
Chapter 20 - A Temple To Build

Kyros was running towards the temple and entered it. Calaminus assumed his human form, and his soul floated nearby. But the moment they entered the temple, a bright light flashed, and Kyros saw himself flying up towards the heavens.

"Woah! What\'s happening?!" Kyros marveled at the scene.

"This is... Spirit Journey! We are traveling! Something or someone out there is calling us and is forcing our souls to journey towards it!"

Kyros was flying so fast that he found himself in the deepness of space. He was moving so fast that he could suddenly see several large landmasses being held up by strange branches that led to a large tree.

"Where is this? Isn\'t that...?"

"Right..That\'s the Planes World! The place where we were at! It\'s one of the unique worlds that isn\'t a planet. But who exactly is calling us? Kyros... We might just find out more about your heritage!" Calaminus exclaimed..

Their speed sped up, and soon they found themselves moving across countless galaxies.

Some would be a planet, and some had a Yggdrasil carrying them similar to the large three carrying the many realms just like the Planes World. Kyros saw large landmasses being carried by gigantic creatures that were the size of planets.

Soon, they reached the edge of the universe.

"Wait...? We are going beyond the edge?!" Calaminus was scared.

The two souls rushed towards the end of the universe. Beyond the edge was nothing. Matter ceased to exist. And yet... they breached it.

All they could see were strange colors and bright lights.

"Where are we?" Kyros wondered.

Kyros and Calaminus couldn\'t see.

"Kyros... If you\'re here, then Fate must have been kind." A mysterious voice that was enchanting and mystical could be heard.

"Calaminus... Thank you for protecting my son. I hope that a day will come that you can breach the gap and unseal us. Kyros... You are our hope. Fate\'s powers have its limits. It brought you here, and everything that happens from here on out lies in your hands. Free us, my son. Free me and free your father."

All of a sudden, the vision was gone.

Kyros and Calaminus found themselves in the temple once more.

"Woah..." Kyros was shocked that he stood still a few seconds after that.

"Who were they?" Kyros asked Calaminus.

"I... don\'t know..." Calaminus answered.

"What? You don\'t know?"

"I really don\'t... But they seemed to be Gods that are far more stronger than I can imagine... If they can exist outside the Edge of Infinity... they must be great beings of power!"

"She said... She was my mother, and that I have to free her and father?"

"I... can\'t help you with this one. This is something that is beyond the Ancients and the First Fallen."

Kyros nodded.

"It can\'t be helped. For now, I press on. The more we struggle and fight, the more these things should reveal themselves."


"Show Temple Info!"


Nephilim Sealing Temple

Status: Kyros Unleashed

Nephilim Training Commencing!

Shade Level: 2 Interim (18:23:52:34 remaining to start Level 2)

Temple Level: 4 (1284/10000 points to Level 5)


Acquired Rewards:

Hallowed Grounds- Makes the entire temple ground uncomfortable for all Creatures aligned to Darkness. Advanced Dark Spell resistance applied. Converts life energy and divides the energy equally among current Temple Occupants. Allows access to Temple Core.

Greater Holy Healing- Staying in Temple Ground makes Kyros recover faster and defuses Dark Maddening, Poison, minor curses, and injuries. Allows healing of limbs. Increases difficulty for negative fate curses to find you while residing in the temple.

Holy Barrier- Creates a Holy Barrier. Defense Strength of Barrier increases as Temple Level increases. Shade Level 3 creatures can breach the barrier.

Carrier has Arrived!- Allows access to Dimensional Magic to carry the entire Nephilim Sealing Temple and the Trial Grounds in a pocket dimension. Kyros may enter and exit temple grounds for 50 magic points. Grants access to Nephilim Inventory and the Temple Storage Space.

Holy Beam- Locked.

Library of the Light- Locked

Enlightenment Chamber- Locked

Holy Wave- Locked.

Holy Cow- Locked.


"I can bring the entire temple with me?!" Kyros was astounded!

"So it is as I thought. This is a Heavenly Abode. Or at least, that\'s what we called it. Gods and Ancients, Fallen or the First Fallen, created a mobile fortress or home. We bestowed great magic to it so that it becomes a fortress that we can bring out at will. If gods and fallen made this, then it\'s only natural that it will have this ability."

"So I have a mobile fort? What\'s the Temple Core?"

"Try calling it out." Calaminus said.

"Show me the Temple Core." Kyros called out.

Suddenly, the place where Kyros was sealed suddenly began to tremble. The ground opened up, and a bright round orb surfaced.

"Woah. That\'s one powerful core. Too bad it\'s sealed. This is probably the strongest Heavenly Abode in all of history!"

"What\'s the Core for?"

