
Chapter 298

Liam nodded and left them alone, for the moment Ian didn’t need him so after taking his shower he decided to go and tell the other leaders of the Sun Sect that he couldn’t carry out his duties for the time being and that they should find a replacement for Ian as he had no idea what was going to happen to them after this duel, he had no intention of going to live in the demons territory because it was here that he and Ian had their lives and friends, but they might not have a choice at first.


Back on the world of the Titans, Miguel’s mood had darkened after the discussion he had with Silas. According to him only 20% of the Titans would not support the Emperor, and this was because they were immortal being since they were divine creatures and most of Titans hadn’t forgotten the defeat they had suffered against the Gods.

Many of them had lost loved ones in this war and they were all seeking revenge in one way or another, which made Miguel laugh as the Titans seemed to forget that they were the ones who started this war.

Silas, in exchange for the promise that the Titans who didn’t wish to participate in the war would be protected, had provided him with very useful information.

He had given him a map of their world with the locations of the Corium and Verarium mines and areas where no one had access and which were probably places where the Emperor of the Titans was preparing this war and testing new weapons.

Miguel also learned that the army of the Titans was huge and that if the Emperor started the war all the men and women would be sent to battle whether they wanted to or not.

He had also explained to him that all Titans without exception were born with either a reserve of chakra or a reserve of Soul force, and that they all learned to fight before they even began to read and write, and that when they began to study, the new generations of Titans only learned the lies that the Emperor wanted them to learn in order to continue to fuel the Titans’ hatred of the Gods.

Silas wasn’t of the first generation of Titans, but his father and mother had participated in the war against the Gods, so he knew that it was the Emperor who had wanted to expand his empire over the entire universe, and that he had led the Titans almost to extinction by doing so.

Those of them who rebelled openly were arrested and with the help of Corium, an ore found in their world, they were rendered harmless because this ore had unique properties that could block any reserve of chakra or Soul force and diminish their power by 90%.

Silas had told him that this ore had been discovered after the war and that since then they had found many mines that provided them with large quantities of it and that they continued in secret places to make experiments to be able to use this ore to render the Gods and other creatures powerless.

As for their alliance with the Goddess and creator of all demons, Silas had no information about it except that Lilith was very popular among the Titans and that apart from the demons in her personal guard he had never seen any others.

However, Miguel did have proof that an entire army of demons and legendary creatures were here thanks to Tarik’s discovery.

He learned one other piece of vital information that was priceless and that was that Cassandra was the one and only daughter of Chaos and Diana and that she had grown up among the Titans and that she and Lilith were often seen together and seemed to be on excellent terms.

She had been sent among the Gods to spy on them and gather as much information about them as possible and apparently, according to the spies he had in the imperial palace, she had found another source of energy that would be able to bring all sorts of resources to their world and the Emperor of the Titans had been so impressed about this discovery that he had decided to reward her by helping her to awaken her Titan bloodline, something she had never been able to do on her own.

Miguel couldn’t believe that Cassandra was in this world right now, she was in seclusion because it would take her a while to assimilate this bloodline but she was really here.

Too bad Silas couldn’t provide him with the exact location of where she was because he had told him that no one knew where she had been taken and other than giving him some possible leads he really had no idea.

He will see tomorrow with Elias what he could do with this information and when he was about to leave Silas, the latter told him that it would be useless to kill the Emperor of the Titans because others would take his place at once, those who were against the war and who only wanted to live in peace with all the other races that populated this universe were not numerous enough to be able to pretend to take power and change things.

On the other hand, he had told him that when the war would have ravaged the families again, perhaps there will be more Titans who will be ready to establish a lasting peace and that it was at that moment that their alliance could be useful.

In short, without war there would be no peace.

When Miguel joined his men, who had all gathered in front of the first impenetrable barrier, he showed them the map that Silas had given him and asked them to confirm what was on the map.

Together they were able to confirm the locations of the mines and they added to the map the force field of Lilith and Cassandra where Lilith’s army was located and his men marked the exact location of the two impenetrable barriers they had found.

They were all in the area strictly forbidden to the Titans by their Emperor and now they just had to go and see what it was all about.

Miguel opened a passage through the impenetrable barrier and his men even though they were used to this kind of feat from him couldn’t help but admire this man as they were all incapable of doing something like this, even using the full power of their Stage 2 they would be unable to make a scratch at this impenetrable barrier, and Miguel apparently did it without any effort.

Tarik then said to him as Miguel closed the passage behind them: “Damn, I can’t wait for this war to start, I’ve always wanted to see what you’re really capable of.”

Miguel slapped him on the back of the head and said to him: “Tarik, you shouldn’t say that kind of thing so lightly, have you forgotten that Elias saw in his visions weapons capable of blowing up worlds.”

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