
Chapter 517 True Intentions

The Uninvolved Lands were slowly being conquered.

The sudden downfall of many kingdoms and how betrayals occurred one after the other happened so fast and so swiftly that many of the people of the kingdom didn\'t even know who their current leaders were.

Without wagging wars, kings and queens were all killed, and no factions were born from the death of the former royalty.

It was all because of the march of one of the western kingdoms who claimed to be marching off to attack the Uninvolved Lands to deal with a powerful and ancient being. Some reports state that it was an ancient vampire. Others rumors spoke of an Incubus who also was responsible for the changing tides of leadership across all the Uninvolved Lands.

But most of them believed that the Eldrich had taken hold of the Uninvolved Lands.

The Midlands were moving their forces towards the western regions to counter the expected overflow of armies. However, reports and data from the spies all confirm that the Uninvolved Lands were finally becoming more and more involved with all the chaos occurring.

The reality was even greater than this. With Nightwing aiding Breveros, they had pulled all kingdoms within the Uninvolved Lands and were now stronger than ever!

Numerous powerful kingdoms were meeting to form an alliance. Every Day, which was in the central region, even moved to aid the western kingdoms. Many other powerful kingdoms of Central Midlands joined the march and were moving their forces across the great distance.

But as for Nightwing and Breveros, they had one last issue to deal with.

The Black Bog Kingdom still remained isolated and was still the most uninvolved nation in the region. Despite their best efforts, many groups of power still continue to rebel and refuse to give in to the mighty forces.

Most of the groups were even actively recruiting and conquering.

Breveros waited at the massive mountain range, and finally, Nightwing arrived with his team.

"You sure took your sweet time. But still, I\'m impressed. You took over those kingdoms that I couldn\'t take in the short time I have over due to their chaotic politics."

"It\'s easy to take over an organized kingdom since you just need to know who to take control. In other kingdoms where all sides are equally strong and equally hate each other, it\'s difficult to find footing. Such is the case for these nations that now sends their forces with you, and the Black Bog Kingdom is an even larger example of this. Too many powerful groups and the interest to grow stronger. I believe these groups have enough Crowns to threaten a Conqueror!" Nightwing smiled as he stood next to Breveros to watch over the great mountain range.

"Entering the mountains is even difficult. Each of those peaks would have thick miasma and dangerous wild beasts at Commander to Cardinal level monster kings. Sending in a team of spies with a Cardinal leading would only yield a thirty percent survival rate. An army cannot fly over or scale the mountain due to the area\'s wild beasts and poisonous clouds. Even the teams I sent to spy on the actions inside haven\'t reported back! How did you manage to move in and out? Does your incubus power work on the beasts?" Breveros gave Nightwing a strange look.

"Please. Do you think the Charmed Fallen would do that? I have my dignity. Our entrance is quite easy. We went in and out a secret path. But it\'s a very dangerous path. Another True Neutral resided here and had morphed the region to this fitting ground. Don\'t you see it? All the terrain advantages were by design!"

"It was by design? You mean this mountain region is..."

"Yes. The very place was full of dangerous things that would make other nations refuse to live inside the region. This made it a place for those who had little to lose. Centuries pass, and a kingdom of vile, power-hungry people emerge. And as crimes are endless, the people from the Highlands and Midlands would flock inside. Defeated families who lost their bid and became fugitives, and even fallen kingdoms would flock inside this place. But it was all so that the designer would always have food to eat. In a place where murder and deaths occur daily, who would care if one or two would go missing?" Nightwing explained.

"What was in there?!"

"My former boss. Another True Neutral and the one who bestowed the mark of Fang on me. This is why people mistook me for a vampire in the Lowlands."

"The Fanged Fallen?! That\'s your former boss?"

"No! If It was, I wouldn\'t have managed to break free from her control. It\'s an offspring. I don\'t know the name of my former master. She was very careful as a True Neutral. I\'m guessing Fate and Destiny wanted her."

