I was not that surprised but the Zaforths magic academy is the top academy in this kingdom so I figured that underestimating the exam might not be a good idea.

Hence, I practiced magic when I was alone. Actually, I wanted to rank up before I take the exam but sadly that didn\'t happen.

I was stuck at rank B and C attributes and when I think about it, it was after this that I stopped leveling up. Maybe the more I reach the higher ranks the more difficult it gets to rank up further.

I mean, you had to do at least that much when creating a ranking system like this otherwise almost everyone who knows how to level up will reach a higher rank in less than a year.

Hell, it took me only two years to reach rank B from C!

And so, I didn\'t rank up but I was able to hone my magic skills to some extent, like lessening the amount of time it takes me to summon an element and things like that.

In a nutshell, this past week was boring but I somehow made use of that time to improve myself. After all, ranking up is the only goal I have since I can\'t do anything else right now, and without some goal, life will be so plain.

If it came to that, I fear my "that" side will surface again. Which I don\'t want, at least not now! I possible, I would prefer to live normally.

"Hey, why are you spacing out like that?" Anya said as she patted me on my shoulder, bringing me back to reality.

"Ah, nothing, I was just thinking about how quickly these seven days passed," I said with a smile.

"I wouldn\'t say that," after saying that she started walking in front of me.

She was dressed in a black top and skirt with stockings on her legs, her long blond hair was tied with a ribbon that she usually didn\'t wear.

I wore a dark grey suit, and black pants, and wore tight black gloves. I also combed my hair with more precision than usual to avoid having a messy hairstyle.

If I had deodorant on me, I would have used it too. No, this world does have deodorants but it\'s just that I didn\'t get the trouble to buy one. Anya has one but I sure don\'t want to have a girl\'s scent on me, especially the one my sister has on her.

Now, why were we this dressed up? Because today was the day we were going to the academy, and yes the entrance exam is also today.

And currently, we are on our way there, hmm, actually I think we almost reached there because now I was able to see the building.

We kept walking at our current pace and after a while, we were on a new road and the academy was right in front of us.

Unsurprisingly, we are not alone. Many other students are also headed for the same destination as ours, the only difference being that their clothing is more fashionable than ours and most of them are coming here in fancy carriages.

Well, that\'s a given, since the students who get to enter this academy are the sons and daughters of higher-class nobles.

It might not be impossible for us to be the only ones from a middle-class noble family.

Hmm, there is one more difference that I noticed just now.

The hair and eye color of these students…you can see a fucking a rainbow if these guys stand in a now.

I know this is a world based on a fantasy setting, even I have been creative with the hair color of characters in my novel but, I never would\'ve thought that it will look like "this" in real life.

In the city I live in, the people there have different hair colors but it is mostly brown, white, blonde, and red in some rare cases.

But we have the whole color palette here!

Okay, calm down, calm down. Can\'t lose my cool here!

So, I shifted my attention to the magic academy, or the academy\'s campus to be precise.


I can say without a doubt that this is the most modern building I\'ve ever seen in this world; the king\'s castle was one thing but it gave more of a royal vibe instead of modern.

The campus was surrounded by a six feet wall and behind it was the ground. After that came the main building which was built with white marble and a couple of other stones that have different types of abstract patterns on them.

The roof was flat, which was a rare thing in this world. There were many open windows in the main building that were showing something like a hallway, and the hallway windows were built almost to the roof, which means there were multiple floors.

The main building was built in a U shape but instead of the curve it was flat, like on side of a square have been removed. If I talk about its size then…well, it can only be described as enormous.

It became even more amazing when you get to know that this was the main building but not the only building on this campus.

How do I know this? The map was placed before the entrance gate; it was probably a show-off thing, but that map clearly showed the drone view of the entire campus.

Honestly, I was mind blown by this! Now I understand why this is the top magic academy in this entire kingdom.

"Let\'s go."

I was busy staring at the map when Anya reminded me that we have to go for the entrance exam.

Yes, "we". I first thought that Anya won\'t be giving the entrance exam because she has already been gifted a seat in the academy by the princess but apparently, that was not the case.

\'I wonder what the reason behind it is.\'

I had all sorts of things going on in my mind but for the moment I decided to put everything on hold and focus on what we came to do here.

Maybe I\'ll know why she\'s giving the exam when I go there myself.

I\'ll also get the time to sit and admire the architecture of this school once I get admission.

It\'s not that I doubted my chances but I just didn\'t want to underestimate the exam; like I did in the last year of middle school and almost ended up failing.

But for all that, I first need to take on this exam.

\'Then what\'s I\'m waiting for? Let\'s fucking go!\'

I stepped inside the academy campus with Anya and headed toward where the new students were gathered.

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