
Chapter 369 Wedding Part 1

"No fair, me too!" Sophie yelled out. As she ran over and pushed Adel out of the way, and showed me her neck. I chuckled and bit into hers as well. Sophie\'s had a sweeter taste and felt more energetic. It was hard to actually give a flavor since it was blood, but it was very good, like eating a snack.

"Master…." Iena walked over with a look of not wanting to be left out. I pulled her over and bit her neck as well. Hers had a more refreshing taste. It was strange, but I felt like I could suck her blood all day and never get sick of it. "Sorry, but I think Iena wins this match."

"What! No fair! Drink more of my blood and see if it is any different!" Adel yelled out. I shook my head and pushed her to sit down. "Let\'s finish things up."

A few days passed, and I was currently being dressed up by Grace and Annie. Sei and Sally were standing at the side watching. I donned a black gothic yet elegant dress. With short heels, as I hated heels in the first place. With silvery jewelry and a few hair ornaments to go in my hair, along with a black veil to cover the lower half of my face. To be honest, even I looked quite pretty in this dress, even if I did look more dead.

"Faith, you really look beautiful. Makes me want to change sides." Sei teased as she walked over and gave me a hug. "I am glad you have found your life partners."

"Yes, Young Miss, you do look very beautiful. It makes me wonder if I should one day get married as well…." Sally seemed to have finally gotten over what had happened before.

I smiled and said: "Sally, I am sure any man would be very lucky to be with you. To be honest, I do think Steven might be interested in you. He is quite handsome, you know."

Sally blushed, and her ears danced slightly. She was a cute girl, so I do hope one day, she will find happiness. "Hey, are you just going to ignore me!?" Sei, who I did ignore, stomped her feet at my side, causing everyone to laugh.

"No. I just think that whoever marries you will be in for more than they hoped for. Especially with a certain skill that…."

"Okay, enough! Let\'s go, miss groom. You have three girls and a man to marry!" Sei quickly changed the subject, causing me to laugh. She even glared at me since I knew Freidinia had been bugging her about her skill.

I rode a carriage that was heavily decorated for the event to the center of the lower city. There was a large stage and many colorful decorations set up as well as street vendors and many other things going on. The king himself was already sitting on the stage in the main seat, looking out of the crowd with a wide smile. As my carriage came to a stop, I closed the curtain and readied myself. The door opened to my father standing there with a smile on his face. He still looked as handsome as the day I saw him when I first was reborn into this world.

"Faith, as a father, I have a lot to say about you marrying so many, but I will leave that for another time. I wish you happiness as you progress through life." My father said as he held his hand out to me to help me off the carriage.

I smiled and took his hand, and stepped down before hugging him. "Father, you are about to become an Empress\'s father soon. You should hold your head up high. "

My father shook his head and patted my back. "I can not be any prouder of you than I am now. You have done so much over the years and have helped so many. It makes me take a look at your brother and ask, where did I go wrong."

I couldn\'t help but laugh as I took a peek at my brother, who was standing behind my father. "Brother, don\'t listen to him. You are already amazing enough."

"Don\'t worry. I never took his words to heart. But to think my baby sister is getting married and to four people at that. At least one of them is a man. So I am sure to become an uncle in the future." My brother teased, causing me to blush. While I do plan to have a child in the future. It will not be soon. The tasks at hand need to come first.

"Maybe in the future, after things settle down," I replied with a smile. My brother nodded as I hooked my arm with my father\'s and walked towards the stage.

My mother was sitting with Freidinia, she was currently balling her eyes out. She kept trying to get up, but Freidinia kept pushing her back down. When we reached her seat. I leaned over and hugged her and whispered: "Mother, your daughter is getting married just like how you wanted."

"Mm…." My mother could only hum an answer as I squeezed her. She reluctantly let me go and pushed me gently away. "Go… Don\'t let everyone wait to see how beautiful my daughter is."

"Hehe…. I will show them all that my mother and father have the best genes!" I replied while giggling. My mother smiled and laughed with me while nodding her head. It was times likes this that I saw her acting normal again, which made me have hope for the future.

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