
Chapter 267 There's a secret plan for Lumiere?


(POV: Akashic Records)

After Ruri bid farewell to Kennedy and ventured into the Dragons\' Gate, Kennedy mounted his carriage with Anastasia and made his way towards Ribune, a city in Argentia. It was also where Lumiere and Lucilia, had found solace when they first arrived.

As they approached the city, the carriage came to a halt in front of a magnificent hotel.

Somewhere around the corner, Lumiere was heading back with Lucilia.

"I can\'t believe those guys were crying... Honestly..." Lucilia felt irritated.

With a nervous chuckle, Lumiere told her, "Maybe if you didn\'t insult their appearance, they\'d still have some dignity left..."

"Insult them? I was simply correcting them," Lucilia averted her gaze dramatically. "Hmph! It\'s not my fault that they\'re dirty..."

"Yeah, but calling them \'Dirty pigs\' isn\'t really the best way to yunno... Correct them..."

"Oh yeah? Then what should I have done...? Spoke to them politely like you did?"

"You say that like it\'s a bad thing..."

"It is... You had one chance to make fun of those bratty nobles and you missed it."

"Hah~ I don\'t think insulting Barons and Viscounts would be good for me. I have no enemies, and I\'m honestly not interested in making one."

"Lame... No wonder Stellaria says you\'re boring..."

"What? She does?"

"Eh, I never said that."

Lucilia increased her walking pace.

Lumiere ran after her. "Come back, you definitely just said that!"

"Hm?" Kennedy uttered.

He heard a voice that almost sounded like Lumiere\'s, however, he wasn\'t sure.

Anastasia urged Kennedy, "Come on, let\'s go inside already! I can\'t need to tell him!"

Kennedy chuckled, admiring her boundless enthusiasm.

"Lady Anastasia, please be patient. Whether we hurry or not, we\'ll reach our destination."

Anastasia shrugged, her smile still lingering.

"Fine, take your time."

The moment the two entered the hotel, Anastasia called out, "Father, where are you?"

Viscount Terry Felis Clive, her father, welcomed them from behind his desk in one of the opulent rooms of their suite.

"Oh, there you are, my dear Anastasia," Terry greeted, staring at his daughter with fatherly affection. "And Kennedy, it\'s good to see you too."

Kennedy bowed his head. "The pleasure\'s all mine, my lord."

"How was your outing?"

Anastasia beamed, unable to contain her joy.

"It was wonderful, Father! Lumiere took me shopping, and he even bought me some gorgeous clothes. Then we had breakfast at this fancy restaurant. After that, we went sightseeing and ended the day with Lumiere surprising me with a beautiful gift."

Terry chuckled, delighted by his daughter\'s happiness.

"It sounds like you had a marvelous time, my dear."

Anastasia nodded eagerly.

"Oh, indeed, Father."

Terry turned to Kennedy, acknowledging his presence once more.

"And I presume you had a pleasant day as well?"

Kennedy bowed respectfully.

"Indeed, Viscount. Driving the carriage was an enjoyable experience. I didn\'t realize I had such skill and efficiency with transportation of that manner."

Terry laughed heartily.

"I didn\'t hire you without reason, Kennedy. Your dedication and talent never cease to impress me."

"Thank you, Sir. It\'s an honor to serve you and Lady Anastasia."

Terry sat back in his chair.


"Yes, my lord?"

"I\'ve heard Anastasia\'s side of the story, but I\'m interested to hear your thoughts on Lumiere, Kennedy. What do you think of him?"

Kennedy placed a hand upon his chest and respectfully bowed his head.

"Just as Lady Anastasia said, it was an absolute delight, Viscount. Lumiere proved himself to be a true gentleman, knowing exactly how to treat a lady. What impressed me the most, however, was his ability to handle more than one woman and make each of them feel equally important."

Terry raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "More than one woman?" he questioned.

Kennedy nodded, a faint smile touching his lips.

"Yes, Viscount. Another lady unexpectedly joined the date, which would usually complicate matters. However, Lumiere effortlessly accommodated both women, both financially and emotionally. It was a fun watch."

Terry couldn\'t help but clap his hands together in approval.

"Bravo, Kennedy! That\'s exactly what I wanted to hear. Anastasia, what are your thoughts on Ruri\'s presence?"

Anastasia laughed, partly amused.

"Father, I\'ll admit I was worried at first. I thought Ruri\'s presence would complicate things. But surprisingly, it didn\'t affect the date in any way. Lumiere handled the situation with grace, making all of us feel comfortable and cared for."

