
Chapter 194 Little Mandron Soldier 17

When the clock hit midnight, Wei Xiaoqing lay still on her bed -facing the paint coated ceiling. She was feeling sleepy but also restless so she did not allow herself sleep. Most of her restlessness came from the fact that this was one of the days Yang Zhi usually came to her to relieve himself.

It was so late, was he or was he not coming? She had the urge to sigh in relief and give in to sleep but if he came in and found her asleep, she was going to get in trouble.

Her eyes were slowly dropping when,


Wei Xiaoqing sprang up from the bed like a thief and stood still by the side. She was a little nervous as she watched Yang Zhi walk in step by step with a slight wobble in his steps. He was clearly tipsy.

Yang Zhi stared, with hooded eyes, at the alluring mandron woman before him and felt his body react, "Beautiful." And then he sneered. "If only all of you weren\'t so useless." Next he unzipped his pants. "Kneel."

Wei Xiaoqing sighed inwardly as she got on her knees. Lately she\'d been contemplating the prospects of jail time. Surely having to go to jail for five years due to her lack of identification was much better than this. It\'s been a year and some months since she came into the Yang mansion and she wanted out.

The reason she\'d gotten stuck on Earth in the first place was because she was trying to run away from her sex traffickers. What was the difference between that and her current situation?


The next day, Yang Zhi informed his children of the invite during breakfast. Yang Teng was pleasantly surprised -after all, not every soldier could boast of being able to attend the engagement party of the valiant General Ding. Yang Xiang and Yang Liqin exchanged looks with secretive smiles on their faces whilst Yang Liu smiled reservedly.

She was already aware of the news but just thinking about what she\'d planned with her father made her so happy. She was 30 years old and if she was able to land Ding Weimin, that would be a huge jackpot. Who wouldn\'t want one of the most eligible men of the Plexar Federation to themselves? What was an age difference of two or three years?

She automatically erased Jin Qi from her sight because she felt that the woman did not deserve the General. When General Ding had been infected with the magnetic energy, where had Jin Qi been? Instead, it was a member of her Yang family who had gone over to accompany the General.

Just from that alone, it could be seen that only a member of the Yang family deserved the General. Take it as compensation for their hard work.

With that, the group of five Yangs all managed to cut through the much lesser crowd of reporters outside the mansion and go in search of suitable outfits.

He Yuan, on the other hand, calmly stepped out of his room in search of Wei Xiaoqing.

He finally found her in the garden squatted low and tending to the flower bed as the rude old nanny he\'d first met months ago criticized her every move whilst chewing on some melon seeds. He frowned and discreetly clicked on his bracelet. There was a gardener for this so, "What\'s going on?"

The old nanny looked back with wide eyes and when she realized it was just He Yuan, she rolled her eyes and continued chewing on her melon seeds as she instructed, "Dig a little deeper, look that one is sticking out, the other one needs more water!"

Wei Xiaoqing scrambled to carry out her instructions but she was never satisfied. "Tsk. You mandrons are really good for nothing aren\'t you?" She quickly eyed He Yuan. "Only knowing how to seduce and offer your bodies."

He Yuan\'s face turned cold. "Miss Wei, please get up."

Wei Xiaoqing froze. Then she looked from He Yuan to the old nanny.

The old nanny sneered. "Yang Xue, what are you doing?! She\'s living in the Yang home free of charge and master Yang had given me the go ahead to put her to work whenever we were short on servants. A couple of servants were unable to return yesterday and I\'m very sure you know the reason why so she has to fill in!"

He Yuan nonchalantly gave her a once over. "There\'s no shortage of servants if you\'re still able to stand and do nothing but talk."

The old nanny\'s eyes widened. "You expect me to do hard work?! Do you know how old I am?"

He Yuan felt his patience run out. "If you\'re so old then you wouldn\'t be working such a demanding job. No one forced you to be here so who are you to make demands?" He looked to Wei Xiaoqing. "Miss Wei, stand up."

Wei Xiaoqing slowly stood up but was dragged back by the old nanny. "Where do you think you\'re going?!" She turned to He Yuan. "Yang Xue, you better watch how you\'re treating me. Master Yang and the other masters would not condone a bunch of mandrons treating me with such disrespect!"

He Yuan calmly walked over to them and plucked the old nanny\'s fingers off Wei Xiaoqing. The spot was already a glaring shade of red but the mandron woman had remained silent all because this was the usual treatment she received from the servants. He felt bad for her.

