
Chapter 253 - His Only Attack




"Die!" The Commander howled as he tried to move faster and began to attack.

But Kyros began to employ the powers of his cloak and even the chains, which aided in making his movements faster.

Kyros rushed towards the Champions and used his chains on them.


"Too weak..." Kyros sighed as he stabbed a Champion in the chest before fleeing back.

The Champion managed to defend against the stab of Kyros even though Kyros used his Force energy.

"I\'ll need to consume my Ancient and Fallen Source to do some damage," Kyros concluded before retreating from the wild attacks of the Commander.

"You coward!"

"Why would I fight a Drake? I\'m not stupid. Why not aim for your Champions instead? Your too slow to catch me anyway." Kyros asked.

[Taunt activated.]

"Arrrrgh! Kill him!" The Commander flew with immense speed.



The attacks of the Commander could not reach Kyros. No matter how he tried to attack, Kyros was always a step ahead and retreated accordingly.

The Champions revealed their Force energy to create a massive net to stop Kyros, but then the attacks of the Emberdon Champions reached.


Mezal, Aron, and Martha also joined the fray to fight the group. While Martha could fly, Mezal and Aron stood at the front of the magic carpet piloted by Triona and Ressi.

The Temple was left to the defenders. The Coven stood on the front as the armies of darkness reached the walls of the Temple.

The appearance of Holy Ground revealed itself, and as Kyros predicted, the weapons of all knights had shown bright holy energy allowing them to attack the dark forms of these creatures.

With the battle beginning, Kyros and the Commander continued to fight and race across the sky.



"So Balefire doesn\'t work." Kyros sighed as he experimented on the attacks he had. But the attack of his sword, which harnessed Balefire, didn\'t do much to the Commander.



The Commander took a bite at Kyros, but his form had vanished with a clone remaining. Kyros appeared to the side and gave a mighty [Force Stab], but the attack did no damage.

The Commander roared as Kyros took the time to give a disappointed expression at failed attack.

[De-Spacito activated.]

The tail whipped, the wings flapped, and the Commander bit and punched at Kyros.




Kyros evaded the attacks and delivered a stab to the head as his sword grew bright.

The dragon commander turned his head to evade.

"Oh? You still can evade?" Kyros frowned.

The dragon punched at Kyros.



Finally, a punch connected, and the head of Kyros flew back.

"A clone?" The dragon commander frowned and the dragon struck the remaining body of the strange dark being before him.



"Damn, son!" Calaminus was stunned at Kyros\'s actions.

The Commander was stunned to feel drips of water and was horrified as he gazed up.

"That\'s a Dark Golem Clone. I made it look like myself. Fooled you didn\'t I?" 

The Commander instantly noticed that the falling fluid seemed to be traveling faster and then noticed that the battle around him was faster than usual. He gazed up in confusion, and finally, he realized what this water was.

"Oh! I see. [De-Spacito] takes time to affect you. As expected of a dragon. But I guess I can\'t make that attack now. Your Destiny Challenger ought to make you evade it." Kyros then communicated with Martha to change his plans. But he kept on unloading droplets at the Commander.

"Oh my." Stellya laughed.

"I\'m embarrassed to call him my nephew and lord." Martha shook her head as she saw what Kyros did in the middle of a life-and-death battle.

"I\'m proud to call him grandson!" Mezal laughed.

"I think this should be a Steele family tradition." Aron glanced at the Champions.

The Champions grew angry and shouted as they saw the ambitious look of Aron.

The Commander was confused. He heard everyone speak fast, and the battle moved faster. And even though he knew that Kyros marked his territory on him, the thought hadn\'t somehow registered yet.

"You got stuck with [De-Spacito] your arrogance into believing that no spells can penetrate through your resistant dragon body is your weakness. This is why things appear faster, and you become so slow in your thoughts that Team Rocket could harvest your tails. Too bad it\'s about to end." Kyros laughed. He knew this would work as his special job class stats that he managed to improve after absorbing and assimilating everything to the Temple.



Continuum Time/Space Mage Level 2

Wielding power and soul of Calaminus, Kyros can harness aspects of True Time. Time magic penetrates through most magical defenses below God or Fallen level.


De-Spacito was used on the Commander when Kyros stabbed him, and that allowed Kyros to retreat and make a swift clone switch after leaving a Golem crafted from his Dark Core and positioned himself at the top.

The effects of De-Spacito faded, and the Commander exploded in rage.

"You must be pissed. Oh right, you have been pissed." Kyros laughed as he kept his dragon after it spewed the insidious attack.

[Taunt activated.]

The Commander howled, and his entire body released a powerful force.

