
Chapter 85

85 <Supreme Hidden Boss> Meets <Supreme Mage>

"I am Allen Walker, the <Supreme Unknown> or that\'s what the authorities at the Supreme Academy referred to me as."

Allen introduced himself but it only confused his fellow <Supremes>.

"The authorities? So you aren\'t officially known as the <Supreme Unknown>? Are you perhaps officially known as the <Supreme Psychic>? Since you can use telekinesis."

Selena asked Allen and when she mentioned telekinesis, Eros couldn\'t help but have his lower body shaking in fear.

"Yes, I am not officially known as the <Supreme Unknown> but the authorities call me that. After all, I have many abilities and <Supreme> talents that even the authorities at the Supreme Academy haven\'t known about. And no, I am not the <Supreme Psychic>."

Allen didn\'t mind revealing information about him since he was so strong to the point that even if his opponents knew of his abilities, it didn\'t mean they could do anything about it since they were just too powerless against his <Supreme Order>.

So what if they knew he has more abilities than telekinesis? Can his fellow <Supremes> even defeat him when they knew of such information?

But of course, Allen always wanted to keep a trump card that only he and his fellow chat group members knew about and that was his <[Absolute Order]> authority. No way in hell was he going to reveal that to his classmates when he barely knew about them!

And besides, the only reason why he didn\'t mind revealing that he has many <Supreme> talents and abilities were to cement himself in their mind as the alpha within their group. So all of his <Supreme> classmates would know that he was the strongest in their classroom and by knowing that, there wouldn\'t be that many idiots who would challenge his authority within the classroom.

"If you aren\'t the <Supreme Psychic>, then which <Supreme> title do you have? Aside from your unofficial title known as <Supreme Unknown>?"

Selena Page asked Allen while taking out a notebook that already has a list of all of the <Supremes> that she had information about. Even her classmates, before she ever met them, she already had their information in her notebook as she was known as the <Supreme Journalist> for a reason.

"I am Allen Walker and I am known as the <Supreme Hidden Boss>. For I have hidden my abilities and acted as a mob during my early days. I have hidden my <Supreme> talents and abilities to the point that even the authorities of the Supreme Academy didn\'t find out about it so that is why I was approved of this title when I had requested for it."

Allen Walker introduced himself and when he spoke his name again, one of his <Supreme> classmates namely the <Supreme Mechanic> couldn\'t help but point out his findings.

"Wait, your surname is Walker? Are you perhaps related to my sworn brother, Asther Walker, or famously known as the <Supreme Inventor>?"

When Hugh mentioned Asther Walker, the rest of his classmates now knew why they had thought that his name was quite familiar to them despite not hearing any news about him.

"Yeah, Asther Walker is my younger brother. If what you are saying is true that you are his sworn brother, then just say a word to me about those who had offended you and I will deal with them as long as you are the one who didn\'t start the fight first."

Allen Walker agreed to Hugh\'s words of him being the <Supreme Inventor>\'s relative.

And when he mentioned the sworn brother thing about helping Hugh if someone offended him, he couldn\'t help but feel that he was like Seref in this situation. Since Seref had also accepted him as his sworn brother and also promised to help him if someone ever offended him.

"Then I will take your word for it! Don\'t worry as I don\'t go around offending everyone I meet like a certain someone just a while ago."

Hugh accepted Allen\'s help and indirectly mentioned the <Supreme Heir> which caused the teen with long black hair that reaches up to his waist and tied in a ponytail hairstyle to know that Hugh had mentioned him.

Of course, Derick only snorted when Hugh had indirectly mentioned him as he was too prideful to say that he was in the wrong. But he dared not to disagree with Hugh as not only did Hugh have the backing of the <Supreme Prince>, he also had the backing of the <Supreme Hidden Boss> who he had not yet known his full identity and capabilities.

Although Derick was arrogant, he wasn\'t dumb, or else he wouldn\'t be a <Supreme>. He knew that those people who have little to no information were the ones that he shouldn\'t offend until he knew more information about them. Since for him, they were unknown variables that would undoubtedly affect his plans and schemes and it was best not to offend them before he knew more about them.

"Then I apologize on Eros\' behalf. Although he has already apologized, I don\'t want anyone to have a grudge against him."

Hearing that voice, they went towards the source who was lolita possessing the appearance of a fourteen-year-old girl with her petite body. But they knew that she was likely older than she looked and they weren\'t wrong.

The lolita wore a noticeable blue pointy witch hat with yellow stars design on top of her head. She has long purple hair that reaches up to her waist and red wine-colored eyes. She wore the same school uniform as the girl students at Supreme Academy.

"Don\'t worry as I don\'t hold any grudge against anyone because I solve all my problems and hate for anyone immediately. By doing so, I will not need to hold a grudge since I already resolved it."

After hearing Allen\'s words, Eros couldn\'t help but shiver in fear again since he might not know when Allen would resolve his grudge and if Allen did have a grudge against him since Allen was being vague about it.

"Sigh, I don\'t know why I chose him as my fiancee when he causes me nothing but trouble."

"Oh, my apologies for the late introduction, I am Aimee Valery, also known as the <Supreme Mage>. Nice to meet you all."


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