"Its functions vary. It allows the creation of various protocols. In fact, that soul console you created could be set here to allow this heavenly abode to function."

"What exactly can this thing do?"

"More than I probably know..." Calaminus sighed. He knew that Kyros was far smarter than him and could create various programs and apps for this entire temple to do.

"For now, try linking with it. If you want to own this entire temple and all of its features, you need to link and connect your soul to it."

"Alright." Kyros approached the core and held out his hand.

[Soul Link Complete. The Nephilim Sealing Temple of Kyros Soter Vasilius Tyrannos Kyriachos is now online.]

A powerful tremor occurred, and bright lights flashed, and various memories were imbued on Kyros\'s head. The knowledge of how to control and run the temple was known to Kyros.

"So that\'s his name?! Soter and Vasilius, the First Born of the Ancients! Tyrannons, The First UnDivine, and Kyriachos, Lord of the Fallen! This is it! The answer to his lineage! But how?! How is it possible? How can he carry four bloodlines?! Who is he exactly?" Calaminus was shocked. It was impossible to determine which among the four was Kyros\'s true father. And none of these names even mentioned the mother!

Kyros was still in a trance as he could see the various memories flooding inside his head as he began to understand the capabilities of the temple.

"A forge? Interesting. But I need to find materials outside. An Alchemy lab? It needs materials to build it. There\'s also a training room, Farmlands... Magic channeling room... Artificer room? Oh, I like that! What\'s a Gunpla collection room?" Kyros wondered as he was reading through the newfound memories.

"How is it?"

"Well... This temple is in vast need of things. Right now, everything we see here is all that I could use so far. But if I manage to add more resources to this place, it can assimilate, and the rooms will be crafted. If I find the right power source, I can create all of these various rooms. The Temple can expand in size if I feed it more power."

"What power source does it need?"

"Some are power stones. Some are monsters. It\'s all found in this little quest thingy. Let me show you. Display Temple Quests."


Temple Quest Lvl. 1



Char Vermillion Lizard King

Char Vermillion Lizard (80)

Swamp Man-Gator Prime

Swamp Man-Gator (40)

Stonic Creatures (50)

Wicked Ruler

Wicked Humans (150)

Ghoul Captain

Ghouls (200)

Orc Cheif

Orcs (100)

Lizard Captain

Lizardmen (100)




Skin Mending Herbs (20 Bushels)

Blood Berries (20 Bushels)

Green Poison Five-leaf Plant (5 Bushels)

Red Poison Ivy- (5 Bushels)

Azureth Aranth Flower



Nara Red Lumber- (20 Trees)

Grook Brown Lumber- (20 Trees)

Salanite Stone- (5 Tons)

Graphite Char Dread Stone- (2 Tons)

Iron Ore- (1 Ton)

Gold Ore- (1 Ton)

Silver Ore- (1 Ton)

Calever Ore- (1 Ton)

Wroth Bronze Pors Ore- (1 Ton)

Various Metals- (1 Ton)

Titerium Ore (1 Ton)


Calaminus read the list and could not help but scratch his head.

"Eugene?" Both chorused and looked at each other.

"Anyway... As you can see, this temple is designed to train me in various fields and help me get stronger. It forces me to fight and acquire resources in the world, and as I gather it, I can easily place it all here. Now that I can control it, I can summon the storage room outside to bring these materials inside. Any objects that are brought in that storage room are marked, and once it\'s marked, I can bring it out and in simply by willing it. But man... Tons of rocks and trees, and I have even to kill wicked men and orcs and stuff? Where can I get those?" Kyros wondered.

"I guess you have to fight for it outside. So that means you can store the entire temple?"

"Not just the temple. The area where we fought those Shadow Ghouls is part of the Outer Gate. This entire place is a huge dome. And it hasn\'t even unlocked all of it. This dome will grow larger. The next level will open the next space of the dome. Since I defeated it before the time, it\'s giving me time to prepare."

"Failure to beat the time will throw you in the next level. So it\'s pushing you to the limits..."

"Yeah. Pretty soon, the training will make me end up fighting hordes of Darkness which have constantly been creating its monsters since they were unsealed. The longer I waste time. The more these creatures grow in number."

"I see. So it gives great rewards but forces you to build an army. Quite interesting. You will need an army in the future to fight with the Greater Gods or the Fallen."

"I guess the best thing to do is check out what is outside of this dome. I wonder where we are sealed?"

"Wherever this is, it really sets you up. Since you have nineteen days to prepare, then level 2 Shades ought to give you some problems. But this temple sets you up for the next stage. I\'ve been sensing quite a few familiar signatures. It just so happens that outside this place are Char Vermillion Lizards."

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