Next, he directly turned and walked away from the nanny with Wei Xiaoqing. If he decided to give in to his temper, he might end up shoving the old lady\'s potty mouth full of soil.

The old lady\'s eyes widened as they walked away. She couldn\'t believe that Yang Xue had dared! Right from the moment the mandron had returned from the Ding family over a year ago, he hardly ever interfered with the happenings in the Yang home. In fact, he was almost never around as he spent more time in the army base.

Even if the servants talked down on him, he never really reacted. This was the most violent she\'d ever seen him and... She was enraged. What right did he have? Who did he think he was? Just a stray seed that master Yang had casually deposited on Cladis coming to her own home Planet to command her about.

The old nanny stormed into the house with a few of her melon seeds scattered behind her.

He Yuan took Wei Xiaoqing to the kitchen and placed an ice pack on her wrist.

The mandron woman looked at him gratefully as she held down the ice pack herself. "Thank you." She hesitated before saying, "Master Yang will be angry."

He Yuan shrugged. "Doesn\'t matter." The scum was already pissed off beyond measures anyways. Nothing he did could top that... For now.

That thought brought him to the reason he\'d been looking for Wei Xiaoqing in the first place. The mandron woman\'s hostage situation in the Yang home.

When he transferred over to the realm over three months ago, there was nothing much that could be done as he had to quickly go through with the surgery and rehabilitation process. During his time in the minor Planet, he\'d gone through the events of the original timeline in his head over and over again out of boredom and he realized something he\'d missed.

It had to do with the identity of the person who had created Wei Xiaoqing\'s fake identification for Yang Zhi. How exactly did he find out about this? Well...

To get Yang Xue on Earth at the fastest possible time, Yang Zhi had created a temporary fake identity for the leaser. It was only when the Yang Xue was accepted by the Third marshal that Yang Zhi had carried out the real identification process. It was very obvious that the sleazy man did not want to spend unnecessary funds on Yang Xue until he was sure of success in his plan of creating a connection between the Yang and Ding families.

On the day Yang Xue had been taken into the Planetary Immigration Administration office, Yang Zhi had discreetly spoken with one of the medium ranking officers there. Yang Xue had thought nothing of it but it wasn\'t the same for He Yuan.

If their relation was clean, why would Yang Zhi and that PIA worker not want to be seen communicating by other workers present? According to Yang Xue\'s memories, they\'d both gone as far as to leave the restroom twenty whole minutes one after the other just so they wouldn\'t seem suspicious but that was very much suspicious to He Yuan.

He was clearly aware that they were not having a secret affair so what else could it be? It was so obvious that something was up so he spent hours digging up whatever interactions Yang Zhi and that worker had together. There were not much but there was enough to fuel his suspicion.

He Yuan deftly operated his bracelet and brought up a couple of holographic photos. "Can you identify this man?"

Wei Xiaoqing blinked and squinted at the holograms. The pictures were of a pudgy looking human male with hair cut close to his scalp and a thick moustache. Her memory wasn\'t so good and she was about to shake her head when her eyes suddenly widened. She remembered that man! Back when master Yang had taken her to create her \'identification\' documents, she\'d met that man.

Normally she wouldn\'t bother remembering such a random person but that man had tried to get her to sleep with him so she couldn\'t forget him.

She went on to explain everything she could remember and when she was done, He Yuan nodded in satisfaction. Wei Xiaoqing\'s words had confirmed his suspicions and from the look of things, Wei Xaoqing was not the only victim of such arrangements. There were many others with different people.

After getting all he needed, He Yuan thanked Wei Xiaoqing before leaving the kitchen. She\'d offered to make him something to eat but he\'d simply declined. Earlier, he\'d consumed a hunger relieving pill so he was good.

An hour later, He Yuan compiled everything he\'d managed to dig up on Wei Xiaoqing\'s case. Looking at what he\'d managed to amass, he smiled in satisfaction. Since Yang Zhi was so free to think up schemes involving him, He Yuan, he might as well give the scum something to truly worry about.

He added the recording of the old nanny\'s treatment of Wei Xiaoqing back in the garden to the file and then sent everything anonymously to the MAA online account.

Next, He Yuan took out his ingredients for the human skin mask and began molding. The goal was to create a very average appearance. Just because he\'d said no to Yang Zhi\'s face did not mean that he wasn\'t going to go to the engagement party of the special ones.

Why on Earth would he give up such a great opportunity to make his move on Ding Weimin?

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