
Chapter 159 Haya Buza Facepalms

Buza: @Jade, wait, wouldn’t that cause the wrath of Lord Zenchi if you use the donation money as funds for our cause?

Haya Buza asked the <Supreme Apostle> since from what he had known, it was disrespectful to the Lord if they used the donation money, not for the needy nor the lord’s cause but for their cause.

That was why Buza asked Jade about that since who knows? She might be drunk for all he knew. It was better to ask her about it rather than ignoring it since Buza knew that defying the Supreme Academy was already troublesome let alone incurring the wrath of a god.

Jade: @Buza, don’t worry as I had already asked Lord Zenchi before about the church funds and he told me that he could care less about mortal wealth. He said that as long as I and his followers don’t use it for evil, he would turn a blind eye to whatever we used it for.

Jade: So, Lord Zenchi wouldn’t mind if I use the Church Of Zenchi’s funds for our cause as long as we don’t use it for evil. And since the Supreme Academy had committed numerous sins, using the church funds to go against them is tantamount to using the church funds against sinners which Lord Zenchi would gladly approve.

Buza: If you say so.

Since Jade, the <Supreme Apostle> herself, had received the approval from Lord Zenchi to use the church funds, then he wouldn’t indulge more in that topic..

After all, it wasn’t Buza’s money that was going to be used but the Church Of Zenchi’s funds so Buza no longer have any more concern about it.

Allen: So it has been decided that Asther, Hugh, and I will take care of the gadgets that will be used by our groups while Charles, Derick, Sophie, and Jade will take care of the funds for our group, right?

Allen asked them for clarification and all of them responded by agreeing with Allen.

Allen: So funds for our group and the gadgets have already been taken allocated. What about information gathering and espionage? We not only need to gadgets against the Supreme Academy but also their live information so we will know when to ambush them.

Allen asked his fellow chat group members as he emphasized the importance of gathering information against the Supreme Academy.

Selena: I can take care of information gathering since it is my specialty as the <Supreme Journalist>.

Selena volunteered to take care of gathering information for the Supreme Academy.

Buza: I will take care of espionage. I haven’t been trained to become the <Supreme Ninja> for nothing! My ninja techniques and skills are more than enough for that job.

Buza: I can even abduct a staff of the Supreme Academy, use my transformation technique, pose as a staff of the Supreme Academy, and gather live information while inside the restricted locations of the Supreme Academy that are only accessible to staff of the Supreme Academy.

Buza’s classmates found Buza’s plan to be flawless except for one thing.

Lei: What about your attendance? Although we are allowed to skip class anytime we want as long as we ace the quarterly examinations, it still would be suspicious if you are absent while the rest of us aren’t.

Lei: I know you guys will suggest for all of us to be absent but that would cause even more suspicion towards us if we cause trouble towards the Supreme Academy since we wouldn’t have any alibi.

Lei: I hate to admit this but being monitored by our adviser while in class would be a solid alibi since he will be able to vouch for us.

Lei knew that Hawser was tasked to gather information about them so if they were present in his class, Hawser could vouch for their alibi if there are trouble in the Supreme Academy.

Buza: You underestimate my ability as the <Supreme Ninja>. I can use the shadow clones technique and use a shadow clone for my attendance.

Buza: Although I plan to use shadow clones for espionage, I scrapped that plan since it will be better for me to handle the espionage myself so that there would be a lesser chance of me being discovered compared to letting my clones handle the espionage task.

Buza: My shadow clones have half of my skills as the <Supreme Ninja> so letting them handle the espionage task will without a doubt be a problem. That’s why I decided to let myself take care of the espionage task while a shadow clone of mine will be in charge of attending class.

Buza had already decided what his role would be in the resistance and he found his role one of the most important since they would need his help in keeping tabs on the Supreme Academy’s works.

Allen: So information gathering and espionage has been taken care of-

Buza: Wait! I have one problem left in espionage.

Buza interrupted Allen since he wasn’t finished talking about his espionage task.

Allen: What is it?

Allen wasn’t like those young masters in cultivation novels or those self-centered humans who would act entitled after they got interrupted. So, he didn’t mind Buza interrupting him as long as it was an important matter. If it wasn’t, Allen can just use his privilege as the creator of the telepathy chat group and mute Buza.

Buza: My espionage job still has a flaw and it’s my inability to hack into their system and also protect myself from their detection through the Supreme Academy’s technologies. They might have already invented a gadget that can see through my transformation technique.

Hugh and Asther: They have.

The <Supreme Mechanic> and <Supreme Inventor> confirmed in unison Buza’s words about the Supreme Academy’s gadget that could see through Buza’s transformation technique.

Buza: How did the two of you know?

Buza was confused as to how Hugh and Asther knew about the Supreme Academy’s gadgets.

Asther: Hugh, me and along with the <Supreme Programmer> had often been commissioned by the Supreme Academy to create specific gadgets for their exclusive use.

Buza: In other words, you guys have unknowingly assisted the Supreme Academy in increasing their security?

After asking that question, Buza couldn’t help but facepalm at how stupid the two of them were.

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