
Chapter 308

Derek, who was still holding Connor by the waist, ruffled Kerry’s hair and he said to him : “It’s okay now, we’re all together again, our family is whole again.”

Derek motioned for Solomon to join them and Solomon didn’t hesitate for a second and came over to hug them too.

After a moment Derek finally told them that Connor needed to rest and after laying him on the bed he asked Solomon and Kerry: “So, is everything going according to plan, has this impostor given us a place for the duel ?”

Kerry then said to him: “That’s why I was coming to see you, all night we’ve been trying to negotiate to get as much time as possible for Ian and the best we’ve managed to get is tomorrow morning at 10:00 in the capital arena.”

Solomon smirked and he said to Derek : “This Titan is far too sure of himself, he accepted a duel to the death and he demanded that if Ian was killed the rebellion and the black market had to be disbanded and their leaders executed.”

Kerry continued : “And this asshole had accepted that if he was killed, the army will have to lay down their arms and submit to the new King.”

Connor who were listening to them asked then: “Who is this Ian ?”

Derek smiled at him and he said: “He’s Liam’s husband, they both share the mark of the Union and he is our rightful King, I’ve seen his tattoos with my own eyes.”

Connor then frowned and looked at the back of his right hand where the tattoo had appeared not long ago, he then asked Kerry and Solomon: “My boys, do you need Derek or can he stay with me for a while, I need him to explain to me in more detail what is going on so I can better understand the situation.”

Kerry smirked and he said to Derek : “Too bad no one would believe us if I said I beat the crap out of you and you needed to rest.”

Derek smirked too and he said to them: “You know what to do boys, I’ll let you finish planning everything, inform everyone, especially the black market and Kevin, and spread the word that our rightful King will fight the impostor and free us from his tyranny.”

They both nodded and Solomon said to his uncle: “Don’t worry too much uncle, it will soon be over, the demons will be free again and peace with humans will follow soon after, everything you fought so hard for will finally happen.”

He looked at Derek and he said to him : “Take care of our uncle, we’ll keep you updated on what’s happening.”

Before leaving Kerry said to Derek: “Try to find out if what Kevin thinks is true or not, it could change a lot things.”

Derek nodded, he understood that beyond their world a war that would be much more deadly was about to begin and that finding the Acrium that was in their world first was essential to winning that war.

When the boys were out Connor said to him: “I feel like a lot has changed since I left, tell me the most urgent thing so I can understand the current situation, the rest can wait, if I understand correctly you managed to get a duel so we can finally get rid of this King.”

Derek nodded and he told him: “Yesterday morning there was a big battle, without the help of Liam and his friends we would have all been wiped out. Kevin that Kerry mentioned is the rightful King of the humans…”

Derek then told him everything he knew about Kevin, Axel and the God of Destruction, he also told him how Alyssa had tried to trap him and that she was an assassin sent to infiltrate them, he told him all the losses they had suffered because of her and that Kevin had unmasked her in less than an hour while he, in all these years, had never managed to find evidence to accuse her.

He also told him that it was Kevin and Mykael, the God of Destruction himself, who would be Ian’s champions for the duel, and when he saw that Connor didn’t seem to be satisfied with that he then said to him : “Love, this King is not a demon, don’t forget that he is a divine creature, a Titan, and that his champions will probably be fighters that we won’t have any chance of beating without the intervention of Kevin and Mykael.”

Connor asked him then: “Does Ian really have a chance of beating the King ? If he really is a divine creature, it seems impossible to beat him and we can’t afford to lose this duel.”

Derek sighed helplessly and he said to him: “This is the best chance we have to finally get rid of this King, moreover Kevin promised he wouldn’t let anything happen to Ian, he said he would kill this Titan himself if his life was in danger… It could have been a problem if the current King was a real demon but he is not, he is a Titan, and if we can prove it to the other demons, then they will all rally behind our rightful King, whether he loses or wins.”

Connor then asked him: “Is there any way to prove it, that he is not a demon ?”

Derek shook his head and said to him: “I don’t know, I hope Kevin has some idea about that problem.”

Connor raised an eyebrow and he said to him : “You’re talking about that Kevin again, that man seems to have made a strong impression on you.”

Derek smiled at him, and he said to him caressing his cheek: “Don’t be jealous, he’ll impress you too believe me, even the God of Destruction follows his instructions… Connor, Love, be honest with me, Kevin thinks you were captured because you knew something about the Acrium, a golden ore capable of making divine artifacts, is that really why you were captured?”

Connor’s expression darkened and he said to him: “If it were true, do you really think that I would put you in danger by telling you. The Gods are omnipotent and they have spies everywhere.”

Derek then put a hand on his mouth and he contacted Mykael by the special communication stones he gave them, telling him that it was really very important.

And when Mykael received his message he apologized immediately to Axel the grandfather, Gwendolyn and her husband and then 3 of his men appeared immediately next to him and he said to them not wasting any time : “I have killed all the spies of Cassandra that I found here but there may be some left. This woman is Axel’s mother and he is his grandfather so protect them at all cost and let me know if you need backup.”

He disappeared immediately and he teleported next to Derek, he hadn’t forgotten what Kevin had told him and that this Connor could be the key that would lead them to the Acrium.

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