"She? Is your master a woman? Then you broke free due to the Charmed Fallen!"

"Yes! I tricked her into sending me out on a mission and acquired the powers of the Charmed Fallen in secret. I left her a slave and wanted to come back and take away her army. Sady, I failed. I won\'t say my real form and identity as I, too, am being sought by two sides. Until I win enough favor from Destiny, I\'ll keep this identity of mine a secret. But in any case, we fought, and I used my powers that practically placed her army against her."

"She controls an army?! Why didn\'t you tell me this?!"

"A Darkling army." Nightwing used his powers, and a dimensional gate was opened, and a Darkling corpse fell down.

Breveros was amazed at the beast that he saw. It was a creature that served Fallens!

"A Darkling!"

"Or whatever that was! It was like a Darkling but had vampiric powers. She had thousands upon thousands!"

"So that\'s the secret of the Black Bog Kingdom! A clever Fallen spawn crafted the natural defenses! Then what of her army? Why are we here?"

"I defeated her. I\'m no longer bound to her. She had no choice because I would have become her master. What is left inside is a shadow of her army, which is good for us since we could move inside and capture more of these darklings. They would make good spoils for our Dark Dependent team. There is a passageway that allows us to move through the mountain and into the Black Bog Kingdom."

"Brilliant! Then let\'s go!" Breveros urged the team.

The unknowing army of Breveros was led right into the path that the Gigantes had opened.

The Gigantes corpse made up most of the mountain range. It had used its power to enlarge itself and made the region as the Spawn of Mammon had suggested long ago.

And he could alter his body and open a small path covered with the bog covering the region. In the midst of the thick bogs was a small valley amidst the two cliffs. It was as if a powerful blade sliced the entire region as the mountains parted cleanly, allowing a path that was ten meters wide.

Many of the strongest fighters of each kingdom were amazed at the path that they saw.

"This path... If we had known about it earlier... we could have invaded the Black Bog Kingdom!"

"No. This place only opens if my master needs to." Nightwing answered.

Everyone was quiet. They feared Nightwing and the mysterious Fallen-Spawn he defeated.

"This is it?" Breveros asked as he saw the long, deep, and misty path.

"Yes. As you have heard, the locals have never seen this path before. I managed to open it thanks to the blood of my former master in me."

"Form ranks and be on guard!" Breveros ordered.

The armies were already ready as they were told of the path they would move into.

Nightwing led Breveros, and the army marched right inside the misty path.

But at that moment, Nightwing was sneering. They were walking for the trap.

The army that they had gathered in the Uninvolved Lands was too strong! And adding with the survivors left in the Black Bog Kingdom, Nightwing could afford to lose a quarter of the gathered armies. And so, the true intention of Nightwing was to feed on these powerful elites! So, not only would those that survive be stronger, but Nightwing would also have a huge amount of corpses that he could devour to make himself and Kyros\'s allies stronger!

Ever since they left, Nightwing had worked with the Gigantes and created his own form of Darklings. The two terrorized the Black Bog Kingdom, and a plague of greed affected the lands causing even greater turmoils that forced betrayals and a collapse of all the powers inside.

Nightwing had used the strongest trait that made the Black Bog Kingdom strong. It was a place where greed was immense, and everyone wanted to grow stronger. And harnessing the power of Mammon, Nightwing brought out a curse that increased the greed in the land, which led to many betrayals.

And when treacheries were made, he sent out the Gigantes to ravage cities and guilds. The power struggle that made the lands strong grew intense as disciples betrayed their master in greed. The land grew weak. The Gigantes moved, and they fed the Darkling vampires. Soon, a Darkling vampire army had formed, all with the enigmatic blood of Nightwing.

And this army was buried underneath the path that Breveros led the army through!

"I guess I\'ll take away a quarter of all these armies..." Nightwing\'s mouth was getting dry, and his appetite was growing due to the feast before him.

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