
Chapter 446 My favorite little wolf

This man was indeed a fanatic and there wasn’t much they could do to bring him to his senses, once Raven would be defeated, he wasn’t sure if someone like him could be reintegrated with the humans… And would he even want to ?

Kevin suddenly felt a huge power manifesting right in front of them a hundred meters away from where they were, and he immediately activated his Stage 2 Warrior Spirit and unleashed his Chains of Restraint.

Now that his Stage 2 was activated he could feel all the energy reserves around Raven and he decided it was best to protect them all and not only the 3 men of his vision.

Raven, who had planned to eliminate only the 3 oldest Shapeshifters on the council so that the others would follow him obediently after that, suddenly felt a explosion of power only a few meters away from where he was and he frowned because he didn’t recognize this energy.

Had someone trespassed on his territory ?

And as the rage rose within him, he decided to finish off the elders first, as he had planned, before dealing with this stranger who dared to come here and challenge his authority.

But as he was about to pierce the elder who was closest to him with his sword, golden chains broke through the walls of the building where the council was held and immediately enveloped all the members of the council, repelling his attack without any problem.

He frowned again because he had just felt the power of these chains and they were far from ordinary, and suddenly two men appeared through the hole these chains had made in the wall.

He immediately recognized Axel, even though the latter gave off a much more powerful and threatening aura than the last time he had seen him, but he didn’t know the man next to him, to whom these golden chains probably belonged to.

He then exclaimed after taking a closer look at this man : “An Absolute Warrior… Impossible !”

The elders who had tried to reason with Raven and who had been frightened by his transformation into a Divin Dragon and his intention to kill them, all breathed a sigh of relief and they bowed their heads to this stranger who had just saved them.

Axel then said to him : “Raven, you have gone too far this time.”

Raven smirked and he walked towards Axel, trampling the remains of the meeting table that these golden chains had completely pulverized before creating protective shields around the members of the council, and he said to him : “It seems that my favorite little wolf has teamed up with a human… It’s so disappointing coming from you, I had great plans for you, Axel, but it’s not too late you can still join me.”

His gaze fell on the possessive arm that Axel had put on the shoulders of this human and jealousy, rage and hatred towards this human invaded him immediately.

Axel should have been his, not only was he one of the best shapeshifters of his generation but he was by far the most handsome and sexiest of them all.

This human… How had he managed to succeed where he had failed, after all Axel had always refused to follow him.

Axel’s menacing wolf growl was heard when he saw how he looked at Kevin, his killing intent was so strong it was almost palpable, and it was something his wolf side could not ignore.

All the members of the council shuddered when they heard that menacing growl but Raven’s smile widened and he said to him : “Axel, you have become far more powerful than I had imagined, what a nice surprise, come on, join me, and leave this human, together we can conquer the world.”

Axel’s pupils turned golden and he asked Kevin through their link, ‘And now babe, can I transform ?’

But Kevin shook his head and continued to look at Raven without flinching, he had seen the way Raven had looked at Axel and the lust in his eyes, this fucking Dragon had even openly flirted with his man in front of him, there was no way he was going to let that go.

He then said to Axel, ‘Let me handle this, I don’t want you anywhere near him, that’s clear.’

Axel then looked at him surprised… Was Kevin jealous ?

And by focusing on their link he really got the confirmation that Kevin was jealous and furious and that he didn’t want to leave a chance to Raven to even touch him, which could happen during a fight.

This time it was the ferocious growl of Raven’s Dragon that was heard and he said to Kevin as he had seen him shook his head and looking at him disdainfully : “Human, how dare you interfere in our stories…”

But he fell silent because this human smirked then and he raised his right hand where the mark of the Union was visible on his palm.

As in a nightmare, he saw Axel raise his left hand too and his dream of taming him collapsed immediately.

There was no stronger bond than the mark of the Union, and if he killed this human he could never replace him because Axel would die too.

Why ?

Why had Axel agreed to make this mark with a human ?

His aura was really starting to emit phenomenal power now, but this human and Axel didn’t even flinch.

He frowned because this was abnormal.

Anyone else would have been on their knees unable to get up under the pressure he was exerting but not them, and it seemed that these golden chains could even protect the elders from the pressure of his aura as they were not affected by it either.

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