Terry stood up from his chair, his face beaming.

"Wonderful! Now, Kennedy, tell me about Lumiere\'s behavior and the way he thinks. Is it in line with Viscount Randolph\'s recommendation?"

Kennedy nodded, his expression grave.

"Yes, my lord. Based on what I\'ve observed so far, Lumiere has a keen sense of what steps to take in any given situation. Even though the date was unplanned, he effortlessly adapted."

"Plus, the idea to commemorate both ladies first dates with a special gift."

"Indeed, my lord."

Terry rubbed his chin thoughtfully.

"I must say, Kennedy, I\'m impressed. It seems Viscount Randolph\'s recommendation holds true. I believe we may have found a worthy suitor for Anastasia as well."

Terry glanced at Anastasia, a knowing smile touching his lips.

"You don\'t seem too bothered about this arranged marriage, my dear. I remember the last time we tried to set you up, you locked yourself in your room for nearly a week," he teased.

Anastasia blushed, a sheepish smile gracing her face.

"Well, Father, this time is different. I actually... I actually like Lumiere," she confessed.

Terry\'s smile widened. "You do? That\'s wonderful news, Anastasia."

Anastasia\'s curiosity got the better of her, and she asked, "Father, what\'s the next step? What should I do now?"

Terry sat back in his chair, looking contemplative.

"For now, my dear, I think it\'d be best for you to continue spending time with Lumiere. However, do keep in mind that the more women he attracts, the less important you might feel," he cautioned.

Anastasia placed a hand over her heart. "That won\'t happen, Father. I\'ll make sure he knows my worth," she vowed.

Terry chuckled, a fond smile on his face. "I have no doubt about that, my dear. Now, go get some rest. I heard there\'s a test tomorrow, and you need all the rest you can get," he suggested.

Anastasia stretched her arms above her head, letting out a yawn.

"You\'re right, Father. I should get to bed early. I want to be fresh and ready for tomorrow," she agreed.

Terry leaned in to plant a gentle kiss on her forehead.

"Sleep well, my dear. I have no doubts that tomorrow will be a success," he whispered.

『The secret plan in the works...』

Randolph and Terry had met at a meeting concerning the aristocrats of Drakoria. There, they got to know each other better.

status, the topic of succession could be raised, asserting him as a superior heir to the throne 11:24

compared to Arthur. While it would require time and effort, this outcome was not impossible.

Viscount Terry learned from Viscount Randolph that Lumiere could become influential in the kingdom if given the right stage. In other words, if he was made an aristocrat. Naturally, it was an easy thing to doubt. However, Viscount Randolph mentioned the Silva Citadel created by Lumiere as evidence. Additionally, Viscount Randolph\'s friendship with Duke Dolselo, the current Duke of Drakoria, meant that helping Lumiere could improve Viscount Terry\'s relationship with the Duke and potentially elevate his nobility status.

However, Viscount Terry wondered how exactly this could be achieved.

Lumiere, the illegitimate child of the king, lacked any claim to inheritance or social importance. However, with the support of a Duke, there was a chance to elevate Lumiere\'s status and gain the backing of Drakoria\'s aristocrats. With Lumiere\'s impressive track record and newfound aristocratic status, the topic of succession could be raised, asserting him as a superior heir to the throne compared to Arthur. While it would require time and effort, this outcome was not impossible.

If Lumiere were to become king, he\'d be obligated to show favor towards those who aided his ascent.

Naturally, it was a gamble, but if that was the case, Anastasia wanted to seal his family\'s name in history by making sure she was betrothed to royalty.

Terry informed his daughter about the change in plans.

Initially, she was supposed to join him at the Delia Viscounty, but after hearing that Lumiere had changed directions to head for the university, it turned out to be even better because Anastasia was already studying there.

The purpose of her presence was to test Lumiere\'s calmness, as Viscount Randolph had suggested.

Which explained why she was so hard on him on their first meeting.

Terry wanted to make sure that Lumiere wasn\'t a barbarian before allowing his daughter to possibly "marry" him.

As expected, Lumiere not only remained calm but also impressed everyone by casually redefining the magic system.

"With such power, he was suited to be the next king..."

This was the starting discussion the next time Terry met with Randolph.

The next step in the plan was for Anastasia to spend some alone time with Lumiere, preferably on a date, and try to make him fall in love with her.

This part of the plan was still being worked on, but it wasn\'t an impossible task.

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