
Chapter 356

Miguel really hadn’t expected this when he came here, but as always the Warrior Spirits’ intuition was usually flawless, so he would have to take some time to get to know this young mage better.

After all, the year of his 18th birthday was crucial to make him a Priest, as it was the last year he could still create an affinity with the basic elements, he had failed with Colin because no matter how many lightning particles he absorbed, the affinity with that element had never been created for him.

And since Colin there had been no mages with such potential, Alan and Ian were very talented mages but they were already too old to become Priests now, and Kevin was the first one who had reappeared and he had become a Priest in the space of only two weeks.

So if Ashton was one too, it would mean that others would soon appear and that the exceptional beings that the Priests had been would perhaps finally be reborn.

He had waited all his life for this moment, of course he had passed on some of his knowledge to Elias and the Warrior Spirits, then to Colin who had been the only mage he had really trained, but if the Priests started to appear again, then he could finally continue to pass on the knowledge of his mother and the first Priests to this new generation… He could finally revive through them the forgotten memory of these exceptional beings.

He felt Iris’ hand on his shoulder and she said, still using their telepathic link, ‘Miguel, I don’t want to give you false hope, but this time I really believe it, Kevin is the proof of the change that is happening.’

Miguel nodded and he thanked her warmly, and Iris reminded him that this wasn’t why she had brought him here and she pointed to Yelena who was a little further away than Kevin and Erik.

He ruffled Kevin’s hair affectionately as he passed next to him and Kevin shook his hand and smiled at him happy to see him, and after greeting Erik too they finally arrived in front of Yelena.

Iris introduced them to each other and she explained to Miguel what Yelena had told her about the artificial energy reserves she had created for herself.

Miguel after hearing this immediately focused on Yelena’s energy reserves and indeed, he could see her main reserve feeding the other 5 reserves and this discovery really disturbed him, especially since the shape of all her reserves really looked like a pentagram.

Iris looked at Miguel and Miguel finally said to her: “This is the first time I have met someone who can do this kind of thing, I myself have never tried to use my chakra in this way.”

Iris then said to him : “Of course you never tried, you were born with an unlimited reserve of chakra and Soul force, so why would you waste your time doing this kind of thing, but look at what she managed to accomplish and she doesn’t even sweat.”

Yelena who was listening to them without saying anything for fear of disturbing them widened her eyes when she heard that the man in front of her was born with not one but two reserves of energy and that on top of that they were unlimited… How could she even be considered weird or unique after hearing that ?

Miguel then asked her : “Yelena, I would really like to test your potential with your reserves, use them all and go as far as possible in this room, and don’t worry I can see your energy reserves so I will intervene immediately so you don’t get hurt, is that okay ?”

Yelena nodded but she said to him: “If I use up all my reserves then tell the boys to go back to the entrance of the room, I don’t want to hurt them if I ever lose control.”

Miguel nodded and he said to her: “Wait until I give you the signal to start.”

Yelena nodded and Miguel and Iris warned the boys to return to Caleb while they tested Yelena’s true potential.

Miguel didn’t take lightly what Yelena had told him so he reminded Iris and Caleb to be prepared for any eventuality and when he saw that they had measured the danger that Yelena’s reserves could represent he teleported to her and he said : “Don’t be afraid to use your powers, I promise you that nothing will happen to them, in the worst case, Caleb and Iris will teleport them elsewhere, okay.”

Yelena nodded, she was feeling a little nervous so she told him: “This is the first time I’m going to use them all together so I don’t know what it’s going to happen… You should be careful too.”

Miguel smirked and he said to her: “Little girl, don’t worry, no matter how powerful you are, you’re still far, very far from my level, so I’m not risking anything by staying by your side. I won’t leave you no matter what, Yelena, and I will protect you, I promise.”

Yelena then inhaled deeply reassured, it was also for her the opportunity to discover the extent of the power of all her energy reserves, so she spread her arms and she let her chakra flow freely in every part of her body.

The force field around her then changed of shape and instead of being a simple shield it was as if the chakra was creating a second skin on her, making her as bright as the moon on a cloudless night.

She began to rise slowly into the air and wings made of chakra formed on her back, Iris was totally amazed and she couldn’t help but think that this girl really looked like an angel like that, and that’s when Yelena began to fly through the room of gravity as if it was a normal room with no pressure.

But Iris then regained her senses and she screamed at Yelena not to go so far into the gravity room because if her reserves were depleted and Miguel didn’t intervene in time, she would be killed instantly.

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