
Chapter 119 - The Spell Fights And Duo Fights

Kevin wanted to know if he could absorb the darkness particles that were contained inside the darkness talisman papers they got.

And, he also wanted to learn how to introduce particles into talisman papers so that he could help Alan and they would get a better chance to craft as many weapons as possible with the Trinium.

Axel told him that as long as he was just talking there was no problem, he reminded him that he should definitely not use his Soul force yet.

Kevin nodded and reassured him, then he asked him when exactly the selections for the annual capital\'s tournament would take place and what the tests consisted of.

Axel told him that the selections would start on the 11th of the next month and that they would end on the 15th.

As for the annual capital\'s tournament, it would start on the 21st of the 10th month and the finals would be held on the 30th to celebrate the end of the year.

Axel told him that for the mages\' tests all he knew about it was that the first test was always on crafting potions, and the second one was the spell fights.

When he saw Kevin looking at him puzzled he told him that during spell fights only spells could be used.

The mages had to stand inside a circle at a certain distance from each other and if ever one stepped out of their circle, he would lose the fight.

Too cool, Kevin thought, but when Axel reminded him that those in first year couldn\'t participate, he couldn\'t help but be disappointed.

Axel then decided to explain to him how was the tests for the fighters, he was sure Kevin was going to love it.

He explained to him that it was a little different for the fighters, only those in 3, 4, 5 and 6th year could participate, the 1st and 2nd year being too inexperienced and the 7th year having become tutors it was their students who represented them.

And only those who had succeeded in qualifying in the Three Sects tournament could participate in the selections for the annual capital\'s tournament.

The Three Sects tournament was a tournament between the three largest sects on the continent, it was necessary because otherwise there would be too many fighters for these selections, in the Sun Sect alone there were about 200 fighters per year.

For everyone the tests would be the same, there was always a maximum of 200 participants per year category, and everytime this number was reached.

Then, they would be divided into two groups of 100 people, and on a giant platform, the two groups would take turns to fight.

On the 100 fighters only the last 15 who would remain on the platform would be selected for the one-on-one fights and in each group a fighter who was eliminated would be drafted thanks to his number of points.

To gain points it was easy, you just had to eliminate other fighters, for each fighter eliminated 1 point would be given.

Anyone who succeeded in selecting themselves for the one-on-one fights would be selected for the annual capital\'s tournament.

At the end, the top 3 of each year usually won generous prizes.

Axel added that all weapons were allowed except artifacts, and now that he knew weapons had Stats, he wasn\'t surprised anymore that some managed to get qualify without having any real talent.

Kevin nodded, and then he asked him curious : "I hadn\'t noticed that there were so many fighters in the Sun Sect, where do you train ? The gymnasium is way too small for all of you."

Axel smiled at him and replied : "The gymnasium is reserved for those in 4th year and up, and every day there is a rotation between the different years.

When we aren\'t training in the gymnasium, there is large training grounds outside that are free to access, there is plenty of room for everyone, and actually it\'s the best place to train because you can observe all the fighting techniques of others and try to reproduce them.

It\'s a very friendly place and since there are not enough instructors for everyone, the leaders have implemented the tutor system.

In our last year the instructors can no longer teach us much, so instead we give them a hand in taking care of the students.

And some like me can also be the leaders of the expeditions, it teaches us to be responsible and to lead a group of people."

Kevin then said excitedly : "Wow, I didn\'t know there were training grounds outside to practice together ... Can the mages come and train with the fighters too ?"

Axel laughed heartily : "Of course, actually there is even one training ground which is dedicated to spell fights, and another for duo fights."

Kevin then repeated curiously : "Duo fights ?"

Axel\'s smile widened when he said to him : "The last day of the selections is reserved for duo fights, there is no age limit, anyone can register as long as the duo is a fighter and a mage.

There are also no year categories and this is a knockout tournament, a draw decides the fights and unlike the spell fights, mages are free to move around as they please and artifacts are also allowed."

Kevin\'s eyes had immediately lit up : "No age limit … will you let me team up with Erik then ?"

Axel nodded but he told him to warn him : "As long as Alan agrees, he will decide whether or not you are fit to participate in this tournament."

Kevin was really thrilled, he didn\'t think he could participate in these selections, so it was very exciting, and fighting alongside Erik was going to be an experience really exceptional.

He then asked him curious : "Did you and Alan team up together ?"

Axel smirked and said to him : "This year we decided not to participate, but since our fourth year we have won absolutely all the duo fights tournament that was held."

Kevin wasn\'t really surprised, he had seen them fight the Elite Warrior Vampire together and you could tell that they were used to fight together.

Kevin came to snuggle up in his arms for the end of the trip, he had learned what he wanted to learn, today it was the 28 of the 8th month, so he had 12 days left to train with Erik before the start of the selections.

And he had 52 days left to progress as much as possible before going to save the Queen.

He couldn\'t wait to be there, the adrenaline he got from the excitement of the battles in the dungeons was not bad, but he missed the fact to be a shadow, it was time to get back to his shadows world, at least for this mission.

The end of the trip passed quietly, and when they finally got home, Alan and Erik were already there.

Kevin asked Erik how his grandmother was doing and he told him that she was doing pretty well, but since she was old, they let her rest when they saw that she was starting to get tired.

When Kevin got curious and asked to know more about him and his family, Erik replied that there was not much to add, he had been raised by his paternal grandmother, and that the rest of his family had died when he was only 4 years old.

His family was a family of farmers and they had all been killed by an attack of magical beasts, only he and his grandmother had survived.

After that accident, his grandmother had brought him to the city and they had lived there until he joined the Sun Sect.

She had since moved back to the countryside, she had told him that she missed the fresh air and the sense of freedom she felt near the nature.

He had let her do it on condition that she stayed near the city and away from areas where magical beasts could attack.

Erik was relieved to see that she was doing well and so was Alan, the three of them had a great time together.

And when Alan finally asked them what they had done in Dawn city, Kevin explained everything that had happened without leaving anything out.

Alan had been surprised, he was unaware that in addition to the fighters and mages who remained loyal to the Queen, there were also spies and assassins who watched over her.

He clenched his fists in frustration, normally if he had had a chakra reserve his father would have explained to him all about the organization their family was part of, and that was supposed to protect the bearer of the Pentagram Mark.

But instead, he had told him to forget everything and now he found himself completely helpless at not knowing how to protect Kevin.

Kevin saw that Alan looked upset so he reassured him that he wasn\'t going to tell them that he was the bearer of the Pentagram Mark, but at the same time, keeping a good relationship with them would allow them to benefit from their network if they needed it.

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