
Chapter 298 - 298 Chapter 298

Inhaling a mouthful of air, he tried to relax himself but still can’t do so. Shaking his head, he leaned against the battlements of the walls and chugged down a mouthful of wine from the jar that was in his hands. “Next up would be the territory to the west… What was his name again…?” he questioned himself but then he caught sight of Baron Husani’s figure then he finally remembered his identity.

The baron who was silently enjoying his wine felt that someone was watching him from somewhere which made him feel uncomfortable. He started looking for the one who was observing him, his eyes scanned the immediate vicinity but what he saw was just orcs who were enjoying the feast and his fellow Ereians huddled together in their own group as they savored the delicacies that were offered by the servants of the castle. His eyes then went towards the walls and he locked gazes with the chieftain who gave him a smile but the smile seemed to be the smile of a devil to the baron. His thoughts went into a haywire and he quickly avoided the gaze of the leader of the orcs who was staring at him and due to his fear for him, he can’t help but overthink.

The next morning, the town was awoken by the sound of hammers and saws as the repair of the town began. The residents of the town were the first ones to be employed to handle the repairs of their own town while the Skallsers with the ogres were sent out to gather the needed materials from the nearby woodlands.

Khao’khen then employed Captain Kertakk and his soldiers to aid in the patrols while he made sure that the Drakhars have their eyes on their families. After hearing that they will be paid with higher wages than what they were normally paid for by their previous master, this somewhat convinced some of them that the current situation isn’t that bad. Although livid that their families were taken hostage to ensure that they don’t cause trouble, the captain and his subordinates were helpless and obliged with their new duties to ensure that safety of their families

After mulling over his thoughts last night, Baron Husani decided that he should be proactive to prove his worth. He went towards the castle and requested for an audience with the chieftain. After waiting for a few moments, he finally met with the one that he feared the most and he was reminded yet again of the pain from losing his other leg.

“So, what do you want to talk to me about?” Khao’khen had his hands behind his head as he leaned against the soft cushion of the chair that he was on. He was swamped with some paperwork and he see the meeting with the baron as a form of rest despite it being possibly just a while. Adhalia who was with him inside what looked like the study of the former owner of the castle was busy going through some reports of the territory of Baron Masud to gain an idea of its current status.

“Chief, allow me to head back to my territory and prepare it for your arrival.” The baron requested and Khao’khen was about to flatly reject his request when Adhalia intervened, “You can just let him be chief… I doubt he would cause any trouble but just to be sure that he behaves… Let’s make half of the Drakhars accompany him.” She suggested as she gave of a grin while staring at the baron as if daring him to cause some trouble. Adhalia had already figured out that Baron Husani was really scared of the chieftain was willing to do everything that he can in order for him not earn the ire of the chief.


Khao’khen turned his head towards Adhalia with confusion, “I think that’s a bad idea… He might have some plans of fortifying his castle to resist us if we let him be with his request.” He spoke in orcish tongue as to keep the baron clueless of what he is saying. “Trust me on this one chief, he is so scared of you that he would do anything just to avoid invoking your wrath.” Adhalia responded and chuckled as she spoke in the tongue of the orcs.

“Are you certain of this?” Khao’khen still had his doubts of the baron’s thoughts, “You can test him if you want…Pretend that you are enraged by his request and let’s see what happens.” Adhalia responded as she crossed her arms over her bountiful chest.

“What right do you have to make a request!?” Khao’khen shouted as loud as he can then stood up abruptly and stormed towards the baron who reeled back in fear while begging for mercy. The baron kept asking for forgiveness and mercy as he groveled on the floor. Khao’khen turned his head towards Adhalia after seeing the response of the baron to his fake outburst and she had the ‘I told you so’ look written all over her face.

Khao’khen then gave off a fake snort of anger, “Make sure that you do as you said or else I am coming for you and make sure that you experience the most painful death possible…” he warned then picked up his chair that had fallen to the ground. “Take half of the Drakhars with you.” Khao’khen continued and the frightened baron kept nodding like a chicken. The baron was still trembling even after he had already gotten out of the room and he was drenched in sweat like he had just gone through a high intensity training. “If we take control of the city of Alsenna then should have already a third of the kingdom in our control.” Khao’khen turned his head towards Adhalia, “Pretty much…” she languidly replied as she continued going through the massive number of reports in front of her in different fields concerning the territory.

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