
Chapter 900

Chapter 900

Two weeks later earth shaking news erupted in the Capitol, and to everyone\'s surprise the first people to report it was the Abad News Network.

"I thought the Abads and the Chans were practically family?" Ian heard a woman ask her companion as she pointed at the newly released news on her phone.

Ian had decided to get out of Cedric\'s mansion and hang out in a coffee shop while fully disguised. 

Of course, like in his younger days he decided to go around with as little bodyguards as possible taking his two most trusted. 

He had also borrowed one of the staff\'s cars to go around undetected. He even went the extra mile of coloring his hair and putting on contacts just to look different from normal.

Ian was itching to get out of the Mountain View Mansion, it was beautiful and had everything you could ask for, but he just wanted out.

"Yeah, the Abad\'s only daughter, Anna, married the famous miracle Dr. Miguel Chan!" Her female companion exclaimed before looking around the room.

Despite everyone talking about the rich and the famous, no one wanted to be caught.

Ian secretly hoped that they wouldn\'t lower their voices as he continued to scroll through his laptop that partially hid his face.

He may be out of Mountain View, but that didn\'t mean he didn\'t have to work. 

With the plan against Lucius Ting in full swing, Cedric had asked for his help in ensuring that every aspect of their plan went perfectly.

"They are also good friends with the Sebastians, I mean if you are connected to the president then why would you do this!?" The first woman asked, shocked at how the events had unfolded.

Ian, of course, was not surprised. It took several days for Nicole to convince her grandfather to surrender himself and to admit to his crimes in the past. 

"Maybe he felt guilty and wanted to pay for whatever crime he commited." The second woman guessed as she leaned over and tried to take a look at her friend\'s phone. "Does the article say what he confessed to?"

The other woman shook her head.

"No, it doesn\'t." She scrolled through her phone as she re-read the article, making sure that she didn\'t miss anything out.

Ian knew the plan, the Chans should be heading out of Mountain View now to go over to do a press conference in front of the main Saints Hospital branch in the Capital, he had about ten minutes to spare before he had to go. 

"I\'ll be really disappointed if it was something small like tax evasion or shoplifting." The second woman laughed as she thought of the most disappointing crimes she could think of. 

Of course, what use was this kind of suspense if it were something so small.

As much as Ian wanted to hear more, his bodyguard began to tap him on the shoulder making Ian look around. 

He found the bodyguard with a worried and nervous expression, this only meant one thing.

"I\'ll deal with it." Ian nodded as he took out his phone from his pocket to find fifteen missed calls.

He knew that he shouldn\'t have placed it on silent or at least kept the vibrate on, but he just wanted some peace for a few hours. Just a little time to breath and think on his own without everyone looking over his shouldner.

He quickly called back and after one ring the phone was answered.

"IAN LIM WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU!" Nicole angrily shouted over the phone. Ian could hear her worry seep through the anger. 

He had told no one that he was going out of the mansion grounds except for a few guards and Cedric. Ian assumed that Cedric and Guan Ming had locked themselves in the office again before the plan began.

"I just needed some space, babe. I needed to get out. It\'s too chaotic there right now. Plus I told Cedric." Ian tried his best for his excuse to sound as valid as possible, but he knew that she would be mad at him no matter what he said.

"Did you really have to do that today of all days?!" Nicole questioned as her anger subsided. "You know what is happening in a few minutes, right?" 

Ian looked out of the cafe window and shook his head, of course he knew. He was involved in the planning and was even working until that moment.

"I\'m in the coffee shop across Saints." He told Nicole. "The moment you guys arrive I\'ll just slip in and no one will notice me." 

"Yeah, everyone will just notice your absence." Nicole pointed out.

"Now babe, we both know that the plan is not the reason why you are angry at me." Ian said in a calm voice as he leaned back against his seat.

"Ian. . ." Nicole was at a loss for words, finally she had nothing to answer back to him.

"Babe, I know you\'re worried about me, but can\'t you trust that I can handle myself out here?" He asked. "I have my guards and no one knows who I am. I worked for the Reyes family for years, it\'s my job to make sure that nothing is overlooked."

"You didn\'t even wake me to say you were stepping out." Nicole sounded extremely sad on the phone, making Ian feel like he should have asked for her permission to go out. 

"I would never risk my life so lightly." Ian reminded Nicole. "Now, you should be heading to the car to leave. Miguel\'s plane will be landing at any moment and the media will clog the streets. I\'ll see you later, alright?" 

"Fine, but update me." Nicole said before dropping the call.

Ian laughed as soon as he heard a beep coming from the other end of the line. He was touched by her worry and was glad that she decided to give him a call.

As much as he enjoyed his time alone outside, he knew that he belonged wherever Nicole was.

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