Kyros retreated as the Force energy exploded like a bomb. 


The entire battlefield was startled at the explosion.

"Commander!" The Champions called out.

The size of the Commander grew larger and larger, and he was transforming into a dragon.

Instead of a tall, hulking creature, his body grew larger, and he grew until massive jaws formed.

The Commander howled as he transformed.

"Martha! Kill him!" Kyros panicked.

[Deception activated.]

Martha and the Champions panicked and began to shoot their attacks at the transforming dragon.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Martha shot several attacks, and the Embderdons also shot their magic.

But all attacks could not penetrate the thick hide of the massive dragon.

Its form landed from the air and howled angrily.

It stood up and had a large form that towered over the walls. 

Kyros had already learned of the kinds of dragons through Calaminus. He knew of the different kinds and the specialties.

Puff was clearly a Wyrm. And by all accounts, he should be a flightless dragon. But Kyros had noticed how the Wyrm was using his power to forcibly add wings to his form.

When a large, massive dragon has wings, they become the very form of the Commander. A Drake.

The Warrior dragons to Puff\'s original form, the Thane dragon, was a balance between power and mobility. It had great wings but a smaller frame than the drake. But as warriors, their attacks were still strong.

The Wyverns specialized in great mobility with their mighty wings, and they were the fastest among dragons. On the other hand, the Serpentine dragons were the dragons with the least vitality but were as mobile and fast as the Wyverns but had more power in their attacks.

While the Commander was a Crown Potential, Kyros was confident that his Dexterity, added with haste, would be more than enough to escape the attack of the Crown, who would have a low average on his dexterity.

Kyros had tested the extent of the vitality and hardness of the dragon and knew that only one of his attacks could break through the scale. The problem was that the drake was too fast for this attack of his. And so, Kyros taunted the drake to assume his strongest and largest form. 

Martha didn\'t just shoot regular arrows. She used the power of Kyriachos. And the quarter dragons magic resistance could not contend to this. 

[Gravity Field] and [Heavy Weight] were in the arrows that Martha shot out.

The Dragon commander felt it and sensed great danger.

"Perfect!" Kyros praised his family for fighting in a way that all the Champions were aligned.

His only attack that could penetrate the dragon\'s large, thick, and strong carapace was the Temple\'s strongest attack.

"[Holy Beam]!"

The Temple grew bright, and a powerful beam shot out a terrifying blast of Holy energy.



The Champions were caught in the blast as the Steele Family entrapped them through Foresight and Combat.

The Beam struck the dragon on the chest, and the blast pierced through.


The pained cry of the dragon echoed out.

Beyond the portal, the other Commanders felt it.

"What?! My husband died?!" A woman cried.

"Our Master!" A swamp of darkness took the form of a strange hideous creature with arms and legs.

"Go. It seems that Fate\'s Champions are no laughing matter. March your armies!" A handsome young man cloth in dark steel armor and long ears stood up.

"Commanders! We are going for a full-on assault. Prepare your men!" 

"Yes, Master!"

Back at the Temple, Kyros was lying down on the Temple.

The bodies of the dying Champions were there, and the Coven was drinking their blood.

"Lord Kyros." Martha gave Kyros his sword back. This sword had already stabbed on the champions and taken in some of their blood.

"Aunt Martha." Kyros gave an exasperated answer but frowned at the title.

"You\'re still my lord, though. I\'m already used to it. Besides, it doesn\'t feel weird since you are stronger than me." Martha smiled.

"You were just amazing, Lord Kyros!" Scarlet smiled and continued to nurse Kyors. She was the first to rush to Kyros among everyone.

"Lord Kyros. Why is it that even Temple can\'t heal your fatigue?" Scarlet asked with worry.

"My brain can\'t handle the stress of me using the full power. My body nearly broke in that battle, and while it was healed, the mental weight is just... too much. Hopefully, absorbing the dragon will help me grow stronger that I can keep that speed longer. I can\'t even think straight now!" Kyros cursed as his thoughts were wildly erupting.

"Master Kyros! That was amazing!" Mechiel broke through the great wall that is Scalet.

Scarlet\'s eyes grew dark as she saw Mechiel approach.

"Thanks, Mechiel. I\'m glad you\'re alright! The Temple seemed to have healed you, but that unaging curse you have is a bother. I know! Drink some of my blood. I can\'t add you to my Coven as the slots are full. Normal vampires shouldn\'t be able to use my blood, but you have the Blood Calamity in you. I\'m sure she can do something about it."

And then there was silence.

Martha was horrified. 

Scarlet was shocked.

Hunter froze on the side.

It was only then that Kyros realized what he said.

"I have what?" Mechiel was confused.


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